How often do you drink coke or softdrinks?

August 15, 2008 12:36am CST
I like coke too but I can live a day without drinking one. But I have a friend who cannot survive a day without coke. coke in the morning, lunch and dinner. He treats coke as his water. For him, coke is his universal solvent! How bout you? Do you like coke? how often do you drink one?
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31 responses
• China
15 Aug 08
ya..i like coke,but i dont often drink it.Normally i drink one bottle per week. It contain much pigment...
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• Philippines
15 Aug 08
hi there, thanks for responding...
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• China
15 Aug 08
ur drinking coke(the only time this week) lol
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@alokn99 (5717)
• India
15 Aug 08
A few years ago I would have atleast One a day. After learning of the side effects of them and the damage these aerated drinks were doing to our body, I would not have more than one a week.
@alokn99 (5717)
• India
15 Aug 08
I should change it to harmful effects rather than side effects. Here is a link which should help. I found it to be very useful.
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• Philippines
15 Aug 08
what sife effects? so I can tell my friend.. thanks for responding..
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• Philippines
15 Aug 08
i guess four times a day my meal isnt complete if i dont have anything to drink like ice tea or coke but i really like the taste of coke but i dont drink it in the morning guess its bad for our health especially if you havent eaten anything.
• Philippines
16 Aug 08
coke has harmful effects when taken in excess.. So i hope you take it moderately.. thanks for responding..
• Australia
15 Aug 08
my son loves his coke or pepsi and has it for breakfast,lunch,tea,and in -between. As you said about your friend this is his water and i don't think it will change until the day comes ,and it will come when he has no choice but to give up drinking these softdrinks.
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• Philippines
16 Aug 08
responses i receive here tell me that softdrinks have harmful effects when taken in excess.. I hope you warn your son... prevention is better than cure.. thanks for responding..
@sodraja (58)
15 Aug 08
Hi! It's me again . I never drink any of them . No matter what brand it is , all soft-drinks contain harmful acids that could damage the digestion system of your body . So you always keep them at a distance and also ask your friend to follow you .
• Philippines
15 Aug 08
hi, thanks for responding.. yeah but sometimes it's hard to keep yourself from drinking it as it is addicting..
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@michelled (326)
• United States
15 Aug 08
I love coke , it is my drink of choice, I have a can of coke everyday . I am like your friend it is my addiction of course i dont have it for breakfast and lunch but with my dinner. I love coke very much.
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• Philippines
15 Aug 08
yeah, coke is quite addicting.. thanks for responding..
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@1grnthmb (2055)
• United States
16 Aug 08
zI used to drink sodas guit a bit. Maybe even a couple a day. Now I drink mostly water. It is much healthier and I am not getting all that sugar in my system. Maybe twice a month now I well have a soda as a treat. And that is all that it should be used for.
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@applefreak (3130)
• Singapore
15 Aug 08
well i love coke very much too. i wish i can drink it everyday and every meal. however, i have a weak stomach so i get cramps if i drink too much of coke. i can only drink a can every other day. every time i try to drink one can a day i'll get stomach cramps within a week. it's really sad coz i really love the taste very much. nothing cheers me up more than an icy cold coke. cheers ;p
• Philippines
16 Aug 08
thanks for responding..
@alpha7 (1910)
• France
15 Aug 08
Every cola has caffeine,almost 30% of colories, sugar and gas, so if taken in access it could cause a lot of damage rather than the pleasure it brings.LOts of sodas,lots of water or anything in access can cause hovoc to the health,though this does not change the fact that i take soda and water as well but not in excess.
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• Philippines
16 Aug 08
thanks for responding..
• United States
21 Aug 08
I drank Coke for four years straight. It wasn't the brightest thing I've ever done either. The results of that has been stunted growth, weight gain, and additional pain to my migraines. The migraines were there before, but the pain had doubled and hasn't gotten any less painful. So I stopped drinking so much Coke back in March. Right now I have gone down to a 2 liter bottle every few weeks.
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@zhpshql (693)
• China
18 Aug 08
HI, for me, I always drink coke after I played basketball or tennis, and generally, I prefer tea to coke, especially the green tea, I like it so much, and you can't have too much coke, it's bad for you health.
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@neildc (17239)
• Lapu-Lapu City, Philippines
15 Aug 08
we love coke in the family, but not too much. my wife's family inherits diabetic persons so we try to avoid coke even if we love it too much. and aside from the sickness that we can get, in my family alone, one liter of coke is not enough. so it will be more expensive than to have a ten peso iced tea litro pack. (neildc @ red/88/1601)
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• Philippines
16 Aug 08
yeah, coke is expensive so let's drink juice or tea instead! thanks for responding..
@gabbana (1815)
• China
17 Aug 08
very often, i should say, i prefer coke than pepsi. i more often drink other local drinks, it is easy to reach.
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• Indonesia
15 Aug 08
I limit my softdrink consumption into once a week but it turns out that less than that, now I never consume softdrink anymore since...........I don't remember.
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• Philippines
16 Aug 08
thanks for responding!
@AshleyHasan (1024)
• India
16 Aug 08
I do love coke but I drink only once a day! I can live with out softdrinks but my hub can not he drinks lots of softdrinks in a day!
@cupid74 (11388)
• Pakistan
16 Aug 08
Hi deasr i dont like coke much, i am more of Mirnda or Mango juice fan, Well i dont have it daily as i can live without it, But if i am at some body place or office and if they offer then i drink it, And where i have choice, i prefer water Take care
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@snakequeen (1299)
• India
16 Aug 08
No preference for me. Whichever is available when i want it, either coke or other soft drinks. It is also not very often. Only when it is very hot out there and i am quite thirsty!
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• Philippines
16 Aug 08
Not quite often, I think there are only times that I would like to drink it like in summer. I rarely drink it because I know the effect and unhealthy things that we can get and it will cause illnesses in our body. But I really like coke, that's my favorite softdrinks and really are best if it is quite cold.
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@jmarquis (28)
• United States
16 Aug 08
I go through phases where I drink a soda at least once a day, but usually only a few times a week.
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• India
16 Aug 08
i drink coke & other products very often wenevr i travl...its really irrestble...i cnt be withput drinkin them...almost oftn
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