Should Euthanasia be Legal?

June 20, 2008 8:46am CST
Should people have the right to end their own life peacefully?Should they wish to? If animals are put to sleep peacefully when they are suffering,shouldn't it be legal for humans as well? Share your views
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2 responses
• United States
21 Jun 08
ABSOLUTELY! Dr. Kevorkian should be honoured! We put suffereng pets to sleep, so they can find peace and have the pain and suffering over. PEOPLE should have the same rights, for goodness sakes!! Euthanasia is humane. People should ahve the rihgt to ask for help to pass on whe they are ready, should they have a terminal illness and be suffering. If the MD's out there were not keeping terminal patients alive to milk their isurances for all they can get, we would have a better chance to die with dignity!
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• India
20 Jun 08
Hi katherleen, no one can end there life. Because The God given as life, He has the only right to take it back. If it is declared legal, some will take this as their selfish interest. The number of cases will increase in this name. Should not be legal.