What all things do you use other than a bookmark to mark a book!!!!!?

July 9, 2008 9:01pm CST
I have just responded to a discussion "do you bookmark", it kind of set me thinking as to what all are the things that people use to bookmark other that the usual "bookmark". As for me i have used the wierdes of things, i have used cellphone, hair pins, my inhaler, set of keys, An apple, lighter!! These are the things that i am easily accessable to. I do such things and then end up searching for them, as i forget where i keep them. I know its kind of haphazard, but thats the way i am. Do you have anything else other than the bookmark that you use to mark a book??????
7 responses
• United States
10 Jul 08
I really don't use bookmarks, I just remember what's happened and roughly where I am and just find my spot when I pick up the book again. That's a lot easier to do if you only stop at the end of chapters.
• India
10 Jul 08
I do that to, at times and it needn't be the end of the book, i can just stop anywhere and resume from there onwards. i learnt a few more trick here from the responses that we can use paperclips, coupons, just fold the edge of the page that you are reading that would mark your page for you.
• United States
10 Jul 08
I don't really like folding down the page. I've always thought that it doesn't look good.
@amrishkj (297)
• India
10 Jul 08
Well I dont use any bookmark. I just fold the corner of the paper which I am reading and that is the easiest of bookmark. Because there are chances that the bookmark may fall and you will then have to search where you left your reading.
• India
10 Jul 08
Yes it sure is the easiest of the book marks. Somehow i have never lost the page i was reading as a result of my bookmarkf falling off the book!
@amrishkj (297)
• India
10 Jul 08
Lucky for you, I keep missing my page if I dont bookmark it due to other work that keeps me occupied.
@dopey22girl (3319)
• United States
10 Jul 08
I usually tear off pieces of paper from something or just any piece of paper that's laying around will do. Sometimes I use coupons as well.
• India
10 Jul 08
Another addition to what all i can use! From the previous posts i learnt that i can use paper clips and now coupons, this just gets better. just hope that you dont pick up things from me coz that would make you very disorganised!!
• United States
10 Jul 08
Paper clips or bobby pins can do the trick quite well!
• India
10 Jul 08
Wow, i have never used that, coz it has never come to mind!! i guess i didnt see the relation between paperclips and paper in the books, lol! Now that you have told me i would try using them too.
@dragon54u (31636)
• United States
10 Jul 08
If it's a paperback that I own--usually something I've bought used--I'll turn the corner of a page down. I won't do this to library books or those I borrow from others, though. Usually it's a spare scrap of paper, a receipt, or a pen if I have no bookmark. Our library has free bookmarks at the desk and I'll take a few of those. Where do they all go?! I think they sneak away in the night and return home!
• India
11 Jul 08
If i actually go to think, you are right where do these bookmarks go?!! Even i somehow dont get any of the bookmarks that i have when i need them. So i end up using whatever i find at hand. It is nice to see that people are considerate about others things.It is very difficult to find people who think about others and others things.
@magojordan (3252)
• Philippines
10 Jul 08
I use playing cards because I'm a magician. When I read books on magic I use my playing cards because they won't destroy the book and it also helps find a certain page faster whenever I need to review a certain trick. It's actually very convenient to use especially when marking multiple pages on a single book, like my books on magic.
• India
10 Jul 08
This is the first time i am replying to a magician! So what kind of trick do you do, is it playing cards trick, illusionist or something else? Umm since you are a magician i guess playing cards is the most handy thing for you.
• Philippines
10 Jul 08
Well I do close up magic in general, usually with cards, coins and other everyday stuff like paper clips, books, cups etc. You could visit my site found in my profile for more details on my magic tricks. Thanks!
• United States
12 Jul 08
I almost never use an actual bookmark although i always mark my page...with whatever is close. money, receipts, nail files, pens, (i've done the cellphone thing before, too) tissues, other books. I read in bed a lot, so when i stop reading i'm pretty tired and i just grab whatever is closest.