Any work at home "legit jobs" out there

United States
July 3, 2008 11:21am CST
Any one know of true work at home legitimate jobs out there. I am a single mom and the idea of working a second job outside of the home is just crazy. I was doing Website design and freelance work, but many of the freelancers are from other countries and bidding very low rates. It isn't worth it for me to write a Java based website for $5 dollars an hour. Please if anyone knows of anything please let me know. I dont mind working for $5 an hour but not on Java, maybe data entry or phone calls.
3 responses
• Australia
24 Jul 08
Hi you may wish to set yourself up as a virtual assistant and join a VA network and find clients that way, and through many other avenues too, but I personally steer clear from those freelance sites where you have to bid for work. I would never work for $5 an hour (but I don't know what country you are in). I've been a virtual assistant for 5 years working from home and would never work any other way. A VA is an independent contractor self employed doing a myriad of administrative work for businesses and indivduals, all from home. You have a great niche area in which you can make a lot of money I'm sure. Check out The VA industry is booming worldwide as more people are finding out the benefits of using the services of a VA. Hope I've helped. Kind regards, Sandra
• United States
3 Jul 08
You absolutely can't do any work outside of the home? In that case, you should check out becoming a freelance writer, perhaps. I'm not talking about working for Helium or eLance, I'm talking about looking on websites and in books such as Writer's Digests, and contacting print magazines and newspapers to write for them. If you can break into the business, it can become a fairly lucrative deal- at least a lot better than $5 an hour if you're good. It takes time and research, though, so you'd have to be prepared for that.
@rovian (1924)
• United States
3 Jul 08
I know of something that is not a job, but a nice way to earn a few bucks, which I can show you if you're interested in taking a look. You could make around $20 - $30 each month or more, it just depends on the amount of time and work you spend.