Do U Make Birthday Cakes at Home....?

@nupats (3564)
July 10, 2008 4:01pm CST
Well i attended a birthday party yesterday my friend had baked the birthday cake at home and had also done beautiful fresh cream icing was much better than the professional cake bakery ...and was very delicious..i cannot even bake a simple plain chocolate cake my cakes always turn out horrible..can you bake a cake? what cake do u make the best? do you make your Birthday Cakes at Home do you do the icing as well? i always order from the cake shop because i cant bake at all.
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22 responses
• United States
11 Jul 08
Yes, I love to bake and had a small catering business at one time. I always bake birthday cakes at home and decorate them myself with homemade butter cream frosting or white icing. I did take a cake decorating class which helped a lot with the different ways to decorate a cake. I have several friends and family that request my famous 5 Flavor Pound Cake which is out of this world. I make a French Silk Pie that is to die for. (LOL) Practice makes perfect. Keep on trying and you'll get it.
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@nupats (3564)
• India
13 Jul 08
Wow you are amazing..i wish i was half as good as you..i wish i was somewhere close by would have surely dropped in to have some of your mouthwatering u have a website of yours where i can checkout some recipes or cake making tips...have a nice day
• United States
19 Jul 08
No, Nupats, I don't have a web site at this time, but I'd be glad to send you some recipes if you'd like. I requested that you add me to your friends list so I can send them to you privately unless you'd rather I posted them for everybody to read. I don't mind doing that either because I have posted some recipes in the past. Look up my profile and see which discussions I've responded to for the ones I posted. Thank you for your kind words. If you lived close by, I would certainly have you over for coffee and cake.
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@nupats (3564)
• India
22 Jul 08
hi dear thank you so much i have accepted your friendship and thank u so much for sending the request the pleasure is can pls message me a simple recipe of cake or you can put it here as well so that others can also benefit from it ..once again thank u so much ..i shall wait for the recipe..have a nice day..
• Malaysia
11 Jul 08
well, i prefer home made birthday cake, it teste more fresh and nice to eat^^ moreover, you can learn from ur friend if u like the cake !^^ hm....hungry now.
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@nupats (3564)
• India
13 Jul 08
i have told her to teach me so when she has time i will get my baking class..
• Malaysia
13 Jul 08
haha^^ dont worry dear, you will be successful one day! because you are learning soemthing that you are interested with :) cheers ^^
@cupid74 (11388)
• Pakistan
11 Jul 08
friends are like i do same, and orders it to Bakery
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@cupid74 (11388)
• Pakistan
14 Jul 08
Thats really nice and no doubts, MOMs are great the taste u can have in mothers cooking is MATCHLESS Enjoy
@nupats (3564)
• India
13 Jul 08
i also order mine..but when my mom is here i always ask her to bake a cake for me..
@lilybug (21107)
• United States
14 Jul 08
I make mine for the most part. Even if I am going to cheat and use a mix I still like to actually bake my own as opposed to buying one. It is a lot less expensive to make your own too.
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@nupats (3564)
• India
17 Jul 08
thants good i think..I just cannot bake so i have to go to the bakery..thank u for writing in..have a nice day..
• United States
10 Jul 08
cake - So many types of cake out there!
When I can I like to make the birthday cakes for my friends and family's birthday but I don't always have the time to do that.
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@nupats (3564)
• India
10 Jul 08
Wow thats great atleast you can bake..i cannot bake my cakes turn out awful..i cook well but i am pathetic in baking
@nupats (3564)
• India
10 Jul 08
your cake looks very yummy and it is my favourite chocolate..thank u dear
@vimaal (3361)
• India
13 Jul 08
hi friend, i don't know. but my uncle know to make cake
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@nupats (3564)
• India
14 Jul 08
i just cannot bake so i have to go to the bakery
@AshleyHasan (1024)
• India
11 Jul 08
I love cakes but I cannot bake the cakes properly, I tried once simple sponge cake but it turned out bad, I am trying to learn it from my Grand Mother who bakes the cake really good.
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@nupats (3564)
• India
13 Jul 08
hi dear it is good to learn..i also tried but actually no i have to do with market cakes
@mflower2053 (3223)
• United States
11 Jul 08
I seen this cake once in a magazine that was so cute. It was 3 tiers and pink with little sugar flowers on it and I was just hoping that I could make the 3 tier part and it didn't come out how I wanted it to. Of course I didn't have the right equipment but I tried with what I had and if I could cook ok then I would of been able to get it to at least stand straight lol. It was horrible but at the stores they will charge you $90 for a 3 tier cake. Now I know why its a pain to make.
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@nupats (3564)
• India
13 Jul 08
Wow you must be knowing good baking so u tried that out..i can never do that because i cannot make a simple one also..have a nice day
• India
11 Jul 08
Hi friend, I too love to eat different kinds of cakes.I generally bake ordinary cakes only.I don't know how to bake chocolate cakes and icing cakes.I have to know the method of preparing them.When any birthday comes in our family i will bake the ordinary cakes mixing with fruit nuts.We will not buy the cake from shop. Have a nice day.
