how old were you when you had your first boyfriend/girlfriend?

July 13, 2008 3:00am CST
and i don't mean in elementary school semi-official,like where you actually went out together and told people you were boyfriend/girlfriend
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21 responses
• Malaysia
13 Jul 08
21 i guess, now i m still single since she dumped me. haha, it is quite late rite.
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• Canada
13 Jul 08
There's no shame in that Jason! My Husband was 24 when we met and 26 when we got married...No worries! ~Heavens~
13 Jul 08
well i havent had a real bf they have treated me like **** but then again i did love him i was in college with ma bf when i was about 17 but now i've got a proper finace lol
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• Canada
13 Jul 08
Good for you! They really aren't worth it! I went through a lot of **** myself before I met my husband eight years ago and i haven't looked back since!!! Welcome to My Lot I hope you enjoy it! ~Heavens~
@carlysle (271)
• Philippines
13 Jul 08
i think i was 15.. i was in high school.. and i was a wreck when we broke up.. hahaha... i can laugh about it now.. i have had crushes and MU's (mutual understand!) whatever that means when i was younger.. ahaha..
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@cupid74 (11388)
• Pakistan
14 Jul 08
hmmm i would say OLD Enough LOL
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@Ambitiouz (200)
• United States
13 Jul 08
I didn't have my first boyfriend until college, like 20 years old, Lol. I was very shy in high school and there were some guys that would act interested in me, but they couldn't get around my shyness. Plus, I didn't want to be bothered with a relationship. By observing my friends relationships, they were have problems and worries. So I did not want to be bothered with all that. Much easier to stay single
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• China
13 Jul 08
I was 19 years old,when i had my first boyfriend which is now my husband.We were college classmates. That was most beautiful time in my life.We were dating,talking,laughing and studying also.I had gone back my college school,it was changed.I always dream we can go back our alma mater and pick up our old feeling.Well,now we are happy together.
• Canada
13 Jul 08
I had too many to keep track of sadly! Met my husband when I was 22 (Almost 23)....To me that is all that matters. I've put the past behind me as it wasn't the greatest relationship wise! ~Heavens~
• Canada
13 Jul 08
I just want to add welcome to My ot and I love your avatar! ~Heavens~
@Monkeyrose (2840)
• Canada
13 Jul 08
I was a late bloomer. My first boyfriend was in grade 12 when I was 17. IT was the first couple weeks in SEptember. It didn't last though cause we lived kinda far away. WE went on one date and barely kissed.
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@mensab (4200)
• Philippines
13 Jul 08
i was 17 when i had my first girlfriend. for many, this is a bit late, but it is Ok with me. i thought i was old enough to engage in a relationship. but the first might not be the sweetest and most wonderfule, but for sure it was memorable for its trial and error and learnings. it was the rite of passage for me in relationships.
@tops76 (289)
• India
13 Jul 08
I was 18 then.
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@metschica25 (5399)
• United States
21 Jul 08
I would have to say I started dating someone that was semi serious when I was a freshemen in high school , and that lasted a few years off and on . I did date a little until I was 19 , and at 19 is when I met my soon to be hubby . That was my true and still first real serious . Most of the others I dated were scared little boys !!
• Nepal
15 Jul 08
I was 16 years old but she left me soon.
@melo_828 (427)
• Philippines
13 Jul 08
i was already 17 years old when i had my first girlfriend. i have crushes when i was still in high school but i still don't have the guts to court a girl at that time. my first girlfriend was very memorable to me that until this time i still thinking of that girl even if she is already married to someone.
@Ricky007 (512)
13 Jul 08
i was 17 years old when i made my first girl friend..that was the first time i went for a movie with some girl..i am fortunate that the same girl is still in my life and its been around 7 years of our relationship..we are still gud friends..
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@quawertz (777)
• Philippines
15 Jul 08
I have to say when I was 21. But only few people know this relationship because we only been together for 5 months and that 5 months is not good. We are not always together and if ever we are together we would fight. So I'd rather tell only few and really close friends about that relationship.
@bieke81 (1067)
• Belgium
14 Jul 08
I was 13 when I had my first boyfriend. I had a couple of short relationships when I was between 13 and 18, but my first 'real' boyfriend (for a longer periode) i had at 18 years old. have a nice day
@_Honey_ (780)
• Philippines
13 Jul 08
I was sixteen years old then. I was in second year in college when I had my first boyfriend. He was actually a lot older than me. He picked me up from school and drove me home from time to time. Sometimes, we dropped by a resto and had dinner first. Or watch movies. Those were the days. We broke up two years ago for a lot of reasons. He's finally married and has a son. I am happy for him.. sincerely.
• United States
14 Jul 08
I started early. I have my first real boyfriend when I was 12.(he was 17) We dated for about 4 years and then went our seperate ways. After we broke up, we still talked and fooled around for a while, even though we both were dating other people. I still think about him sometimes and wonder what he's up to, but it's better that we don't have contact with each other.
• India
14 Jul 08
well in my family we didn't have this tradition of boyfriends, few friends who were very close to me and going to school together were considered as our girl friends, so it went on , as we went to college our best friends from college became our girl friends. now my circle of friends has shrinked a lot, I text and chat with my old friends , we are still a gang of girl friends!!!!
• Malaysia
13 Jul 08
19 though... hehe