I will be moving again

@TerryZ (22076)
United States
June 13, 2008 2:52pm CST
A couple of days ago I recieved a letter in the mail from my landlord that they will not be renewing my lease. Just because I was late with my rent due to reasons beyond my control. We did talk to him and paid them as much as we could. He said just try and catch up. That was it. If I would have known it I wouldnt had surgeryIhad surgery. Because know I cant help with the packing. The only good news is we think we got a place we put a down payment on it this morning and he will let us know in a couple of days. My lease is up on the 19th. Do you think they will give us some time? Im so upset. I dont have the money for an attorney. We got some boxes so I might just pack a box or two just to make me feel better. I did get a not from my surgeon stating I shouldnt be moving right now. So I will take that to court with me. Any suggestions? thanks Hey this place has a washer and dryer people!LOL
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21 responses
@kareng (56672)
• United States
14 Jun 08
Awww, that's horrible news. I hope you get over the surgery quickly and the landlord will decide to back down. You don't need anymore sress.
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@TerryZ (22076)
• United States
14 Jun 08
thanks but there is no backing down its okay it will work out.
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@kareng (56672)
• United States
14 Jun 08
I hope so for your sake!! How are you feeling?
@carolbee (16230)
• United States
14 Jun 08
I am so sorry you have to deal with this right now after surgery. The landlord only gave you a week to move? That's not much time to pack and leave. Did you show the note from the surgeon to your landlord? If you've been tenants there for awhile, I'd argue it unless you want to move.
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@carolbee (16230)
• United States
14 Jun 08
Good luck with your move and please be careful.
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@TerryZ (22076)
• United States
14 Jun 08
I do want to move because I dont have alot of things here. But not right now. We hopefully got a place so its up to the judge when I get out. It will probably be the end of this month. thanks
@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
13 Jun 08
Sweetheart this is great News and I really hope you find out before I go into Hospital I told you that you would be ok I love you Sweetie you know that and I will be here for you always Sweetie Please be careful with the packing please I love you xxxxx
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@TerryZ (22076)
• United States
14 Jun 08
Hey gabs I only packed one box last night. So Im being very good and I hope I get the new real soon. talk with soon sweetie. Love you
@blackbriar (9076)
• United States
14 Jun 08
There are free legal attorneys that may be able to help you, Terry. If you can't find one in the phone book, just call a lawyer and explain your situation. A decent one will be able to tell you the name of one and even give you their phone number. Heck, I even found one that took payments when I really needed him. I liked him as well and know if I need him again, he will be even more willing to take payments since I was ahead on every payment. What an azz of a landlord to make you move in your condition. Sounds like he's in it for the money alone. Least you found another place and with a washer/dryer at that. No more doing your laundry someplace else. lol
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@TerryZ (22076)
• United States
14 Jun 08
Hey my friend thats what Im going to do. thanks
@Maggiepie (7816)
• United States
13 Jun 08
Terry, I've been in this kind of tight situation myself. There are lawyers who work pro bono (free). See if you have a listing for "Legal Aid" in your directory. I've used them a couple of times, & you might also see if there is some local Landlord Association. Between those 2 things, I think you should be able to beat this. Remember, though, even if you DO "win," if you're not gentle (though FIRM) about it, you could wind up making your landlord (lady?) hacked off at you, & you DON'T want to do that. They can make your life a living hell. THIS I know from horrid experience! Let's send up prayers you can settle this with love & reason. Maggiepie.
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@TerryZ (22076)
• United States
14 Jun 08
Hi Maggiepie I know what your saying but with these landlords all they care about is getting the money we owe and us out of here. Believe me have talked to them to reconsider giving us another years lease. Not happening. But thankyou. Im going to do what you told me.
• United States
14 Jun 08
I am sorry to hear what your landlord is doing for you. You think he'd understand where you just had sugery and all that he'd let you pay up what you could and leave it at that. You needed to have that surgey done it was a neccesity. I am hopeing that everything works out in your favor in the long run and try not to stress out to much. I wish you the best of luck take care.
