Should I end this relationship?

August 3, 2008 11:42am CST
we have been together for more than 3 years now. we have a lot of joys and sufferings, sacrifices, happiness, lonely times and good times. we even share a lot of memories. but behind those memories there are a lot of misunderstandings and arguments even for a lowly reason. i think he acted immaturely over the years, i am just very patient and understanding. i don't want to end this relationship just like that, but i am very tired of the same arguments and fights. we are not kids anymore. I am confuse at this time. maybe we just need to cool it off for a while and think deeply if we will still continue with this kind of relationship. what do you think?
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4 responses
• United States
3 Aug 08
It sounds like you still want to be with him, but that the two of you have hit a slump of sorts. That's not uncommon. Have you considered sharing your doubts with him? Many times that's all it takes to patch things. My husband and I were going through a VERY rough patch, and I finally told him everything I was feeling, including that I was seriously considering divorce. From there we were able to identify some of out thoughts and feelings and our problems, because we both realized that stakes had become very high. The best time to have this discussion is when you are NOT fighting. Having it during a fight comes off as unsincere. But if you start this discussion while you are both calm and rational, you will accomplish a lot more. Perhaps he's feeling the same - or perhaps he's not even aware that things have reached this point. I'd also suggest, if you are able, couples counseling if really do want to make things work - it can help open both of you up and increase your communicating abilities. Best of luck!
• Philippines
4 Aug 08
Hi..thanks for this inspiring thoughts... i think we really need to talk deep, being self-less and mature. I really wanted to be with this man but i think we really need to work hard in order for us to understand ourselves more. This isn't the first time were i do have doubts with our relationship, but i will try to talk to him about my feelings. thanks you very much for this.
• United States
4 Aug 08
I am in a similar situation and it almost feels like being trapped between your feelings of wanting it to work and wanting to be happy. If you don't think things will change, then you have to leave. If you are still hopeful and you are BOTH willing to work hard then stay and fight like hell. I agree that couples therapy is a great option. My guy and I are doing it now and it really helps you pull out your feelings when you don't even understand them and also getting another person's opinion about who's "wrong or right" is sometimes just what you need. Good luck. Hope whatever you do it makes you happy. Don't base your decision on how friends or family will respond or any other thing like that. It's your life and you need to worry about your emotional health!
• United States
4 Aug 08
I sense that you are still very much in love with this guy, right? It's painful, but I would say end it. The immature part bothers me. It is better to end it now, than marry this dude, have kids by him, and find out that he is even more irresponsible than you thought. I know that this would be heartbreak hotel for you, because there is three years' history here. Can you imagine twenty years with a guy whom you don't trust? I sense a lack of trust. Once trust leaves a relationship, there is no turning back the clock. Hey, I am this way: If you can't trust him to put the seat down, for instance, after using the bathroom--if you can't trust him to remember to do that--how can you trust him to be a responsible father to your children? If he is not thoughtful about the little things of shows he has not grown up in a lot of other ways, as well. You talk about "cooling it off for awhile." Do you think that if you decide to continue this relationship--that it will be any different? People don't tend to change. And you most certainly can't change anyone. What you need to decide is am I willing to put up with this behaviour, or set of behaviours, the rest of your life. It sounds to me as if you have already decided on that. He may be a really good person, and deep down he may really love you. He just may not be the one for you.
@Nar_87 (181)
• Mongolia
4 Aug 08
I think you shouldnt dont hurt your dear ones