what do you do to loose weight?

@zeny_zion (1283)
July 20, 2008 3:37am CST
im getting a hard time loosing weight. i really loved to eat. ive tried eating oatmeal for breakfast and lunch. ifelt miserable. i feel so hungry. so what i did is to have a wheat bread to make my hunger satisfied. it did but not that long. now, im trying to eat rice for breakfast, bread for lunch and fruits too. i dont know if it work.
6 responses
@Rzelikman (141)
• United States
22 Jul 08
You should try eating every 2 hours but eat something very small. If you eat every 2 hours then you keep your metabolism working and it doesn't have to store anything for later. Also the trick is not to eat after 6pm. If you do this you may loose upto 7 pounds a week. Of course you have to stay away from sweets and soda etc. I know alot of people including my self that have been very successful with this program. You have to put your mind into it and you will succeed. Good luck
1 person likes this
• United States
1 Aug 08
I added you as a friend because I would like more details about this type of diet. Thanks
• India
20 Jul 08
Hi zeny i guess you are more in obese section.I was also feeling about my abdomen levels few weeks back but no more.I am on herbalife program and have cut down my weight and fat considerably.If you wish message me i will let you know the details. I know how difficult you will be feeling with the big belly.Respond soon if you are in obese section and serious to cut down your weight or else you can just leave. Cheers MOIN.
@zeny_zion (1283)
• Philippines
20 Jul 08
sorry to say but im not obese, my weight is only 120. my cholesterol is a little bit higher thats why i want to loose weight. i just really love to eat. your using herbal life product. i do also. my brother inlaw is from herbal life. hahaha
• India
20 Jul 08
Hey zeny congrats you are using worlds great products.Let me know how you are feeling after using these products?I do feel that i have got amazing results. How long have you been using these products and i find difficult to understand why you are still searching for another way of getting rid of cholesterol?Cheers MOIN.
@sunshine4 (8703)
• United States
22 Jul 08
I would suggest eating more protein for breakfast. I eat eggs every day for breakfast. I then have a diet shake and low fat popcorn for lunch. Then at dinner I eat chicken, veggies, salad~ or beef, veggies and salad. I then treat myself to a fat free fudgepop every night for my chocolate craving.
@siddiqali (632)
• India
20 Jul 08
first i stop taking oily food and the food which contains fat.According to the doctors advice i make my diet and eat in moring after and everning food which is fat free and fibre rich food and a lot vegetable and green vegetable to avoid fat free food.Thus u can make u r self to lose weight without going to a gym or a fitness centre if u wish to do.
• United States
22 Jul 08
First, learn about healthy eating. Try eating 5-6 small meals a day. You will not be hungry if you do this, as long as what you are eating is healthy. You can eat the things you want...just not everything you want all the time. Cut out fast food and cook your own food. Carry "emergency food" (protein bar, shake, string cheese, etc...) with you in case you get hungry. this will help you not stop at fast food places and eat a bunch of greasy food. Second, if you want PERMANENT weight loss, you have to exercise. You don't have to do alot, just do some everyday. Take a walk. Do push ups, crunches, and squats while you wait for your dinner to cook. Just a few minutes a day, every day, will help you get results. The most important thing with exercise is to do the exercises correctly and consistently. The more muscle your body has, the more calories you burn everyday. Stay away from "fat burners" and diet pills. Fat burners heat up your body, causing it to burn calories at a higher rate...but so does exercise. Pills wont make you build the muscle necessary to keep weight off. Whatever you do, make sure you eat (don't starve), exercise regularly, don't give up, and you will get results!
• Philippines
20 Jul 08
I've read that getting enough sleep which really contributes to well-being actually enables the body to lose weight more easily.It is good to eat a really heavy breakfast,just ok lunch, and light dinner as the body's metabolism slows down.Primarily, cut down on sodas or do not drink them at all.Couple this with regular exercise (if you really want to lose weight the natural way).It won't do good to starve yourself.Just keep off too oily food and cut down on carbs (rice,pasta,potatoes,etc.)Don't worry!You're not the only one trying to lose weight. Stay healthy though.