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@nupats (3564)
• India
13 Jul 08
hi dear good that u can bake ..home made cakes are the best i dont like the market cakes much but i dont really have much of a choice since i cannot bake at all...
• China
11 Jul 08
hi nupats, I like eatting cakes,but I do not like to make it:)
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@nupats (3564)
• India
13 Jul 08
i love eating cakes and baking cakes..but the ones i bake are so awful just not edible
@dragon54u (31636)
• United States
12 Jul 08
I always baked my sons' birthday cakes, they liked them better than store-bought ones. I also made a little birthday cake at Christmas because it was Jesus' birthday and we all ate a piece after blowing out a candle. I love making cakes! Sometimes they don't look so good, they may fall on one side, but they tasted great and that's what counts. Do you follow a recipe? You have to put everything in the exact measurements, especially the baking soda or baking powder. I always bought the icing, though. It was still better than the bakery, which uses lard in their icing--eewwww!! I'd buy the canister of Betty Crocker, Pillsbury brands or the store brand and they were good. My own icing always was too runny or too thick!
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@nupats (3564)
• India
13 Jul 08
Homemade cakes are any day delicious and my mom also used to bake cakes for us...and she even tried teaching me ..will try once more being more meticulous about the quantities,,
@joliefille (3690)
• Philippines
11 Jul 08
I don't know how to bake a cake as well so most of the time I just order from a cake shop. Even if I know how to bake 'em I wouldn't have the time either as I'm busy with work the whole time.
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@nupats (3564)
• India
13 Jul 08
i cannot bake at all and i dont know if i will ever be able to do so successfully..
@Ricky007 (512)
11 Jul 08
My mom do make cakes at home and i like it more than available at shops..its really yummy..
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@nupats (3564)
• India
13 Jul 08
my mom also bakes very well and lot of variations and she tried to teach me ..i guess my hands are just not made for baking cake..
• United States
11 Jul 08
I do make my kids' birthday cakes at home, nothing fancy just a good, moist cake of their choosing. The favorite around here is chocolate with chocolate frosting or yellow cake with white frosting. Simple yet MMmm delicious. You CAN bake, just take it slow and have plenty of time so you're not rushed and therefore make mistakes. Baking is a precise art but it is not difficult at all. ~~
@nupats (3564)
• India
13 Jul 08
thank u so much for the kind words..will surely try it once more..and i dont like cakes with loads of icing i just love the simple homemade cakes and moist cakes they are actually the best..have a nice day..
@cher913 (25782)
• Canada
10 Jul 08
when my kids were younger, we used to make cup cakes for their birthday parties and now that they are older, they make their own cakes. i find that cakes in the store are so expensive, why not make your own?
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@nupats (3564)
• India
10 Jul 08
thats very good...i cannot bake at all..can u share a simple chocolate cake recipe with me..if u dont mind
@luvstochat (6907)
• United States
11 Jul 08
I have never made a homemade birthday cake before. I am not very creative and it would look horrible if I tried it. I cook just normal cake mix cakes at home and put some frosting on them or I will buy a decorated one from the store.
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@nupats (3564)
• India
13 Jul 08
hi dear i cant even bake a normal plain cake..u are much better than me..i buy all types of cakes from the market and they dont taste half as good as home made cakes..
@snowy22315 (171971)
• United States
10 Jul 08
My cakes that I bake at home are strictly from a mix. I tried a cake from scratch one time recently and it was pretty much a diasaster. The only thing that I can make from scratch are brownies. Maybe if I get brave i'll try another cake or pie from scratch.
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@nupats (3564)
• India
13 Jul 08
well my cake from mixes also turn up to be a is really bad..i think something wrong with my hands and cake mixes..
@mayka123 (16589)
• India
11 Jul 08
Many years ago I had tried baking a cake at home but now I always order them out from the shop. We get just beautiful cakes outside so I dont take the trouble at home.
@nupats (3564)
• India
13 Jul 08
hi dear that is true but the home made cakes that my mom makes especially the chocolate walnut is abosolutely delicious..and that we dont get in the market only with icings..i love haviing freshly baked hot cakes..
@roxanne271 (2034)
• Trinidad And Tobago
10 Jul 08
I always bake birthday cakes. I even make my own. I make sure and tell my dad not to buy any birthday cake or ice cream for my birthday and well for his birthday it's the same. I had made a flourless chocolate cake for one of my co-workers birthday and everyone loved it. i also made a maple nut cake with maple butter frosting when one of the workers was leaving to go back to school and everyone was raving over it, especially the boss lady! She actually asked me to bake a cake for her once but I couldn't do it because life was very busy at that time. I don't have a "best cake" but I bake all sorts of cakes and even make a mean cheesecake! Yum!
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@nupats (3564)
• India
13 Jul 08
Wow you really sound good..i wish i was closeby would have loved to have a bite of your i love it and just cant make it..
@lisa1105 (108)
11 Jul 08
yes i make my own birthday cakes and just cakes when i want when ever there is a birthday in are family someone always makes a cake
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@nupats (3564)
• India
13 Jul 08
good that u can i wish i could also bake all the more since i love freshly baked home made cakes..they are yummy...i have some friends who bake very well and we dont get the similar cakes in the my son is growing up so i wish that i could do some baking for him sometimes..