Big Brother 10: Nominees for week of August 15th...

@cortjo73 (6498)
United States
August 15, 2008 9:19pm CST
Stop...spoiler below! You have been warned. So, here it is. Renny might have made a mistake here. The one thing she should have done was put April and Ollie up together so that, if one of them gets the POV, only one will be safe instead of both. Nope...girlfriend put April and Jerry up. Bone head. That really was a mistake that could bite her in the butt later. But, you never know. Maybe neither Ollie nor April will get the POV and that will likely mean April's eviction. So, here is some stuff that I read from the feeds that got me torqued. Ollie is the pot calling the kettle black. First he is pleading with Renny not to put him on the block and throwing Memphis under the bus by pointing out that he already won a $50,000 car. He asked Renny why she wanted April out and she said that it is because she is a good competitor and therefore a threat. That is the way that Renny sees April. So, Ollie then went and discussed it with April and he told her why Renny said she wanted her out...the whole good competitor thing but, then...he said that that wasn't the real reason. He told April that the real reason is because of the money and the designer clothes that April has won. WTFedge? Seriously? Just because that is how you two greedy brats think, doesn't mean that is how everyone else in the house thinks. How dare he throw Memphis under the bus like that and then go and accuse Renny of having that as an excuse as to why she wants April out. Ugh! I have had enough of April and Ollie and their "you already won something" crap. And, the next thing...Michelle is playing both sides and that could end up costing her the game if she either isn't careful or doesn't just stop that entirely and pick a dang side to stick with. She is kissing Renny's butt and then going and telling Ollie and April everything that Renny says. Not a good idea. That has not worked well for others in the past. I like Michelle but, this crap is making me think twice about her. So, what do all of you think about the nominees, the Ollie (pot) calling the kettle black, and Michelle's new game plan?
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10 responses
@Reesers (1387)
• United States
17 Aug 08
I know Renny was going back and forth on what to do, even the possibility of using a pawn. So I'm happy the nominations came out the way they did. Sure, April and Ollie on the block together would have been a better choice but at least we know one of the biggest pot stirrers will be leaving this week. And then hopefully next week, another part of that alliance will follow. Michelle almost had me. I was almost totally on her side and then two weeks ago she shattered it again. What I've been expecting to see from her finally came out when she was given the unitard. Then that was followed by her actions when she won HOH. I understand she was having a terrible week and it had to feel great that something was finally going her way. I just think she could have handled it a better way. Playing both sides will get her in trouble. I thought she was one of the smart ones and you would think she would know better. Maybe those paranoid discussions with April, Ollie, and Jerry last week started eating away at the smart brain cells.
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@Reesers (1387)
• United States
18 Aug 08
I think we've started to see more of Michelle and her game play since Jessie was evicted. She would have been on her way out as well since they were going after that side but she's not really anyone's target now. I hope she realizes that she'll have to stop playing both sides soon, especially with so few people left, or it might bite her in the butt. If April leave this week (I have everything crossed!) it should be interesting to see how Ollie does without her around to pull his strings.
@cortjo73 (6498)
• United States
18 Aug 08
I really hope that it will be the pot stirrer going home this week! Maybe, with Libra having been evicted, we will continue the good streak and watch April leave too! Hopefully! And, I thought that Michelle's reaction to the unitard was funny but, very immature and over the top. But, I have to admit that she made me laugh! LOL! And, then with the HOH win, yea...I was a bit turned off about her but, I still maintained some desire for her to do well. Now, with the playing both sides, which has never proved well for past HGs, I am sitting on the fence of indecision about Michelle. We'll have to see whether she knocks me off to the opposite side or if she can win me back in the coming weeks...or days if she doesn't get her butt evicted with her antics. LOL!
@capirani (2791)
• United States
18 Aug 08
Wouldn't it be funny to see one of the men win that blasted unitard one of these seasons? Couldn't you just imagine Jerry having to wear it? Well, we will just have to wait til next season.
