~ What Do Think Of When You Hear The Word Celebrity?~

~ What Are Your Personal Thoughts When You Think O - ~ Are Celebrities Good Or Bad? What is it about them that You Like or Dislike? ~
United States
July 16, 2008 5:53am CST
I was inspired to pose this question by a really good friend of mine & would really like to have everyone's personal opinions on this one. There will be No wrong or right answers here, & everyone will be allowed to state their own thoughts here to. Please do do participate with this one for it really would be most appreciated. We've all heard about them on the news, be it on your local News channel, on Entertainment TV shows, on CNN or on Fox News.... we've all heard about their downfalls, their marraiges, their devorces, & their expecting children. We've all heard about what has occured with Britney Spears, Michael Jackson, Mel Gibson, & Lindsay Lohan just to name a few.... but I really want your Honest opinions here & really would like to know when you think of a famous person, a Celebrity, what's the very first thing that pop's into your mind whenever you hear about a well known Celebrity (rather it be something that happen's to them be it good or bad....) on the News & what are your first thoughts about these Celebbrity's in general? Are celbrities good or bad? What is it about thier lives that you like or dislike? Why do you think & feel this way?
1 response
@alamode (3071)
• United States
16 Jul 08
I think that most 'celebrities' lately are no-talent, cookie-cutter party people who are famous for getting their picture taken at the right time and/or place, and for their latest scandals. I prefer 'stars'... people who shine for their talents and abilities. Singers and actors who have paid their dues and consistantly entertain us in meaningful ways are all I pay attention to. And their personal lives are their own business... I have no interest in snooping because there isn't one of us who doesn't fight with our s.o. or 'look fat' once in a while. Good discussion!