what is your dream relationship ?

United States
June 20, 2008 5:54pm CST
do you have a fantastic relationship?! what are your secrets to having it? i would love to know! share them with me
3 responses
• Philippines
20 Jun 08
a healthy relationship. That you have both freedom to express emotions and fellings with each other and has a respect for each other.
• United States
20 Jun 08
Well I've never had a boyfriend and the way that I am going I think I'll probably die an old lady with a bunch of cats. But If I do get a boyfriend I hope that it is a man that is caring. Someone who loves me for who I am, who will treat me like a princess, and who I can trust. I want someone who can also be my best friend and I can tell everything too. Hopefully It happens if not, I'll always have cats or a bunch of guinea pigs. I have one already so all I have to do is start adding more. ^_^
@Shawchert (1094)
• United States
20 Jun 08
This is hard because some flaws are good and some arent. depends all upon the person and how they present themselves, and the flaws they have. I would love to have a man that is compassionate and caring, but not overbearing. I need my space and I know he does too. I want a man who says things even complaints but actually DOES something about those complaints. As far as anything else goes I can't rightly remember, but to have a man who is in love with me but not obsessed would be wonderful, because lately I've had a few men who are obsessed with me... I'm like a toddler's lovey to them....they won't let me go even for a second ; ;... *breaths*