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@Opal26 (17679)
• United States
16 Aug 08
Wait, Are you saying that Renny won HOH??? Are you serious? She won??? How??? She never won anything! Now I'm really confused. So she put up April and Jerry. Why? I really don't know wtf is going on. Again, I don't like anyone and I don't think anyone in that stupid house should win so again I think you and I should split the money and that would be the best situation. So now we need to get everyone on mylot to write to BB to let them know that we are changing the rules of the game and Cortjo73 and Opal26 are going to be the winners of BB10 and that's it! There's nothing anyone can do about it! The decision has been made by the mylot community! Just let us know where to pick up the money and when and Corjo73 & Opal26 will be there to meet Julie to get out money! We will bring any myloters that would like to go!
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@cortjo73 (6498)
• United States
16 Aug 08
Hey my biggest fan and brain twin! LOL! Yes! Renny won. The competition was a questions comp where they had to pick which one of the evicted hgs said a statement in the diary room and, if you buzzed in and got the answer right, you got to pick who you wanted to eliminate from the game. It came down to Keesha and Renny and Renny won the HOH. As far as why she put up Jerry and April, she wants both of them out the most. She was wavering back and forth for a while as to who she would put up as a pawn with April and, she was just about sold on tossing Ollie up there when he talked her out of it. But, she wants one of the Ollie, April and Jerry alliance and she is banking on neither of the three of them getting the POV so that either her noms stay the same of, Jerry gets taken down and she will put Ollie up there so that they are split apart. And, I agree! Do you think we can get our fellow myLotians to back us on us winning the money? I say...let's go for it! LOL!
@Rosekitty (19368)
• San Marcos, Texas
16 Aug 08
Whoa Opal..I want to be included in that win i'll even take Memphis's that was a great looking classic car! April can keep her designer wait i'll give them to my win but not to be inside with those
@Opal26 (17679)
• United States
16 Aug 08
No prob, Ms. Kitty, I think Ms. Cortjo & I can work you into the deal. We might just get some more people to vote if we take you along. And you can have the car too if it's of with Ms. Cortjo, I'd don't drive and as for those clothes that the bleach bottle has-you'd have to wash them too many times to get the skanky out of them!
@alexsis (2149)
• United States
17 Aug 08
Why did she put up Jerry? Jerry is one of my favorites. I don't like April so I hope she is going home. Ollie needs to stay out of the pot, but of course he won't because his baby is on the block. Michelle, I don't like her. Hopefully someone will put her on the block next week. I guess she haven't learned anything about playing both sides and where you will end up.
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@cortjo73 (6498)
• United States
18 Aug 08
LOL! It looks like you and I have some different opinions about the HGs! LOL! I still love ya though! I are so relieved! Anyway, I am alright with Jerry going this week if he does but, I would rather see April go first to break up the twosome. As for Michelle, I am starting to be a fence sitter about her. I didn't like her at first, then I liked her up until her HOH win where she went a little immature and crazy. I still like her but saw her in a bit of a different light that was a little unbecoming. Then, with her playing both sides like she is, I am struggling to like her. But, she is low on my list of people that I want to see go...for now. LOL!
@Rose7179 (217)
• United States
17 Aug 08
I really need to get on here more lol. After I put my thoughts here i am going to read your other post and put my thoughts there. Ok so I like the nominations but you are right when you said she should have put up April and Ollie. I am confused as to why the HG's dont see these two as a threat together. If they are not split up I think they will walk right through the game and end up with first and second place. I really am not fond of Jerry anymore so I wont mind if he goes home this week. As for Ollie. thats not a big surprise. I think him and April are two peas in a pod. They are spoiled brats and blame everyone else for things that happen. Ok I think I am done. Now to see who won POV lol
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@cortjo73 (6498)
• United States
17 Aug 08
LOL! I think that the others do see them as a threat but, they were unsuccessful at getting Renny to put Ollie up there with her. As for Jerry, I agree. I wouldn't mind seeing him gone either but, I want April gone first. Then, I think Jerry. After him, Keesha, although she could leave before Jerry too. Than Ollie. After that, I'll have to see. LOL! April and Ollie are both spoiled brats. You hit the nail on the head there!
