Do you find that you respond to more discussions than start any yourself?

@marina321 (4556)
June 23, 2008 3:49pm CST
Since I have been on myLot, I have found that i tend to respond to discussions than start any myself. When I try to start a new discussion, I tend to forget which one I was going to start or can't find a suitable interest to place it in or my fast paced mind goes blank as some point:) I guess that does not make a good or creative writer but I enjoy responding to discussions and queries from other users. Anyone else feel the same way? Do you tend to reply than start discussions on myLot?
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49 responses
@tdemex (3540)
• United States
23 Jun 08
I pretty much do the same thing,as most of my discussions end up with only 2 or3 responses! LOL! So I mostly respond and I try maybe a couple of discussions a week. But I keep going forward, maybe someday I'll get lucky and start a discussion and get 14 responses, I got my fingers crossed!!!!! tdemex
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• China
24 Jun 08
Hope you will succeed.
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@risris24 (712)
• United States
23 Jun 08
I tend to respond to way more discussions than i start. I have started a few, but to me it seems like i get an idea and then i find that so many others have already started the same or similar discussion.
@marina321 (4556)
24 Jun 08
Yeah that's true.
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@schulzie (4061)
• United States
15 Jul 08
Now that I think about it I think I do respond to more discussions than start them. I think that it is easier to respond to something that is already going rather than sit and try to think of something to write about. I enjoy reading others discussions and then offering advise or opinions. It is a fun way to spend spare time.
@marina321 (4556)
15 Jul 08
yeah, it's like having a good ol' chat in your spare time I do enjoy helping people find answers to their queries too. Happy myLotting!
@luvstochat (6907)
• United States
23 Jun 08
I hardly ever start discussions I would much rather respond to them. I have probaly only started 50 discussions since I started mylot more than 6 months ago. I really like to respond to otheres posts though.
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@marina321 (4556)
24 Jun 08
And what a number of responses you've made!:)
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• Philippines
24 Jun 08
Very same thing happens to me, marina. Also, several times, an idea popped out of my mind, but after checking existing discussions on the topic, it's more practical and easier to simply respond to those instead of starting a new one.
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@marina321 (4556)
26 Jun 08
True that. Thanks for your response:)
• Philippines
26 Jun 08
You're welcome! Thanks to you, too, marina! :-)
• India
24 Jun 08
Yes I find many discussions to respond than to start a new discussion. The ratio will be always more to that of opened discussions than that of a new discussion. Its really fun here to discuss and post in discussions.
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@marina321 (4556)
24 Jun 08
Yes, It's interesting responding to topics on here. To the newbie, welcome to myLot. Just get stuck in.. I am sure many of us have had one or more typos in our posts. Try to copy the post into a spell checker and edit it accordingly for starters. Nonetheless, just reading and learning more here is interesting:)
24 Jun 08
i've already been a mylot member for several weeks,but i'm sorry that i've neither responded to a topic nor started a new one. Maybe because i'm a bit lazy or i'm not confident enough in my English, i always feel hesitated to say some of my ideas or feelings to those topics. Today, i hope, is a good beginning,and i'll try my best to contribute to the development of the forum in the future, and improve my ability to exchange my thoughts with you, friends on the forum.
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@smilyn (2967)
• United States
27 Jun 08
Yes,I too tend to respond to more number of discussions rather than starting new discussions. I feel it very easy. Because to start a new discussion, you have to get an interesting topic. Many times, I feel it easy to respond to others' discussions in the time I think of my own. But I have seen few mylotters who start a new discussion everyday. I do not know how many responses they get and how far they will be successful in it. But may be they feel it easy to start a discussion instead of typing the whole lots of responses...It is a great talent to think about some thing that can interest other people. So they too are doing good job. Since I get very less time to browse, I use it for responding to others' discussions only.
@marina321 (4556)
2 Jul 08
I also wonder how people have a few discussions to start a day.. I tend to respond more too. Thanks for your response:)
@norwexer (149)
• Canada
26 Jun 08
Always, I find that other people in general have already start the discussion that I wanted to start LOL. I do so enjoy these discussions and I can be quite happy responding to others, and the ones I do start I enjoy just the same. I find this site to be very enjoyable and thought provoking.
