She Doesn't Care.

United States
July 26, 2008 1:34pm CST
She never has time to talk to me because she's so busy, but if my brother calls, she drops everything and talks to him. She never says how proud of me she is, because I don't have a high paying job. She never says I love you, only ok or yeah, you to, or my favorite bye. Yet my much older brother gets more love out of it. My mother has always choosen favorites and my brother is her's. I live in the same city she does, and I also help her out when she needs it and she'll pay me to even clean her home, however it never seems enough. Never in my life, since I was a child have I ever gotten praise from her, NOT ONCE! I also recently found out that I may not be able to have kids, and of course if I tell her this, she will truly hate me for it. She never says I love you, or I'm so proud, unless it's a chore to her.
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5 responses
@laoli123 (17)
• China
27 Jul 08
I am sorry to hear this.It must be very terrible a feeling like this.But I think every mother they love their child inside.Or maybe you should talk with her about why she treat you like this.But never give up .
1 person likes this
• United States
26 Jul 08
aww just hold on. it could change someday. as your mother gets older and may have health problems and you are there for her, she may see you in a whole new light. in the mean time. you are just as important as anyone else. a dollar sign does not determine your value. there are people who make a lot of money but they really aren't important. they are no better than anyone else. you were created by God and you are a valuable person. you are as important as anyone else.
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@momathome (474)
• Canada
27 Jul 08
Deep down inside she loves you and i'm sure she is very proud of you. Just do your best in life and make your own life happy. You can't worry about what other people think even if she is your mom. I'm proud of my kids and I love them both the same no matter what. Just give her time maybe she will come around, or have a talk with her and tell her how you feel. Let her know maybe she just doesn't know what she is doing and how she makes you feel. Sometimes people need to be told how they are making someone else feel because they just don't see what they are doing. Don't worry I'm proud of you!
• United States
27 Jul 08
I am sorry to hear your mom is like this to you. Mothers are suppose to love their children equally no matter what and not play this favorites like your mom is doing. I do think you are doing the right thing for being there for your mom even though you feel she is unappreciative by not saying "job well done thank you ect." I know you care about your mom and it's hard for you to know she is like this. I know I am like you are and will continue to go out on a limb for people that just don't give a care in the world about me and do things for them and not get praise for any of it in return. That's ok for I know I did a good deed and will get credited for it from god for he knows my heart and will reward me for he has in this kind of situation where things have come back to me in prize what ever it may be that comes my way. Have you tried to sit down and talk to your mom of why she never says any of these things you talk about? Just continue to try and be the best daughter you can be to her regardless if she don't care and you shall be rewarded in time for your good deeds. I wish you the best of luck and take care.
@muxicka (215)
• Philippines
27 Jul 08
How old are you? Just want to know.. Maybe that would serve a challenge for you to prove yourself to your mother. Who knows, she might eventually notice you.