stolen ipod

United States
July 9, 2008 9:47am CST
My freind got his ipod stolen from his other froend. He went up to his friend and said give back my ipod but his friend said he doesn't have its somwhere else. What Should my friend do in a situation like this.
3 responses
• China
10 Jul 08
i believe your friend should inquisite this thing. Mybe his friend did not stolen his ipod. mybe it is just a misunderstanding.
• United States
12 Jul 08
He did stole it, he saw his ipod and what it looks like
@wendhieRN (754)
• United States
14 Jul 08
point is don't trust anyone. sometimes people close to you are even the best description of a traitor in real life...
• United States
10 Jul 08
How about losing that friend? It really sucks to have something stolen, but from a friend it makes it ten times worse. Obviously they weren't that great of a friend to begin with. It seems like it's becoming harder to trust people these days. Maybe he should show up at his house and search for the Ipod.