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@marina321 (4556)
27 Jun 08
yes, it's great fun and I've learnt a thing or two from it. Thanks for your response:)
@walijo2008 (4644)
• United States
24 Jun 08
Yes, I tend to reply to discussions more than starting them. I've started a few discussions and most of them didn't do too good, I think I have one that didn't get any responses, and the others have 4 or 5. I just can't seem to start anything thats of interest to people for some reason. I don't know what to write I think I'd just rather respond to them instead.
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@marina321 (4556)
26 Jun 08
yeah, I do have one with zero responses too; kinda puts you off but then again maybe not to many's interest and have noticed some interests get more attention here.. Thanks for your response:)
@leateagee (3667)
• China
26 Jun 08
Yes, I do. Its just most of the myLotters has gotten my idea already. I usually search first before I start a discussion because I don't want to have the same post with the others. I have started a few with the same post way back...a year or two years ago, I didn't feel good having the same topic. So I search firts before I start again. If I have no idea, I'd rather respond than start. Take care =)
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@marina321 (4556)
27 Jun 08
Yeah, great idea to search first. I think I started one that had already been answered and I hadn't checked first:) Thanks for your response
@baileycows (3665)
• United States
24 Jun 08
yes, I do this all the time. I find it easier to respond instead of thinking of something to talk about.
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@marina321 (4556)
26 Jun 08
same here. Thanks for the response
@ShellyB (5241)
• United States
24 Jun 08
I am leaving more comments vs that one topic that I started. My heart is not in it right now and I am still learning my way in here.
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@marina321 (4556)
26 Jun 08
I tend to enjoy responding more..Thanks for the response:)
• United States
2 Jul 08
This is my third day on here and so far I have been responding to a lot more discussions then I start. I have started a couple but no one had responded to so. I think that I am in the same boat as you. I mean I want to start a new discussion but when I try and do it I end up like messing it up or just blank out.
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@marina321 (4556)
6 Jul 08
Will take some time and not to worry, happens to most of us. Looking at your 7 star rating, you're not doing bad at all for a few days here. Welcome to myLot and Happy myLotting!:)
@akrockz (306)
• India
15 Jul 08
yeah its natural marina321.. we are eager to respond to others' queries rather than to start on their own.. i too have responded more than i have started.. do u think more discussions we start more money we earn.. is tat true? or responding to others makes so?
@marina321 (4556)
15 Jul 08
Not entirely sure about that but if you look at the myLot FAQ, the answer lies within I think
@rmuxagirl (7548)
• United States
24 Jun 08
I do find that I respond more to discussions. I like talking in different discussions, and many of the ones that I respond in are ones that I would have started myself, so there is no point in having more than one of the same discussions.
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@marina321 (4556)
26 Jun 08
yeah, that's true.. Thanks for your response:)
@twallace (2675)
• United States
24 Jun 08
When I first started I tried creating discussions and found that it was not that easy. The most that I have ever gotten in comments were 7. Then when I did think of something go to discussion I was not online. So I started writing them down and have created a file just for my lot discussion. But I don't use it when I come. I spend most of my time commenting to discussion. I will have to try and start discussion some cause what is the use of having the file of discussions and don't use them. But i comment more than anything though.
@marina321 (4556)
26 Jun 08
Very organised.. Thanks for the response:)
@Cocoa33 (921)
• United States
24 Jun 08
i do. when i get on here i see alot of discussion that are interesting. i forget about starting any discussions. i quickly get involved in answering the discussions.
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@marina321 (4556)
26 Jun 08
same here. Thanks for your response:)
@snowy22315 (171915)
• United States
24 Jun 08
I definitely answer more discussions than I start. Some of my discussions only have one or two responses; so it's kind of embarassing to start a discussion no one is really inteerested in. Besides it's usually easy just to answer.
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@marina321 (4556)
26 Jun 08
yup, I do have one of those ones with 0 responses! Thanks for your response:)
• India
24 Jun 08
ya i do.even i have replied to discussions more than i have created..there are only three to four discussions u have created.... but i enjoy more replying to discussions....
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@marina321 (4556)
26 Jun 08
Thanks for the response:)
@Muelitz (1592)
• Canada
24 Jun 08
It is hard to think of an original discussion. If you start one, chances are it has already been asked ages ago. So the tendency is to just respond to an existing discussion and contribute what you know about a topic. I would give more time to starting a discussion if it could rack up more points than replying.
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@marina321 (4556)
15 Jul 08
I think you could indeed rack up more points from starting a discussion if it's a good one and enough people respond to it! Thanks for your response