Everyone wants their kid to stand out ...

@Ciniful (1587)
July 22, 2008 8:17am CST
Someone else posted a topic about ugly names, and it got me thinking. Since my kids started school, I've come across a lot of names that I wouldn't necessarily classify as ugly, but names that stood out either because they were SO different, or just ... odd. I know parents all want their kids to be originally named, but sometimes I think they go a little too much out there. When I had my first three, I wanted names that differentiated them from other kids in the class, but not something outlandish. Everyone was using traditional names, so I chose Warren, Raeanne and Justice (boy), and true to what I figured, they're the only ones with their names in their classes. By the time I had my last two, this trend of unique names was picking up speed, and no one was picking traditional names, so I chose Jennifer and Joshua for my last two, and again, they're the only ones in the class with those names. But geez, my kids come home talking about their friends, and some of these names ... I mean, originality is one thing, but these kids have to grow UP using these names! My daughter has a boy in her class named Razor. My son goes to school with an Agenda and a Melancholy. A few years ago, one of their classmates was named Timex. *sigh* The last one was last night. My daughter came in talking about her new friend, Utopia. While the word might be nice, I'd hate to be saddled with a name like that for life, lol! What are some of the weirdest names you've heard of?
3 responses
@donsky14 (5947)
• Philippines
22 Jul 08
someone named their kid "TIMEX"? lmao... OMG...what are parents thinking nowadays? Uhm,for me when I have a kid..I want the name to be simple...I'm planning to name the girl: "faith anne" or something like that. There's just something about Anne that I really like. lol.
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@Ciniful (1587)
• Canada
22 Jul 08
Anne is my middle name, and my youngest daughter's middle name. :) Thanks for the response!
@gtargirl (5376)
• United States
22 Jul 08
Those are pretty original names. I'm not quite sure if I would go that far but I do love originality. I would use Razor as a character in a novel. There's a brother and sister in my church with interesting names--Rhytm and Harmony. Of course, there's pro baseball players with weird names too. How 'bout Kip from the Colorado Rockies. In Dutch his name translates to Chicken. LOL.
@Ciniful (1587)
• Canada
22 Jul 08
Kip is just a nickname though .. his name is Robert. Originality is one thing. Outlandish is another, lol.
@Vladilyich1 (1454)
• Canada
22 Jul 08
There are reasons to justify patricide.
@Ciniful (1587)
• Canada
22 Jul 08
LMAO ... short and sweet.