Did you ever think that the relationship you're in now wouldn't make it?

United States
August 5, 2008 10:00am CST
Today is my 6 year wedding anniversary. If you had asked me on my wedding day if I thought we'd make it to here, I'd have said absolutely. If you had asked me 3 years ago the same question, I'd have told you there's no way we'd make it to 4 years, let alone 6. Did you ever have serious doubts about your relationship? I don't mean those niggling, fleeting doubts that most people have. I mean the near absolute certainty that your relationship is over, and it's only a matter of time before things implode. How did you get past it?
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5 responses
• United States
5 Aug 08
I ask myself everyday is my marriage going to make it... For the simple fact that my husband and i didn't know each other very long before we got married.. We only knew each other five months before we got married and that scares me since we didn't know each other tha long before we got married will end up taking it tole on us... I want my marrage to work i really do but some times i wonder that it won't... We have been married for 4 months now and i still ask myself that question and i think its because i'm not use to being married and i'm just worried that me will want a divorce... I'm scared of my marriage failing... i'm scared of divorce..
• United States
6 Aug 08
Thank you so much.. we do love each other and you might be right about him being stressed out about the whole marriage thing i didn't even think about him worring about it.. i will talk to him about my insecrities. thank you so much for the advice and thank for the comment....
• United States
5 Aug 08
I've heard of marriages working with partners who knew each other for even less time than you knew your husband before getting married. The adjustment to marriage can be very jarring - you'll find your rhythm. Have you talked to your husband about your insecurities? It might help - he might be able to reassure you, comfort you, or he might even be worried too - and if he is, it doesn't mean your relationship is doomed, just that you might have to work a bit harder at it for a while. If you love each other, you should be able to get through it. Best of luck, sweetie!
@bangwin29 (147)
• Philippines
5 Aug 08
every woman wanted their relationship to last a lifetime. differences, nagging, quarrels are part of it. if you both hold on together, i think things will be better for more than a lifetime.
• United States
5 Aug 08
Oh, I know that those things are part of marriage. What I'm talking about is the really bad stuff - not, "Oh, we had a fight, we're gonna break up". I mean that things have deteriorated so much that there's way more bad in the relationship than good. Things were REALLY bad in my relationship. It wasn't a matter of arguing because he forgot to put the toilet seat down - it was that we reached a point where we couldn't tolerate each other AT ALL - there was no trust, no support, no partnership - just two people who happened to live together.
• Philippines
5 Aug 08
we're on the same boat right now, mine is a little shaky too, now he's not here and i'm giving him space as well as mine, every quarrel i thought would be the last, sometimes i get tired of it, but we're still trying to work it out,
• Philippines
5 Aug 08
i have known from the start that it will take a lot of patience to make the relationship i'm currently in to work out.i could honestly say that i've given my all to keep the relationship.somehow,it's just not enough.it's never enough when love is not there.now,i've given up. i might not get into a relationship in the near future.i'm not in a hurry,anyway.but if i have to,this time i'll make sure that he loves me and i will give him all the love that i could give.with that,our relationship would surely be for keeps.
@Bluepatch (2476)
• Trinidad And Tobago
5 Aug 08
Its natural to have doubts about anything. Especially relationships. Unless you have an ironclad experience to support a relationship then you will always pass through periods of doubts.
• United States
5 Aug 08
There sure have been times when I thought it was over! I moved out for six months once but we ended up working it out. I do not think marriage is always happiness but learning to put up with each others querks. It is a roller coaster and you have to stick it out. Well congrats!