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@TerryZ (22076)
• United States
14 Jun 08
thanks for your caring words. It will work out.
• United States
15 Jun 08
Terry I know I am late getting to this discussion and I am sorry for that. I have been busy as of late with work. This is a good thing however as it means money :))) I hate so much you are going through this. I am glad you have found a place maybe, and you might have updated your circumstances. If you have I will find it eventually. Please be careful packing you sure do not want to injure yourself and undo what the surgery corrected.
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@TerryZ (22076)
• United States
15 Jun 08
Not a problem!LOL Im evening going to look at another place tomorrow night. Just incase. I helped my hubby pack alittle today but he did most of it. When everything is all done I think it will be a good thing.
• United States
15 Jun 08
I know it will be hard but Don't you pack a thing if you are not suppose to pack! You don't want a relapse.I think the letter from the doctor in court should give you some more time. Good Luck. take care.
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@TerryZ (22076)
• United States
15 Jun 08
Thanks I think so too.LOL Im being good with the packing.LOL
@arkaf61 (10881)
• Canada
15 Jun 08
Oh Terry, you really didn't need that right now. But as you say there's some good news in the middle of all that. I hope you get that other place and everything runs smoothly. Do you have any family or friends close by that can help with the move?
@TerryZ (22076)
• United States
15 Jun 08
Hi arka my family is useless alot of times. They are so wrapped up in their lives I dont even bother to ask them anymore. I hope I get this place too. It would be so much off my mind. Thanks my friend.xxxx
@Rozie37 (15499)
• Turkmenistan
15 Jun 08
I just prayed for you. I am very sorry that you are going through this and at a time when you are not able to do something like this the way you would want to because of your surgery. I do not know much about legal matters, but I would suggest that you go ahead and move and then sue this guy for what he is doing. I would not try to fight while still in his building, unless you are able to halt his judgement and all of the consequences for a time. Some times, when you win cases like this, it does not happen during the time frame that you need it to happen. You do not want to end up without a place to stay, especially, since you just had surgery.
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@TerryZ (22076)
• United States
15 Jun 08
Hi Rozie I know I still cant believe it. Ive already starting packing things up. Im so depressed. I cant wait till this is all behind me. Thanks my dear friend. Hugs!
@mummymo (23706)
14 Jun 08
Terry that is awful! I realise that the law is different there than it is here but they really should have given you more notice and I think it is awful that they didn't give you a chance - if they had planned on this they really should have given you more warning! i wish you every luck on getting the vacate date extended and to be honest am very glad that you have found a new place - I would hate to think you were giving any more money to such a heartless landlord! xxxx
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@TerryZ (22076)
• United States
14 Jun 08
Thanks I just really hope this place will be okay. You just never know. Do you? LOL things will be fine! xxx
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@mummymo (23706)
14 Jun 08
I am sure you will be fine honey! Hugs xxxx
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@moneyandgc (3428)
• United States
13 Jun 08
Oh no! I am sorry this is happening to you. Especially since you just had surgery. I hope your landlord gives you some extra time. I recently posted a discussion that I will be moving too. So we will no longer be New Jersey neighbors come this winter. I will be posting from a land far far away. I truly hope everything works out for you.
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@TerryZ (22076)
• United States
13 Jun 08
No he wont give us time Im pretty sure its up to the judge. I wish you luck in your move. thanks it will work out.
• United States
14 Jun 08
So you are going to have to go to court over it then? That's too bad. And thank you for the well-wishes.
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@chrislotz (8137)
• Canada
13 Jun 08
Sorry to hear about your troubles. But there is always a silver lining in everything and everything happens for a reason. The reason could be that you will move into a better home. And maybe save a little money, hmm. Is this place cheaper or is it going to be a burden for you if it is more? I hope it is cheaper for you. Don't do too much and hurt yourself, either. Good luck with getting the new place.
