Would you allow to give a sharp object to you 2 year old kid?

@patzel88 (3310)
July 8, 2008 10:33pm CST
i'm afraid not allowing my daughter to give a sharp object for i am not ready to see what might gonna happen to her. Whenever she gets secretly, i rather snatch it from her even she will cry trying to get back the sharp object, i just give a replacement or any toy that will relieve her.
4 responses
@mayka123 (16589)
• India
9 Jul 08
I think you should keep the sharp objects away from her reach. Or else one day she would harm herself.
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@mayka123 (16589)
• India
10 Jul 08
I had made my house child proof when my kids were small. Everything including knives and scissors were always kept away from their reach.
@patzel88 (3310)
• Philippines
10 Jul 08
i did but sometimes she can get one
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• Canada
9 Jul 08
When my kids were little, I child proofed the house. That meant all sharp items were out of reach of little hands. If they did get hold of something sharp, I definatly did not "grab" it out of their hands as I would be afraid of injuring them. I stayed calm and asked them to give it to me as it could hurt them. If they did not want to give it to me, I offered something for a trade, like a toy or a treat. That usually worked.
@patzel88 (3310)
• Philippines
10 Jul 08
you are also right i guess i have to do what you did in your kids. thanks for the re[lies.
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• Canada
10 Jul 08
It will make your life a lot more stress free! It is so much better to enjoy the children instead of running after them keeping them safe! Keep up the good work!
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@Bethany1202 (3431)
• United States
10 Jul 08
I certainly would not let any child get a hold of a sharp object! Even after they are a bit older like 7 or 8 and have safety scissors they would probably still need supervision! DO NOT let any child hold a sharp object! If they somehow DO get a hold of a sharp object, take it away as quickly as possible and nevermind their crying and fits! It is for their own safety.
@cjgrooms (4456)
• United States
9 Jul 08
No, i wouldn't because a 2year old has no business with a sharp object. It is asking for trouble.
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@patzel88 (3310)
• Philippines
10 Jul 08
yah they will get trouble if they get for them selves
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