why do people always associate you with your past

United States
July 8, 2008 5:49pm CST
why must you be the person you once was in past? if you have grown and not the same person you used to be. why do people always associate you with your past why cant you be a new person?
4 responses
@taface412 (3175)
• United States
8 Jul 08
Well no matter the past it is a part of you. SO do not look at it as a weakness...and never run from it. It will catch you no matter what. I admit all my wrongdoings and I build from them. If you learn from it it was worthwhile, if you try to deny it you will repeat it. Also, I look at life this way. If I own my life, my life does not own me. Plus, if people cannot accept the new improved version then it is their loss. Because they do not realize people change. I love deep thoughts. LOL
• United States
8 Jul 08
you are so right i do own my life and i am improving it everyday
@taface412 (3175)
• United States
9 Jul 08
That's the way to think....after all if you do not love and accept yourself who will? Don't get me wrong I have "I hate my life moments" at times, but then I realize how far I have come.
• Philippines
8 Jul 08
People know you because of your past and you can't change it even if you are already a new person. The best thing you can do is to try to build your new life and show it to other people. Prove to them that you are not the same person that they have known before.
@foxyfire33 (10005)
• United States
8 Jul 08
I'm not sure if I can explain it right...the people who do the changing have an easier time noticing changes. The people who aren't changing can't see the changes. So if you have changed, those around you are still going to see you as the old you because they can't see how much you've really changed. They are stuck seeing only who you used to be. I know I've been there and still am there in ways. It is so frustrating and I never know what to do about it. I think the best thing to do is to just keep growing and changing. They might never fully catch up with the new you, but eventually they'll be remembering an old you that's not so bad either.
@spalladino (17891)
• United States
8 Jul 08
It takes time for people who knew you in the past to accept the new person that you have become but, with time, they will. I have gone through many different phases of my life and I'm not seen as the same person today that I was ten years ago. Time is the answer.