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@TerryZ (22076)
• United States
14 Jun 08
Thats very true my friend. thanks for your happy words.LOL
@novataylor (6570)
• United States
14 Jun 08
Terry, don't they have to give you 30 days notice, just like you would have to do if you decided to move? Have you looked into the tenant rights in your state? You could find out about them on the net, I'm sure. And you wouldn't need a lawyer either. There should be some kind of arbitration available through the city. Please check into this on the net and see what you might actually be able to do about it. And I think if you're there past the 19th, you would be liable for paying the next month's rent, since you used a part of that month. But I really think that they are legally required to give you 30 days notice, Terry. And don't do any lifting. You could screw yourself up even worse. It's not worth it. I'm so sorry you're in this untenable position. I can only imagine how you must feel. Sweet baby, I hope the very best for you.
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@TerryZ (22076)
• United States
14 Jun 08
Thats what my husband is saying.I did look on the web said nothing about how many days they give you. thankyou so much for your kind words. Im not lifting I promise I dont even have that kind of energry. It will all work out. Hugs!
@wolfie34 (26771)
• United Kingdom
13 Jun 08
Sometimes I think this world is all take take take, you know what I mean, no one seems to have any compassion, everything is money driven, the fact that you have gone through the trauma, worry and incapacitation of your op makes no difference to your landlord, the fact of the matter is he just wants you out, sad world isn't it. This is NOT what you need, you don't need added stress, moving is stressful enough but when you have just come out of a major op. You first concern is your health sweetie and you do not need any added upset on top. Do you have any friends or anyone who could help you, wish I lived closer I would be over in a shot! You know that, sorry I can't be of more help xxx
@TerryZ (22076)
• United States
13 Jun 08
Awwww I know you would. We have friends that will help us move but I still need a couple of weeks. thanks dear friend. Your words meant alot to me. xxx
@howard96h (11640)
• New York, New York
13 Jun 08
Sorry to hear this Terry, you sure don't need this right now. Make some calls because you should have some protection and rights as a tenant. I am sure your landlord knows that you just had surgery, you see how some landlords are, they just don't care, everything is the mighty dollar!
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@TerryZ (22076)
• United States
13 Jun 08
Hey howard I do know how they are now!LOL I will make some calls. thanks friend.
@Grandmaof2 (7579)
• Canada
14 Jun 08
Well you know your health is number one. If you can't pack and move don't do it. Is the landlord big enough he can pick up both you, your hubby and all your friends and family in one arm load, I think not. I just want to cry when I think how our whole world is going to pieces. Sounds like your landlord has too much money, I've seen a lot of greed, the more they get the more they want. You're not God and you can only do so much. Take Care my friend and I'll keep you in my prayers.
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@TerryZ (22076)
• United States
14 Jun 08
thanks for your kind words. What you said is so very true!
@Hatley (163781)
• Garden Grove, California
14 Jun 08
oh terry z thats tough luck on top of your surgery.wow. I do hope you get the place surely your landlord is not so mean he wont give you time to move?wish we mylotters were close enough to help you move. thats such a shame and all I can do is send my best wishes and prayers that everything will come out okay.Please dont overdo. let us know what happens.
@TerryZ (22076)
• United States
14 Jun 08
thanks I will try not to overdo. And I will let you guys know.
@jer31558 (3683)
• United States
13 Jun 08
Hey friend, sorry to hear about the troubles with your current landlord, but it does sound like you are moving to a better place so congrats on that. Hope you get to feeling better soon.
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@TerryZ (22076)
• United States
13 Jun 08
Yes it is a better place now if I can just get better.lOL thanks
• United States
13 Jun 08
hi terryz wish for you a soon recovery :)! i think that was a extremly short notice, and that might be against the law. good luck to you both
@TerryZ (22076)
• United States
13 Jun 08
I think so too. thankyou for your good wishes.