mylot long does it take?

United States
July 16, 2008 11:14pm CST
Just curious to know what the average amount of posts is before you reach a minimum $10 payout? I know it differs with quality of the postings and whatnot, but I'm just looking for a general idea of what to expect around here. :)
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4 responses
@vera5d (4005)
• United States
17 Jul 08
I don't really keep track, but on average I'll respond to about 10 - 15 discussions a day, so that's somewhere between 300-450 responses or so. Then I start between 3-4 discussions a week, so that's around 12 or so. Some of them get a lot of responses, others not so many, so it's hard for me to really guage... I usually leave 3 short paragraph responses, I don't know if that makes any difference or not. But with the exception of one month I went away for about a week and a half I've made payout every other time! It's hard to get rich here, but it's nice pocket change & I enjoy the discussions.
• United States
17 Jul 08
Yeah, I definitely didn't plan on getting rich when I came here! Just fun and nice to have some extra pocket change. I wasn't trying to be the greedy "when do I get paid?!?!" type thing...more so just curious as to on average how long it takes so that I can kind of gauge how well I am doing! Thanks for the advice and also for referring me to MyLot!
@mtsandeep (1586)
• India
17 Jul 08
MY current earnings are $9.47 with 420 responses. Earlier i got less than 2 cent on an average per response. but now i get more than 2 . it may be because i only respond to those which i feel i can contribute some thing. if you have referrals then you can earn faster. i saw one of mylotter saying that he made 4$ in one day with 75 responses. what's your earnings now?
• United States
17 Jul 08
I've got $1.72 with 121 posts currently. I know that the better/longer my responses are the better the earnings. It's not a huge deal, I was just curious. Thanks for you help :)
@cheenlly (3477)
• Philippines
17 Jul 08
Reaching the minimum is no specific average amount of post because it would really depend on the person working but personally i got mine when i reach the post of more than 500. That time i really work hard and and have fun replying and joining discussion that's why they give me reasonable reward. The only thing i can advice is if you like to reach the minimum faster, you would only post more, join discussion but you should choose one that has quality post or you should respond a quality post with 5 liners or more because that way you will earn faster. Just post and post and have fun and you will just notice your earnings increase. Good luck and happy posting!
• India
17 Jul 08
Its about 400-450 quality posts....
• United States
17 Jul 08
Thanks for the help. Like I said, was just curious. I figured it was around 500 or so, so at least I have an idea now!