building of a new churhc

July 7, 2008 4:00pm CST
My church is building an addition to it, and they are asking all the parishoners to donate money to help in doing this. I agree that we should help out in building of the church becuase we all use it on a regular basis. BUt what i odnt agree to is how much money they are asking each person to give to it. They are asking everyone to donate 5% of how much they make a year and personally with the way the economy is that that is a lot of money to ask the people to donate to.
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1 response
• Canada
7 Jul 08
I don't tink it is right for a church to ask someone for a specific amount, or percentage. I think it is only fair to ask people to do their best and give what they CAN. I totally agree with you about the ecconomy.
7 Jul 08
That is what I thought as well. In my opinion people give money to the church weekly, my family gives 20$ a week so that is 80$ a month and they wnated more from us, and that really bothers me. NO matter what people make how does the church not know that they are just getting by on what they have and they want more money from the parisoners.