@nicholejade (2430)
• Canada
16 Aug 08
I was wondering why she didn't put April and Ollie up against eachother myself. I was quite shocked. That was quite the stupid move on her part. I don't understand why Renny even said to Ollie that he was safe. Ollie even said later after his little talk with Renny that she was stupid if she didn't put him up next to April. And boy is she stupid at this point. Renny even told April why she would put her up was because of her being a good competitor. I think Ollie wants to go and twist things around here and of course he was going to run back and tell April what was said. I have no respect for him that way. I don't like when people do that. Just be thankful Renny said that she was going to save you and leave it at that. Maybe then he would be able to play the game than be April's little puppet. Those two are sure making me sick and I honestly can't stand watching the feeds when they are talking. I just want to puke when I see them. ARGH!!!! I don't agree with Michelle's game at this point either. She is going to be out very soon if she keeps that up. I hate that she is kissing Renny's butt and Renny is being so nice to her but then it is going to bite Renny in the butt later as well. I hope Michelle picks a side real soon.
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@cortjo73 (6498)
• United States
16 Aug 08
Ollie talked her into not putting him up. Basically, he threatened to target her if she put him up and that was feeding on her fears. Really stupid! But, maybe it will all work out for the best for her.
• Canada
16 Aug 08
I wouldn't really care if he threatened me as the majority of the house would keep Renny but I guess that all depends on who she is put up against as well.
@capirani (2791)
• United States
18 Aug 08
I am so glad Renny put April and Jerry both on the block. I want Jerry out and April too. But I don't care which one goes first as long as one of them does. Also, after watching the show tonight (I didn't read your spoiler until after the show)and watching Ollie and April talking about what their relationship means to each of them, I don't think he is buying the act. I also don't believe she is planning for anything beyond the house either. She just paused way too long before she answered...then it was like she realized she had to say something or lose her ally. And I think he caught on to that, even if he didn't say so. Then after his talk with Renny, when he was in the diary room, he is realizing that as long as he is connected with April he has a target on his back as well. So, maybe he is catching on. I have never thought he would play the same way he is now if April is out of the house. I think he is using her just as much as she is using him...and he is figuring out that it is dangerous for his game. So, I don't care that Renny didn't put him on the block. Get April out of the house and he doesn't have to "break up" with her...and then he can play his game for himself. He might even start to see some things with some fresh eyes and start thinking for himself. I am glad they all knocked some sense into Renny about putting up a pawn. That rarely, if ever works the way it was planned to work. I don't trust Michelle. But I haven't given her much attention until now because Libra and Jerry were always center stage with their screaming and yelling at everyone. I am so glad Libra is out of that house. Now she can wait for April or Jerry to join her in the jury house and they can yell and scream at each other until the show ends.
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@cortjo73 (6498)
• United States
18 Aug 08
I remember reading in the beginning, that April said she is a bit of a commitment-phobe. She doesn't like to even use the word relationship...or something like that. So, she is almost definitely out of there when the show ends! LOL! I hope Ollie has it figured out. I was watching the BBAD's from this weekend and, it is amazing how different things are without Libra fueling things. No one got into any arguments. They are all getting along well. No one is yelling at anyone else. And, yet...Libra said that she wasn't the catalyst for all the arguments. Ummm...listen here chicky! The proof is in the pudding! LOL! But, I can see Jerry getting into another yelling match soon enough! LOL!
@capirani (2791)
• United States
19 Aug 08
LOL I really wondered if things would calm down once Libra was out of the house. It will be interesting to see how things heat up in the jury house once people start landing over there. Maybe the cameras will have to focus more over there if the main house gets too calm and boring.
@Polly1 (12645)
• United States
16 Aug 08
Thats part of the game, stirring things up. But she has to becareful because it will come back and bite her in the butt. Is Renny saying who she really wants to get rid of this week? April, Ollie or Jerry would be fine with me, take your pick. I watched some of the youtube videos, April and Ollie sure have been bold with themselves, his daddy must be cringing. I feel sorry for his dad, he has to face his congregation knowing that they know what Ollie has been doing. Ollie is going to have alot to face when he gets home. He might have to marry April and take her home to meet everyone. I have been liking Renny more and more, I hope she goes far in this game. I haven't really figured out who I want to win yet.
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@cortjo73 (6498)
• United States
16 Aug 08
Renny would like to see April go, I think but, she would also like to see Jerry go so, I guess that that was just her way of getting the best of both worlds. I sort of feel sorry for Ollie's dad too. You know there are a bunch of people in there that either have the feeds, read the live feed updaters sites, watch BBAD or have YouTubed the clips from the show and someone in that congregation has seen his son getting nasty on camera. I sort of like Renny too but, at this point, I want Dan or Michelle to win. I would be ok with Renny or Memphis winning. But my opinion can change at any point. In fact, I am not entirely happy with Michelle's game play right now so, I might be knocking her off my list any minute now. At the top is Dan. I like him. He is funny, sweet, spunky and he has the most even temper of all BB players, past and present.
