Do you let your children see you naked?

Do you show your naked body? - As a parent, do your children see you without clothes?
June 27, 2008 1:05am CST
I grew up in a house where adults always kept covered. I never saw an adult naked until I was an adult myself!Now, with my own family I am quite open about my body because I am not ashamed of it. My children have seen me naked and are used to it now so that if they have to get something from the bathroom while I am having a shower they do not bat an eyelid. What are the 'naked' rules in your household and why?
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22 responses
@msedge (4011)
• United States
1 Jul 08
My daughter and i are very close to each other.Eversince she was a kid she always go with me everywhere including when i use the toilet and taking shower.So what happened was we will take shower together so she can see me naked and even until now that she had grown she sometimes take shower with me.
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@msedge (4011)
• United States
11 Jul 08
Yes thats what make our relationship,wonderful.We are very close to each other.
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• Australia
16 Jul 08
Yes, i totally agree with what madebyrobyn is saying. My son is the same, he sees both myself and my partner naked. We are very open in this house, i don't see the point in hiding our bodies. I guess there may come an age where it wont happen, but my son is only 20 months old so i have no issue with being naked in front of him.
@carlaabt (3504)
• United States
29 Jun 08
My son is only 2.5, and he sees me naked fairly often. If he's up when I take a shower, I leave the bathroom door open, and he comes in and out as he pleases. This is especially important if my husband isn't home! My son also sees my husband naked, even more often, because he is almost always up when my husband is showering, and he goes in and out of the bathroom then, too. We don't just walk around our house naked, though. Just in the bathroom or bedroom. As he gets older, I will probably start closing the bathroom door, but for now, this is what works for our family.
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• Australia
1 Jul 08
It is all about what works in your family. - thanks for sharing
@Gemmygirl1 (2867)
• Australia
29 Jun 08
My partner isn't overly keen on our daughter seeing him naked but i am ok with that - my daughter doesn't like to bath (she freaks out) so we shower together (she's just turned 2) & she doesn't bat an eyelid - she just squats on the floor & plays with her toys - i wash her & myself & when we're done i dry her off & get her ready before myself etc. I don't think a naked body is anything to be ashamed of & eventually they're going to ask questions etc so if you keep it as open as possible, then i think it will make life a lot easier. I haven't got any rules as such, i think you should just go with what you're comfortable with & leave it at that!
• Australia
1 Jul 08
It is all about what you are comfortable with - if you want to share this ability in being comfortable in your own skin it is great! Children will pick up your insecurities too so it is great if you can let go of them to educate your child about how wonderful the human body is regardless of size, ethnicity or shape
@sk66rc (4250)
• United States
1 Jul 08
There's no spoken "naked rules" but with my daughter growing up, I think she's starting to be little shy around me about being naked so I try to give her a space... She's known my girl friend since she was 2 so she thinks of her as mom & vise versa, girl friend thinks of my daughter as her won as well... They both saw each other naked & doesn't seem to bother them...
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• Australia
1 Jul 08
All the adults in my household all keep covered and dont show off anything ever,thats what we are all used too,if it were to change i think that we would all freak. My husband and i see each other and thats it. The kiddies run around half naked or fully at times after baths and showers or even when looking for clothes.
• India
27 Jun 08
no, I am pretty conservative this way and so is my husband. Our only child is 8yr old and we don’t want him to see us naked. For one, I don’t want him to get the idea that its OK to roam around naked and if you do it at home and get habituated to it, you might do it outside too. By this I don’t mean that he would roam the street naked but suppose he’s staying at a friends place or with friends in a hotel and just out of habit he’s not careful and starts roaming naked…it wont be acceptable NO. secondly, nakedness gives you ideas. I mean maybe my son is studying and I am bathing and my hubby comes into the bathroom and we may have ideas for something short and quick and in walks my son…OMG I would not want to put ideas into his head. And if he can come in while I am bathing why cant Daddy?
27 Jun 08
Yes. I have a five year old daughter and we take baths together, get dressed together..
