Do you visit the "Discussion with No Responses" section?

August 16, 2008 10:43am CST
I have recently seen some discussion about having zero responses. I wonder if you regularly visit this section to help out those people with no responses. If you do not know where it is, it is under the Discussions Tab. For me, I do go there from time to time, especially when I have responded to top discussions, discussions from my interests and discussions my friends started. So I will come here to look for other interesting discussions to post. What about you? Hav eyou been there? Do you visit it regularly? Where do you find interesting discussions to respond to?
6 people like this
16 responses
@James72 (26790)
• Australia
17 Aug 08
I do occasionally yes. But to be honest it is generally as an absolute last resort! The "New" discussion section I do spend a lot of time checking though. Lately I have been checking all over the place! I have had the chance to be a little more proactive than usual the last week or so, so I have been trying to seek inspiration from areas on myLot where I don't ususally dare to tread! lol. Change is as good as a holiday right?
1 person likes this
• Singapore
17 Aug 08
Change is great! There's more opportunity if you participate in change than remain where you are. Am I making sense? Sometimes I do that too, explore all over myLot.
@dreamssri (1796)
• India
17 Aug 08
i do visit these sections,but not regularly!i give first preference to my friends' discussion..then i'll check out some discussions from my interests...the third option is "no responses"...i just now answered a question in that section...but i go there very rarely..
• Singapore
17 Aug 08
We all have our preferences when it comes to selecting which discussions to focus on. Sometimes, when the interesting topics have been answered, you just have to move on to other sections to check out other discussions. I go there when I have finished looking at all the three I mentioned above.
@dreamssri (1796)
• India
17 Aug 08
i must say something said that if the interesting topics are answered,then we should move to the next ones...the reply for this is,i always choose discussions with multiple opinions to respond like asking help,opinion,etc,...i almost never respond to the discussions like "this or that?" unless they are really very interesting....i'm fed up with such,i always give importance to the word "interesting" in any of the category mentioned above...
@emskoneko (805)
• United States
17 Aug 08
I like responding mostly to top discussions. But I also like to venture into the Discussions with No Responses and New Discussions.
• Singapore
17 Aug 08
Did you find my discussion in the Top Discussion? I hope so.
@AshleyHasan (1024)
• India
17 Aug 08
I do check no responses discussions atleast once in a day and I respond to those discussions which I am comfortable with. We should respond to no responses as well that's how people feel good about and it is also like motivating them to start more discussions.
• Singapore
17 Aug 08
I should do it more regularly now. There are lots of interesting topics there.
@joyadalia (1408)
• Philippines
17 Aug 08
Yes, I do. When I was new here I felt that it was so difficult to feel welcome and my discussions weren't answered. Later on, I learned how to interact more and found the tab for new users and no responses discussions. I make it a point that at least once a day I answer at least one from each of these categories. The newbies are mostly not so good in making discussions and directly post some that are bound to get deleted. I tell them the guidelines and as they learn they get to know how to post well. Also, even though the posts are not really interesting for some people but since the poster had passed it then it must have meant to him or her. So I reply to them.
• Singapore
17 Aug 08
YOu're very kind to offer you assistance to the newbies. keep it up and we will all benefit from a gret myLot community here.
@sumiirajj (1983)
• India
17 Aug 08
Hi friend ,yes I do visit no response section and give my responses. but everyone has to think the same as we do.lot of responses go unnoticed.dont know why?
• Singapore
17 Aug 08
Don't know why either. Maybe we all have the myLot mindset.
@carolbee (16230)
• United States
16 Aug 08
I do go to that section and respond once in awhile. I like to help others if at all possible. I do get so many email notifications each day that I can't seem to keep up with them. I have close to 400 email notifications right now and there is no way I can ever get caught up. I respond to several a day and get twice or three times as many more emails before I can finish one response.
• Singapore
17 Aug 08
400 email notifications. My, my, you are definitely popular here in myLot!
@madekun (70)
• Indonesia
17 Aug 08
I do it sometimes. I want to help the starter --if I can--.
• Singapore
17 Aug 08
That's very kind of you to help the starter of the discussion.
@misty99 (736)
17 Aug 08
I do visit those discussion and respond to some that interests me.I was once there,actually my topic was deleted already-don't know why.Usually from my interest,the topics my friend started and if i still have time i drop by the no response topics.
• Singapore
17 Aug 08
So far, I have not had any of my discussions land there, thank goodness. But I do have one which had only 1 respondent. I guess you're like me, we go there once in awhile.
• Malaysia
17 Aug 08
I visit regulary the discussion with No reponses section. Then I will visit discussion with my interests and finally top discussions.
• Singapore
17 Aug 08
So you make No responses your first stop. That's wonderful. Keep mylotting!
@lazeebee (5461)
• Malaysia
17 Aug 08
Hi Sydney, I'd sometimes go through the zero responses section, as there are sometimes interesting discussions there. And if possible, try to post responses to some; as it could be very demotivating to post a discussion, and no one is interested enough to respond. But again, I can only respond, if I have knowledge of the discussion, else I'll not be making sense at all!
• Singapore
17 Aug 08
You're right. I think all of us need to have something to contribute if they want to participate in a discussion. Having knowledge to answer would be a plus. Making sense is definitely a must!
@_sketch_ (5742)
• United States
17 Aug 08
I visit the discussions with no responses section almost every day. I think that it is important to make people feel like their time isn't just being wasted here on mylot, especially those who are new to mylot, who are usually the ones who have trouble getting responses to their discussions. Also, I like to be the first respondent.
• Singapore
17 Aug 08
I think it's fun to be first respondent too It's also nice to help those without any responses, right?
@Jenaisle (14079)
• Philippines
17 Aug 08
Yes, I do visit it too, go over the questions and see if I have something useful to say. Sometimes the questions are very good and highly scientific, that's probably the reason they were unanswered. I have some of my questions too with no answers at all, but I don't fret over them, perhaps they would be answered eventually. Happy Mylotting.
• Singapore
17 Aug 08
Scientific questions, I guess they are more difficult to reply to. Another thing I noticed about these discussions with no responses is that some of them were not written well. I could not understand what they were trying to get us to comment about. Not yours definitely. I can perfectly understand what you write.
@vidhyavini (6111)
• India
17 Aug 08
Definitely man. Thats the only section that I visit regularly. I love that section a lot. The two sections which I visit so often is the 'No Responses' and 'New User' section. Other than that I will check out 'Friends started' and one or two in 'Today's Top'. Thats all. Time won't be enough for doing this itself. Hehe. Happy mylotting. Have fun.
• Singapore
17 Aug 08
You are the second person who responded saying that they visit the New User section regularly. Glad there are people who are helping newbies to adapt here in myLot.
@sunnflr (2767)
• United States
17 Aug 08
I go there quite often to see if there's anything interesting to respond to. I'm on late here some nights and I think I catch people right after they've posted...that's why they don't have responses yet.
@brisk123 (2823)
• India
17 Aug 08
Yes I always go and look for discussions from there too.Sometimes I find some interesting discussions there with zero response.I always pick and try to respond if I find anything interesting and good to discuss.