@sunshine4 (8703)
• United States
16 Aug 08
Although I would have loved to have seen Ollie and April up, I am not surprised at all that she put Jerry up. I think it is so silly that they keep bringing up what others have won in this game! It is like they are all sore loosers. It seemes that Ollie has this on his mind about Memphis and maybe in the back of his mind about April too. I liked michelle until the week Jesse left. Then I didn't like the way she acted as HOH. She had such attitude and now she is playing both sides! Give me a break. She use to hate April and now all of the sudden they are best friends.
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@cortjo73 (6498)
• United States
17 Aug 08
Good point about Ollie. Maybe it is in the back of his mind about how much April has won. And, Michelle lost me a little bit when she acted so crazy after she won HOH too. But, I forgave her that even though the hubby and I discussed how she shouldn't have been rubbing it in people's faces like that. That can come back and bite you in the butt later with the other HGs down the line. Grace is a much better way to win with.
@Rosekitty (19368)
• San Marcos, Texas
16 Aug 08
Morning Cortjo!... Yes i agree about Renny wasn't thinking right and we know things change all the time, but maybe either won't win pov and then April will finally go..I keep thinking what she said about Keesha saying that K is jealous of her cause she's prettier ..oh please! I personally don't watch them two getting it on so its no big loss for me if one goes but perfer both gone..Don't like Michelle playing on their side since she's going to get labeled with them, but i think she's just playing them for incase they stay longer...their numbers aren't there so still don't think its a good idea to stick around though... My order of gone is..April,Ollie,Jerry,Keesha,Michelle,Memphis,and Dan and Renny for final 2
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@cortjo73 (6498)
• United States
16 Aug 08
Good morning to you Rosekitty! POV was played last night. I haven't seen it for myself yet and I only know what the hubby told me. I am playing catch up so, I don't know if anyone has spoiled it yet or not. If not, I'll start a discussion on it. If so, than you might already know who got it. I can see why Michelle might be trying to cover her butt but, at this time, it doesn't benefit her much at all to kiss April or Ollie's butts.
@pam210 (344)
• United States
16 Aug 08
I thought Renny would put up Jerry. You can just tell that she can't stand him and I know that she couldn't resist putting Jerry up. If the nominations stay I think April will go because although Jerry gets on everyones nerves - I think there is a real hatred for April. Maybe Renny is counting on the fact that Jerry will win POV since he has one the last 2 and then he will take himself off and she will put up Ollie. This may backfire on her though because if Jerry wins POV he may do something stupid like take April off! It has happened before. If April gets off who will go - Jerry or Ollie I would guess would be nominated. My guess would be Jerry but you never know. I don't get Ollie. In the first show they made him to be religous and a goody goody with his parents but then as soon as he got in the house he did not give that impression. I wouldn't doubt that he is playing April. I don't know about Michelle. She doesn't seem like a smart player but she thinks she is smart which should hurt her in the end. I still haven't watched BBAF from last night so maybe I can catch up some tonight.
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@cortjo73 (6498)
• United States
16 Aug 08
You could be right about the POV and Jerry's streak. Maybe that was her plan. I guess I sort of hope so now so that Jerry can take himself off ensuring that either Ollie or April goes home. So, strategically then, Renny should get the other POV players together and tell them to keep April (and if Ollie is one of the players) Ollie from getting the POV, and either try to get it themselves or let Jerry get it and just make sure that Jerry uses it on himself by eluding to the fact that he is their intended target. If he feels threatened enough, he won't use it on April, will use it on himself and then Renny could put Ollie up there and the Booty Makers would be split up! As far as which one will go if April gets off, I have no idea. I would say Jerry for getting on everyone's nerves but, if they are smarter than we think they are, they will split the Booty Makers and evict Ollie. LOL! I haven't watched last night's BBAD yet either. It has been all I can do to play catch up on the live feed updates and on myLot discussions this evening! LOL!