• Australia
27 Jun 08
I am glad you are open about your body to her - you will teach her good self esteem and confidence about herself. If only my kids and I all fit in the bath together still - they are all getting too big too fast!
@surveygrrl (1270)
• United States
27 Jun 08
Naked My kids have seen me naked because most of the time it is just me and them here at home. No nakedness outside. Our main rule, besides that my daughter is potty training, is everyone must wear underwear. I mainly do that because of germs.
@cupid74 (11388)
• Pakistan
1 Jul 08
Hmmmmm here covered up rules as no one roam naked here
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@p1kef1sh (45681)
29 Jun 08
I am completely bemused as to why people should be concerned that they are seen naked by their children. I wouldn't say that we have encouraged our daughter to see us naked, she just has. We do knock on the bathroom door when there is someone in there, but if they say yes then in we come. If they say no, then we don't. I should point out the our daughter is now 19.
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@muralirv (572)
• India
27 Jun 08
i have not seen anyone naked.Because am a bachelor.may be in other 3 years this might happen.i like to be naked only in my where else.
• Australia
1 Jul 08
I think you may have missed the point of this discussion - it is in the parenting section and all.
@muralirv (572)
• India
8 Jul 08
ok got it
@guybrush (4658)
• Australia
29 Jun 08
I was brought up in a family where nobody walked around naked, and we didn't walk around naked in front of our four children, either. We didn't have any rules about it - I think everyone just had modest personalities. Even now, if my adult daughters are visiting and they walk in when I'm getting dressed, they turn their backs and keep talking to me.
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• United States
27 Jun 08
My husband comes in when I am naked and my daughter does. My boys do not they will wait because they are to old and think its gross to see mom naked. When they were younger they were pretty open about it.I have been teaching my daughter not to go in the bathroom when the boys are in there because the men in my house are not comfortable with this. I went over to my mom's one day and she was putting clothes in the washer naked. She said I always do this now. I thought good for you why not be free.......
@soulist (2985)
• United States
13 Sep 11
I don't have any children, but I would not allow my children to see me naked. That would be an awkward feeling for both of us. I never seen my mom naked until I got older and would sit with her while she took a bubble bath and talk about my day and well boys. Im takling when I was in my 20s and really needed to talk to my mom before work or something.
@rsa101 (38008)
• Philippines
16 Jul 08
That is pretty much okay with my family we do not hide anything from my son as he is just 6 years old. He doesn't mind it at all that we see each other naked there is no malice in him yet. But, I have the feeling that there will come a time that he will feel conscious about his body in the near future. I guess by then its time to also respect that change.
@buldwgz (1489)
• United States
28 Jun 08
Um, no, Madebyrobyn, no one sees me in my house naked except my wife. When I was growing up I had two brothers and our father always walked around the house naked. Sometimes he would wear shoes. It was horrible! I mean, HORRIBLE. No child should be subject to that. Believe me, you will scar your children forever! I still shudder thinking about it. I will probably have nightmares, thanks...LOL.
@bevvy22 (279)
• United States
28 Jun 08
Adults should be kept covered. My children are teenagers now and they do not need to be seeing what they are going to look like in 20 years.
@aseretdd (13730)
• Philippines
27 Jun 08
There are no naked rules in my apartment... there are only the two of us living there... and everytime i take a shower... i leave the door open so that i can always see what my two year old is doing... or she can always see where i am... i live in a no naked house just like you... and that rule cannot be applied to my current home...
• Australia
27 Jun 08
It is important to let your children see that you are comfortable with your own body - I see no issue with you leaving your door open when you have a shower etc. For safety reasons I also see why you would have to keep an eye on a cheeky 2 year old!
17 Jul 08
I would often sit int eh bathroom while my mum was in the bath, it was our girly chats. I was about 19 when I would do this. i think this helped bring me and my mum closer together. We would often dress in front of each other but I felt embarrassed about her seeing mine but wouldnt have the heart to ask her to step out while I got dressed. I wouldnt have any problems about my children (when i have them) seeing me naked. Its a natural part of life, something they will experience and learn about.