I am in love with Facebook

United States
July 30, 2008 9:53pm CST
Ok for my second posting ... LOL ... I vanished for a while so my second new discussion since coming back today. Since getting internet a few years ago I have been looking for an old friend of mine from middle school. Was never able to find him. I tried Reunion.com. I tried Classmates. I tried MySpace. I tried Yuwie. I tried Google. I tried all sorts of things. Not too long ago I joined facebook. A month or so ago. Well suddenly the other day there was his name listed under people you might know. I sent him a message and we have reconnected. I am so so so happy!!!! He's not a love interest or anything. He was someone who treated me with respect and kindness at a time in my life that most didn't make me feel that good about myself. He is also and amazing artist and was back in middle school as well. He was an inspiration to me. I took drawing classes and taught myself to paint cause of him. He never knew. He also never knew that he holds a special place in my heart. That is until yesterday and today when I got to talk to him on facebook instant messenger. It isn't often in life you get to tell someone how they impacted your life. If it wasn't for facebook I might have never found him. I love facebook. Have any of you had luck finding people from your past on facebook or any of the other ones for that matter? Did it make you happy? Was it a happy reunion? OH and I forgot something. I was bold and asked him if he would draw up my next tattoo. I offered to pay for it; cause after more than 20 years of no contact I didn't want him to think I was taking advantage of him or anything. He refused my payment saying my love is enough. I can't wait to get this tattoo; I will be so honored to have his artwork on me.
1 response
@weemam (13372)
31 Jul 08
Brilliant pal , It is just so nice when something like hat happena xx