Do you delete your private messages here in myLot?

trash bin - I have been thinking about this since the time I discovered
that the responses are tied to the original message.

It got me thinking, if I delete a message, would it also be
deleted in the messages page of the one who responded?

I have tried deleting some of it but I found out that it
takes a lot of effort to do so. So I just leave it be.
@richiem (3644)
July 11, 2008 4:23am CST
I have been thinking about this since the time I discovered that the responses are tied to the original message. It got me thinking, if I delete a message, would it also be deleted in the messages page of the one who responded? I have tried deleting some of it but I found out that it takes a lot of effort to do so. So I just leave it be. Do you keep your myLot message page clean? Or do you just leave the messages there and not worry about it? Wouldn't it be deleted by itself? If we will not delete it, it will also take up space in the myLot data bank and may slow down the loading of pages.
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39 responses
@subha12 (18441)
• India
13 Aug 08
i delete them many times. but i have not done them in recent past. now i guess i should have done this. so many are getting accumulated here.
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@arkaf61 (10881)
• Canada
12 Aug 08
It depends. If there is something in the message that I want to respond to and don't have time I keep it until I can, if it's resolved and done I just delete it. I don't really want to have my private messages in a folder forever. I am a bit ambivalent about pms. I use them sparingly and I never use tags on the ones I send. It is supposed to be a private message, why should I use tags?
@mayka123 (16589)
• India
11 Jul 08
I have never deleted my private messages and did not think of this till now.
• China
12 Jul 08
@hellcowboy (7374)
• United States
14 Aug 08
I think that if you delete a message it still stays on the other persons message page unless they delete it,but I am not one hundred percent sure about that,and I agree it can be a pain to delete messages,and I keep most of my messages,or at least the ones that are important,but ones that make no sense,or ones from people who are no longer my friend I will delete,and I think as long as you do not have a lot of messages than it should not slow down the rate of speed that a page loads.
@Jhordie (5115)
• Philippines
11 Jul 08
I do not delete it... And I dunno why I don't delete it as well. LOL! Kidding aside...I just what to be able to read and re-read again those messages of my friends here which are really heart-warming and sincere.
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@mariahhh (1328)
• United Arab Emirates
24 Nov 11
It depends on the message. I delete the private messages I receive from the mylot task. I don't it is important to save them. I usually do not delete the private messages of my friends and other mylot members. I have never thought that not deleting the messages might cause a slowdown for mylot. Since I don't receive messages that much, I guess it's okay.
@venkygec (783)
• India
13 Aug 08
Hey! I never thought of deleting any messages from my message box... I never had that idea... By the way... what will happen if it werent deleted... I dont think that would affect mylots speed.... And does the message get deleted from friends message space also.. when i delete it in my messages...
• Philippines
13 Aug 08
I do the deletion of my private messages. Yeah it would help i guess to lessen the amount of data of mylot. And I am really used to deleting messages after i just read even in cellphones or mails. Not unless the message is something that must be kept, somethi9ng like private password, account numbers, etc.
@ratyz5 (7808)
• Philippines
13 Aug 08
I have numerous private messages already and some of them still haven't been replied to whenever I greet someone who just became my friend in this site yet, I can't comment on their profiles for some reason to thank them for sending me their invites. I guess if the site does slow down due to messages being kept, they might implement messages that members should save and those that they can leave and wait until the site deletes them automotically?
@elitess (5070)
• Ipswich, England
13 Aug 08
Well i haven't really tried to do so yet because i really don't have that many messages anyway. I would only delete them so that other people can't access them but since there isn't a big deal wrote in them, i just keep them myself.
• Nepal
13 Aug 08
I make a new folder and move them to the folder named "mylot" If it get huge enough then surely I will delete the older post and shift the newer to the folder. some time I get tired of responding so send them to mylot and leave it to read later
@magojordan (3252)
• Philippines
13 Aug 08
Well I really don't receive a lot of messages so I just let them stay there.
@jinxky (2248)
• Philippines
13 Aug 08
i dont delete private messages, well but it depends if it's not that important i will delete them, but if it's important i'll just keep them hehehe..
@Ricky007 (512)
12 Jul 08
No, i dont delete them unless the capacity of my mailbox reaches the maximum..
@checapricorn (16061)
• United States
12 Jul 08
HI richiem, I have no idea about the rest of the questions and that is also bothering me...To answer you main inquiry..I tried to delete 3-4 messages once in a while...Since If I will do it all, I will be spending a lot of minutes there and will affect to my output or target for the day.. Most of the time, when I received messages, that is the only time, I can visit that page again to delete some of it!
• Australia
12 Jul 08
No I don't delete them. I hardly have any in the first place, but if I did have a lot, I would probably delete. It's not a section that I view a lot to be honest.
• United States
12 Jul 08
I've never figured out how to delete my private messages. And that's a real shame cause some of them are from close friends. And I don't want to share those with anyone!
• United States
11 Jul 08
I only keep the private messages that are links that my friends sent me. The others that are just usual greetings and such then I'll delete those. I've had messages here and I haven't had no problems of my pages slowing down. Maybe it's just my internet connection or the fact that just Mozilla Firefox 3 is just up to date and doesn't lag at all. So rather I just keep the important messages so that I can come back to them later.
@Muelitz (1592)
• Canada
12 Jul 08
Don't - Delete
No I do not delete messages. I'd like to save them because most of them are important:)
• China
12 Jul 08
I am new i never think of it.