
July 3, 2008 7:59am CST
Why does some people like to fight? why does some people like to see other people in pain? is this enjoyable?
4 responses
3 Jul 08
Hello Johar_ahmad, In this day and age people have no control of their anger, everyone seems to be aggresive and nobody talk and listen to one another anymore or care, it is very sad they don't care about how they hurt you they just do. Its a sad fact, but we must try and not think of that as long as we love ours friends and families. Regards Tamarafireheart.
• Malaysia
6 Jul 08
i only want to live in a peace and harmony world, where there no riots, gansterim, politicals and etc. maybe this only exist in a place call "Dream". Peace to Everyone
@ellijah (244)
• Nigeria
6 Jul 08
i believe that people who fight are ignorant. god said that we should not fight ourselves. people that love to see others in pain are bad. they should give their lives to god so that he will change their mind for good.
@zeroflashx2 (2491)
• Philippines
3 Jul 08
I for one, do not like fighting. It's not pretty to see people going at it all bloody and such. However, almost all of us, do encounter fights as we go along. Sometimes, it's inevitable. Senseless fights over something not worth it isn't viable. However, at some point in our lives, we may fight for something we believe in and someone/something we want to protect. At that point, we give it our best. Sometimes, we fight to survive.
@ifglan (1152)
• China
3 Jul 08
People like compare. Close friends seldom act in this way. Only the some who is very bored and jealous will laugh at others in pain.Some are faithful on face but evil in heart,that person is really snaky.Mainly because they hate others to be better than themselves.