Hiking Anyone???

United States
August 4, 2008 7:37pm CST
I wrote an article for AC last week about day hikes. I'd love hikers and anyone else to read it and give me some feedback on it. Thanks mylotters, you're the best. http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/913633/day_trips_through_the_san_gabriel_mountains.html?cat=16 Feel free to read any of my other articles and poetry. You can get to them through my Content Producer page: http://www.associatedcontent.com/user/15512/cindi_starr.html Again any feedback would be great. If anyone is interested in joining AC, I'd love to help. Let me know via personal message. (No, I don't get paid anything..just like to help fellow writers.)
2 people like this
4 responses
@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
5 Aug 08
you discribe this so wel I wish I wa younger so I could go on one of them. made a comment there too. hugs
1 person likes this
• United States
5 Aug 08
Thanks so much Lakota. Some of them are tough unless you're in great shape....(I'm not at the current moment). I'm glad you read the article. I really appreciate it. Hugs back at ya.
• United States
5 Aug 08
I love ghost towns too. Some can really give you the heeby geebies, lol. Glad you are feeling better, btw. Huggers
@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
5 Aug 08
cool yup I feel great! ty
• United States
5 Aug 08
how are you doing on AC. I had an article published on there once about mylot, but never gained any recognition or pay from it. I am thinking of writing a few mor articles. I think people have earned well from AC. I will take a look at it. carole
1 person likes this
• United States
5 Aug 08
I do pretty well on AC and am gaining speed. I was inactive for a long time, but now really love it. But, I've had to build up my articles as well as network with other CP's. I can help you if you like, just let me know. I belong to a great group that exchanges page views. They've change a bit...the calls for content are the way to go to get paid for articles. I sign up for as many as I have knowledge about. Nice to see another AC'er. Check out my content if you would please, and let me know what you think.
1 person likes this
@meme0907 (3481)
• United States
9 Aug 08
Hey cdw, What a wonderful article it made me want to head out to the state park & go for a hike while it's still summertime it was very well laid out & detailed the reference links at the end were a nice touch +'s :)
• United States
5 Aug 08
...Your article was most interesting for a hiker. I have heard many things about Brown Mountain and hope to hike it someday. Presently, I walk about 9 to 15 miles/day at work. ...Let me commend you for not using the word "I" anywhere. Too many people who call themselve writers begin most paragraphs with themselves and forget it is not about them. You gave a lot of statistics and little history or talked about points of interest, like the Brown brothers naming the mountain after their father was about it. It is ok to tell the reader what you enjoyed. Let them know you have been there and are inviting them to share your experience. I didn't get the feeling you had been to these places, just recited facts. Nor did I see a comma before the words and, or and nor. Thank you! This is one of my pet peeves. It is redundant and you see it everywhere. Did no one have graphing in seventh grade? The comma takes the place of the word when listing. ...Thank you for allowing me to express myself. Please do not take offense. It is just my humble opinion. Please forgive any spelling errors. It is never a strong suit and it has been a long day. (Thank God for spell check!) ...What kind of writing is accepted by AC? ...Have a great day and peace be with you. =(^;^)= Della
• United States
5 Aug 08
Wow, I am blown away by your assessment. It is refreshing to find someone that actually understands the process of writing as well as the content of what is written. I have been but tend to write in a more factual manner than most. I have traveled a lot, my ex was a long haul trucker, and even after that I've always loved traveling. Let me know if you ever get to Brown Mountain. The view is heavenly. It's like you can reach out and touch the clouds. I'd love it if you'd read my other articles and add your two cents. You can do it on the comments after the article without being a member (I think). You can also pm me. As for AC, I write for them while I am trying to build up an article portfolio and working on two seperate books. Often articles get picked up from AC. They pay for some articles, but the pay is low...$4.00-$10. They also pay for page views you get on your articles. I have a great network of regular readers, we exchange page views by subscribing to each others content. As for what types of articles, they accept just about anything and you don't have to have approval if you go for page view only, instead of for payment. The article is instantly published. I'd love you to join me...my referral link is: http://www.associatedcontent.com/join.html?refer=15512 I don't get anything for you signing up under me, but I am better able to help you, if I know your user name. They also have writing contests, and calls for specific content that you can sign up for. The FAQ's should answer most questions, but if you have any more let me know. Thanks again for such a great review.