Moving Home and Rituals

May 24, 2008 3:11pm CST
My partner and I (and a few mates... this could be fun) are moving home in a month or so. We're moving from Wales to Scotland... it's a loooong way for little old me. Random thoughts on this brought me to rituals. My mother always used to get rooms blessed when she moved into a new home. Some people do strange things with doors and windows. So, do you have any rituals, for good luck, for driving out the gremlins (or leaving them where they are), that you do when moving out of an old home or moving into a new one? I've moved home five times as an adult (university digs, it's rare to stay in one place for more than a year). I think the only ritual I really have is one final farewell to each room, as if wishing it a happy little life and dwelling on the things that had happened in that room, and then to the building in general. Nothing fancy...
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