im a gay girl who only attracts guys :-(

@pelya178 (693)
United States
July 10, 2008 1:32pm CST
So im 23 im fairly attractive i guess. everywhere i go...i pick up guys. :-| I DONT MEAN TO but they r just like drawn to me. HELP! i mean i look like a girl...i wear eyeliner n tight jeans nothing but converse or flip flops. how come the girls arent after me?? how can i attract girls??? im SO not wearing heels! someone please help!!!
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5 responses
@Bugsey (775)
• United States
10 Jul 08
Try a gay bar dahlin..
@pelya178 (693)
• United States
11 Jul 08
i have. no luck. plus there arent many gay GIRL places. everything is gay GUYS here. kinda sux. thanks tho
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@irishidid (8687)
• United States
10 Jul 08
Maybe you aren't giving off the right vibes or fate is trying to tell you something.
@pelya178 (693)
• United States
10 Jul 08
u sound like my mom. lol im not attracted to guys tho..cant help it :-\ maybe the girls think im straight? i've approached about 3 girls that were gay they werent interested :-( WHAT DO GIRLS LIKE???!!! :-( n all the others i hit on are straight lol ANDDD IM an artist who lives in NYC they should be all over me!!! lol
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• United States
15 Jul 08
Even though I'm married to a man and I'm a girl, I know how you feel. I'm very happy with my hubby, but want to experience a relationship with a girl because I'm so attracted to women. I go out without makeup and all that, and don't get hit on by anyone. But, when I do dress up and put forth a lot of effort, I get hit on hard by men. I have tried to talk to girls but still no luck. So whatever you are doing wrong, I'm doing the same. I live in a military town, so there's not a gay bar that I know of around here. I guess I will have to try websites online to meet someone. I hope that "girly" lesbians like other "girly" lesbians, if not I'm screwed. I don't want a girl that looks like a boy....I want a girl that looks and acts like a girl.
• United States
26 Aug 08
I know EXACTLY what you're talking about. I'm 24 and what they like to call a lipstick lesbian. but i'm def. not one of those girls that walks into a club with high heels and a short a$$ dress. I find it very hard to meet girls at clubs because it seems that they either assume I am: 1. straight 2. not approachable or 3. not trendy. I'm in college and when I go to local straight bars with friends guys hit on me all the time, it just gets old. If been on the lesbian club scene in Chicago for awhile now and girls look for that "shane" trendy lesbian look. I'm not gonna lie it is hot, but I cant pull that off cause i'm too straight looking. I am not really out there to look for someone to be with, I just go to have a good new people..and to be around people that are the same as me. The only thing is it would be nice to be hit on every now and then at a gay bar.
@puicuno (75)
• Italy
30 Aug 08
i don't know if i attract girls or not. the only thing i know is that i like them. not all girls of course, but girls like me. if i see a girl with no make heels..i surely notice her. i think a girl is fascinating even if she doesn't employs 3 hours to get ready :) i think she's more fascinating! i like natural and simple girls. i admit that no one knows about this part of me, everyone thinks i'm staight. i wonder if they will open their eyes one day... i have not boyfriends..always single...don't you have any doubt??? mmh... i don't know how/what to do :( byee!!