Do you love to cook?

July 14, 2008 6:02pm CST
Do you love to cook?I love to cook and just love creating new dishes.There's one dish that i always cook that is called shepherd's pie.Perhaps you could try this out.Firstly put the potatoes to boil for 20 minutes.And then smashed them into mashed potatoes.This is for the topping.Next is the filling below.This depends on what you could choose seafood,chicken or beef.Anything that you like.After this put the filling into a baking tray..then top it with the mashed potato filling and sprinkle mozerella cheese.Lasly bake it for about 20 mins and its done.Hope you like this recipe.:)
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5 responses
• United States
21 Jul 08
I like to cook sometimes. But I also like when my friends cook for me because I try new dishes, likw just yesterday my friend made me a grilled cheese at her house with a different type of bread, it was a french bread and I never eat grilled cheeses on that typ of bread. I also like to make cute little dishes for my little step sister she is 5 and I make her faces out of her food its just a cute twist.
@dianagnes (1088)
• Singapore
15 Jul 08
Ouh..Thanks for recalling me back the recipes that i learned during my secondary school days.I dont really cook shepherd pies since my family dont really like to eat it and so do i.But i shall try to cook it once i feel like eating something different. I love to cook and enjoy stiring all those ingredients together.That's the best part of cooking.Mix and match the food is amazing as in;the taste of it!ehhe!
@lilaclady (28207)
• Australia
14 Jul 08
I hate cooking, if I was rich I would go out every day for my main meal, I would make sure I lived near an area that had a lot of good restaurants...I used to make a dish with seafood with the potato on top, it makes a nice meal with the potato on top...
• United States
15 Jul 08
I don't "love" cooking nor is it my hobby but I do enjoy trying new recipes. The only problem with cooking is that it comes with mistakes and patience. For example, you might burn your food or undercook it. You can also get food-poisoning. My curiosity led to french toast. I'm really good at making home-made french toast, but I hate the patience with it. I also enjoy cooking with others as long as the other cook isn't a nag.
• United States
14 Jul 08
my sister likes lamb. i don't. she'd like it. i like to make scrambled eggs and put in different ingredients and spices. its fast, fun, and yum.