what according to you is the worst disease and how can we fight it?

@coolnash (110)
July 1, 2008 8:46am CST
Aids,cancer still without cure...do u know more?what can we do to fight those?
7 responses
@howard96h (11640)
• New York, New York
1 Jul 08
AIDS has to be the worst disease both physically and mentally. Yes there are many other serious diseases but you have a chance of receiving treatment and going into remission and sometimes be cured of the disease.
• India
1 Jul 08
I am going to surprise naming a disease that is not curable, though it is not that harmful as aids or cancer. But it is quite disturbing. you know what it is? it is common cold; there is no proper cure for it. What we think as cure, they are symptom suppressors! Surprised? ask a doctor.
@eXxodus (204)
• United States
1 Jul 08
I'd say that either diabetes or AIDS is the worst in my opinion. Cancer doesn't have a definitive cure, sure, but there are a myriad of treatments available for those who suffer. This makes cancer not on the top of my list, but it's very high up there, still. AIDS and diabetes have fewer types of treatments, and I think more time/money should be devoted to finding an alternative to daily insulin shots for diabetics. And on a more philosophical note, the disease of sensationalism that has been sweeping the United States, especially transmitted through the media, has distorted out view of the world around us in a way that is purely despicable.
@realgem1 (260)
• India
1 Jul 08
I would think any disease that spoils yours mind is a worst disease. you know using your mind you can cure any disease but if you have disease in your mind then thats worst as you dont have options.
@spalladino (17891)
• United States
1 Jul 08
Juvenile diabetes is my family's personal worst disease. My husband's granddaughter is 17 and has had it for several years. It's hard to watch her in pain from the arthritis that this disease has caused, it's hard to watch her give herself so many shots each day, it's hard getting the phone calls from her mom that she's in the hospital again because her ketones are so out of wack, it's hard hearing her talk about never having children because she wouldn't want to pass this disease on to her child and knowing how much she would love to have a family of her own some day. Mostly, it's hard not knowing how long she will live.
• Philippines
1 Jul 08
for me cancer is the worst disease, doctors dont even know the exact reason why people develop the cancer in body. So prevention is not a guarantee. People has the high risk of developing if its in the family bloodline. AS of now the best thing that we can do to fight it is to have a clean living, not only with our health but with our environment also.
• United States
1 Jul 08
I agree, cancer and AIDS, to me, are the worse? Instead of fighting them after we get them, I think preventing getting them in the first place is most important! We need to look at our lifestyles and educate! Other..once they are gotten, I think I would take a chance on NAturopathy over traditional allopathic medicine. There are MD's called Anthroposophic doctors that ARE regular doctors, but have had more training to use herbs and homeopathy. I wouls try them? (At wwww. PAAM.net) Whan my three kids had asthma and were in hospital all the time, it only took one of those MD's a year to cure them. They have not had to go back in since and have had no symptoms. So.if I had cancer or AIDS, now they'd be the first place I would go!