Growing children.

United States
June 26, 2008 11:30am CST
My children are getting older and getting ready to move out how do you deal with the mixed emotions. I am happy they are well adjusted and I feel they are ready to move on but how will I feel when I do not see them on a daily basis? Will they remember to brush their teeth and put on clean underware? Who will know if they are safe or miss them if they are not home in the morning?
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5 responses
• United States
26 Jun 08
Find something you LOVE to do and concentrate on it. It helps! Also, you raised them to grown and have families of their own one day! And then YOU can one day enjoy watching them educate and gets interesting over time! One day there will be weddings and grandchildren to keep "grandma" entertained! Life is a journey and they are HUNGRY to try new things! You raise them great! Keep a great relationship with them and enjoy watching them, the same way you did when they were home! They still love you! WOO-HOO! Think of the money you'll have now. A bit more than when they were home. Check the adult class offerings at the local community college, etc..and take one! Meet new friends! This can also be a liberating time for you! (They don't want to see you sad!)
• United States
26 Jun 08
Thank you for your reply. It is a good feeling they are growing up but at the same time it is very worrisome as it really is a big world out there and I cannot protect them against everything.
@bmorehouse1 (1028)
• United States
12 Jul 08
All three of my children are grown now. I cried when each of them left. The last one was the hardest to deal with. He and I are very close since his Dad and I divorced. We were best friends (and I like to think still are). When he moved away to go to college I cried for days. It felt like someone had punched me in the stomach and cut off my arm at the same time. It was a gradual thing, but now I am fine and he is doing fine. That was three years ago. You just have to learn to concentrate on other things and get involved in other activities. All mothers go through it and we all survive. You have to remember also that we all moved away when we were teens and probably all made mistakes, but here we are and if we didn't brush our teeth or change our underwear or whatever, its wasn't a major life threatening decision. All teens have to spread their wings and mom can't be there for them every day. Its the way of nature.
@lajaded1 (96)
• United States
26 Jun 08
when my children were ready to move i was nervous too i also wondered if they could really make it with out me but they showed me that they could and i know that i raised them to do the right thing they are very intelligent when each of them made their decisions i stood by them . i have to admit that i missed them but you got to let your little birds learn how to fly! and fyi they never really leave home i see my kids all the time i hear from them every day! i love my children and i am very proud of them. so have faith in how you raised them and enjoy your life!there are added bonuses to having no birds in the nest its called peace and quiet except when the grandchildren visit!!!!
@cbreeze (1205)
• United States
7 Jul 08
To reiterate some other comments, have confidence that you did your job well. Just like they are embarking on a new chapter in their lives so are you. It's a beautiful thing. I remember driving to work one day and thinking about my children moving out. I literally started crying. I thought "okay...I need help!" LOL. That day, I changed my attitude and started the process of letting go. I started imagining them successfully in their own homes. They all still live at home and I now look forward to them moving out. I want to visit them in their home. I want them to have families. I want grandchildren. I want to enjoy that next chapter of my life.
• India
27 Jun 08
This is the good question for not only underwear but also problem with what they are eating how they are cooking I feel better to train them before they do go outside we should not feel about their going out side it is for better sake