newspaper or e-paper?

@dreamssri (1796)
August 5, 2008 3:56pm CST
well,im on the side of news paper.. the first think that i do on waking do in the morning is reading newspaper....i cant even imagine a world without news paper ,as alredy said in my previous discussion... e-paper is a bit annoying for me,because in newspaper,there is no need to load and my eyes feel better with newspaper than e-paper... what do you prefer??
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8 responses
@sirrob (4108)
• Philippines
5 Aug 08
another thing that prompts me to switch with e-paper is because there's no more paper from my country in the place where i am now. basically, the news in the paper that i have here is based on what's happening in my surroundings but i am more interested on what's happening in my mother land. i went online to read e-paper for updates and news from my country. but when our house we have a daily subscription of one of our local newspaper.
@dreamssri (1796)
• India
5 Aug 08
paper scarcity!! thats sounds different!!
@sirrob (4108)
• Philippines
5 Aug 08
no, it's not about scarcity but i am not just interested of reading what's in here in my place and i am most interested on what's happening in my country than to where i am located now. you know what i'm sayin'? so it's a matter of preference again, at least for me. hahaha
@ruby222 (4847)
5 Aug 08
I dont mind the online papers,if you cant get to the newsagents to get a paper,then its handy to be able to look online and see the news,the plus point is that you can also get some of the news from earlier editions.But really if the choice were mine I would maybe settle for the paper itself,you can spread it out and enjoy it more.
@dreamssri (1796)
• India
5 Aug 08
thats the feeling!!!
@k1tten (2318)
• United States
5 Aug 08
I actually prefer the newspaper. I'm not completely sure why I do. Each has their own ups and downs but I just like being able to hold the paper in my hand.
@iyah10 (4115)
• Kuwait
6 Aug 08
Yes I am more avid fan of newspaper every morning but it is in my office only but here in the house I am directly looking a news in my Country in the computer E-News is really helpful for me.
• Philippines
5 Aug 08
Haha.. I would surely go for the newspaper. Nothing beats like the hard copy. Also, it's the thing that I first read after I just woke up in most of my mornings.
• Philippines
5 Aug 08
Haha.. I would surely go for the newspaper. Nothing beats like the hard copy. Also, it's the thing that I first read after I just woke up in most of my mornings.
@Amanda81587 (3042)
• United States
5 Aug 08
I like the actual newspaper but sometimes when you dont have the time to go pick one up, the epaper is also convenient
5 Aug 08
The newspaper for me is more convienient as it displays all the info I need without the need for loading and waiting. I prefer broadsheets then tabloids mostly because tabloids always twist the truth just to get a better story. E-papers are okay when you are on the computer, but for me its got to be newspaper