Would you Prefer to Know the Baby's Gender?

Ultrasound - 3d
@Muelitz (1592)
June 29, 2008 3:52pm CST
If you or your wife if you are a man (LOL) is pregnant. Would you like to know the gender of the baby before it is born? Or would you wait and get surprised when the baby is delivered?Lets face it, we want to prepare as early as possible. We want to buy things for the baby. What if you bought pink colored toys and dresses only to find out you had a baby boy. LOL.
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37 responses
@littleowl (7157)
29 Jun 08
Hi Muelitz no I wouldn't want to know my babys gender before its born I prefer to wait for the surprise-when I had my two children I waited til they were born and have been blessed with a boy and girl-your friend littleowl
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@carlaabt (3504)
• United States
29 Jun 08
We found out as soon as we could with my toddler, and we will with this next baby, too. Or we will at least try! It made it so much easier to buy things for my son, knowing that he was a boy before he was born. With this next baby, if it's going to be a girl, I won't have to get out all of my son's clothes. I will also want to save more money before she's born, and buy her a few dresses and pink sleepers, etc. If it's a boy, he will wear a lot more of what my 2 year old wore. We still have almost all of his stuff from when he was a baby, except the stuff that was torn or really worn.
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• United States
29 Jun 08
Im five months pregnant, my hubby and i were supposed to find out last month if we were having a boy or girl but due to insurance we couldnt have the sonogram soooooo we have to wait till this month. July we will find out what we are having...its important for us to know because i have a son already and i saved everything from his newborn age group till he was about two because i wanted to have another child. Because times are tough we would like to know early what we are having so we can be fully prepared when the baby comes. Likewise when i had my son, his father was not involved at all and i had to know what the baby was as a single mom i needed to know what i was having so i could be prepared. I got book and read about how to care for a boy because we have no boys in our family just girls..lol so just like now i wanted to make sure that i was completely prepared for what i was having.
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@rup011 (725)
• Germany
29 Jun 08
I would not like to wait. The gender of the baby would not bother me but I would be excited to know, since that way it would be possible for me to have a better imagination of my baby. I could give it a name. Yah it would definitely help in buying stuffs for the baby.
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@agihcam (1914)
• Philippines
30 Jun 08
All of our four kids undergone ultrasound process just to make that they have a good conditions inside their mothers womb. The gender is secondary but it is necessary for me since we need to bought dress for the baby. Yet, we can buy white dress so it can applicable for both boys and girls baby. Since ultrasound is 99 % reliable, we preferred to bought a white fair of dress for our babies so as to anticipate the error of the technology, glad that it was all correct.
• United States
30 Jun 08
I would definitely be excited either both ways. Though it's better to know before hand because then you can set up everything and be prepared.
@qhwater (392)
• China
6 Jul 08
i do prefer toknow the baby's gender before he/she is born. after knowing baby's gender, i can give him/her nickname and talk to him/her everyday. and also i can prepare the relevant things (cloths, tools, etc) based on the baby's gender. but in our hospital, it is not allowed to know the baby's gender before they are born. doctors will not tell you, either.
@kenari (53)
• Malaysia
1 Jul 08
For me & my husband, we prefer to be surprised.
• India
30 Jun 08
no!, i would rather like a surprise, but in either case i would be equally happy
@alexsis (2149)
• United States
30 Jun 08
When I was pregnant with my daughter I wanted to know the gender. I wanted to know so I could let everyone else know so they can pick out the right color. I also wanted to know so I could pick a name before she came out. I don't like being in suspense, thats enough I was in suspense for 5 months.
@irishidid (8687)
• United States
30 Jun 08
I wouldn't have minded knowing. I only knew my son's gender before he was born. My girls were more modest. LOL
@gemini_rose (16264)
30 Jun 08
When I had my first child, there was none of that finding out the gender thing. When I got pregnant with my second child it had just come in and I was able to find out the gender of it. I have had four children and I have found out the babys gender with three of them. I could not help myself, I could know, so I had to know!
@trell8402 (274)
• United States
30 Jun 08
I, personally, would want to know. I can't wait for anything! LOL!! When I know I'm supposed to find out anything or do anything, I can't wait.
• United States
6 Jul 08
Back in the day when I was pregnant very few people knew ahead of time what they were having (my children are 27 and 23). I never had an amniocentesis or ultrasound during either of my pregnancies. At that time it was just not something that was done routinely. Given the choice....I think I would still wait until they were born to see if we were having a boy or girl. As it turned out we ended up having one of each. That element of suprise...not knowing until birth....so worth it for me.
• United States
2 Jul 08
When i was pregnant with all three of my children i wanted to know because it was just easier for me to plan and buy a head of time. Yes it might of been a nice surprise to wait but i don't like to wait for those kind of things. Everyone has there own opinion and that is fine.
@ravinskye (8237)
• United States
30 Jun 08
i wanted to know with mine. i wanted to be able to buy little things and know that i could buy pink because i was a girl or buy blue because it was a boy. but since our area doesn't have the 3D machines like most, it was hard to tell. with my first one they said they couldn't tell. so needless to say she wore a lot of yellow and green the first few months lol. then with my second one they said they thought it was a girl but they weren't sure. well she got lucky we already had tons of pink. with my third they were able to tell it was a boy. so luckily my sister had just had a boy 6 months before and gave me all her clothes to use.
@walijo2008 (4644)
• United States
30 Jun 08
I think I would want to know. So that way I would know what to buy for the baby. Sometimes tho, they do make mistakes on the ultrasound, make sure they know for sure what the baby is. I have a friend that had an ultrasound done when she was pregnant, and they told her it was a girl, for sure. Well they went and bought all girl clothes, everything was pink, even the nursery was set up for a girl, so when she had the baby, out came a boy..haha. Yep, a boy, she couldn't believe it, she said they didn't know what to do, they had already taken the tags off all the clothes, and the nursery was pink...Thats why I said, make sure you know for sure...Everything worked out tho, they fixed it all.
• India
30 Jun 08
I don't want to know the baby gender, whatever I will be very happy to accapt with my child, when I was heard my child gender, it was surprised to me, I was very happy that I got boy, either it may girl I Will be the same happiness, we are not responsible for that, it's god gift.
@SwtJenlove (1090)
• United States
30 Jun 08
i wanted to know with all of mine so i knew what i could buy. i dont like waiting lol thats just me
• United States
30 Jun 08
With my first they wouldn't tell me what I was having because they couldn't get a clear picture but I KNEW it was a girl and of course, it was a little girl. With my second my instincts never kicked in, I was completely clueless but they told me it was a girl and they were right. I would rather know the gender ahead of time. It makes the preparing process a lot easier.
30 Jun 08
I would want to know! I hate secrets! And I would want to go shopping for all the baby stuff and you have to know what color to buy! Also I would like to know as soon as possible, the sooner the better!