what is emo?

August 7, 2008 7:42am CST
really, what is emo? most of my friends describe "emo" as a person who wears make-ups, small shirts, skinny jeans, smells bad, and hair that is long in front and shaved at the back, and is on a band who plays ear-drum busting music. emo is not just about the person i've described, its also about the song. emo is supposed to be about the song lyrics, not the actual sound of the song. its about lyrics that were composed for dead love ones, break-ups, or disappoinments,and heartbreaks and etc... for all i care love songs can also be emo, even christians songs can be generalized as emo. Emo is not about the person, its about the lyrics...
1 response
7 Aug 08
emo stands for emotional. A example of a emo is someone cutting there wrists if there girl friend dumps them
7 Aug 08
you're right emo stands for emotional. but a perfect sample are emotional lyrics..