Do you have one type of music you listen too?

@freedomg (1684)
United States
July 2, 2008 1:14pm CST
My brother jokes that I'm a schizophrenic music lover because I listen to so many types of music. How about you?
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7 responses
@jashley1 (746)
• United States
2 Jul 08
Hello freedomg, I really love smooth jazz! It's just so calming and helps me to really relax and just enjoy life! I also listen to different types of contemporary gospel. Really I like a lot of different type of music though - I like the really old school R & B - like Whitney Houston back in the day... you know the music where it was not explicit and all nasty verbage - but just truly romantic love songs.
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@freedomg (1684)
• United States
2 Jul 08
Yeah I love a lot of the older ones that got their point across with out having to use all of the nasty words. I love Peggy Lee's "Fever"
@freedomg (1684)
• United States
2 Jul 08
I know she's not jazz but I had to throw her in there. I do like the old jazz too.
• Philippines
2 Jul 08
lols o sometiems do that as well putting a labeled genre that is way different from what it is...i even have songs that i labels unknown genre...lols
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@holbstep (31)
• United States
2 Jul 08
I am a music major and I tend to judge songs on their individual merit, not their genre. It is like comparing apples to oranges. I love everything from Classical, Alternative, Funk, R&B, Punk, Jazz, and yes, God forbid, some Country. I think it is healthy to diversify.
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@freedomg (1684)
• United States
3 Jul 08
Very cool. It's cool to have a student of music in this discussion.
• United States
3 Jul 08
Glad to be here. I'm new but I'm loving it.
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@greysfreak (1384)
• United States
3 Jul 08
I am definitely the same way with music! If you were to look at my i-tunes library or my cd collection you would think I had multiple personalities. Actually, sometimes I think I do. LOL The only kind I have never liked is rap. Other than that I am a hardcore music lover who one minute might be listening to punk, then country, then pop, etc.. I do have my favorites, but for the most part I just love music so much. I used to not tell people this because some people are so judgemental, I mean, like for example; when I was 13 I got really into Marilyn Manson, and other music like that.. but around the same time is also when I fell hard for Hanson! LOL That is something that not many people are going to admit, but I am to the point where I just like what I like, and what other people think, well, that is their problem.
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@freedomg (1684)
• United States
3 Jul 08
Hey as a member of the S.M.L.A. stand proud in your conflicting music choices.
• United States
2 Jul 08
Well then I guess I am also a schizophrenic music lover too. We should start some sort of club or something. I listen to any kind of music and I just love music. My main things are Hip Hop, Rock and Pop. But I listen to everything, country, alternative, spanish music. But I think it's cool to have so many taste in music like that.
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@freedomg (1684)
• United States
2 Jul 08
Yay! Schizophrenic Music Lovers of America unite!S.M.L.A.
@snowy22315 (172021)
• United States
4 Jul 08
I generally listen to rock music. my favorite era is the 80's but I will listen to country,classical,folk, blues christian etc. I dont necessarily buy these but they are often on the radio when I am traveling around. I like music.
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@ch88ss (2271)
• United States
4 Jul 08
yes, soft music. or country music I don't like anything too loud and rpa is the hardest for me to enjoy.
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@freedomg (1684)
• United States
4 Jul 08
Thank you for your reply. Rap is deffinatly one that I would consider an acquired taste. I personally can only listen to it when I'm in the right mood, but do have a few favorites.
@petiksmode (2983)
• Philippines
2 Jul 08
i dont stick to one type of music...but for me i listen to several types this includes RnB, pop, dance, alternative, raggae and ven techno music... i have different playlisy and listen to different types according to my mood..
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