Violence in the BB House?

@capirani (2791)
United States
August 19, 2008 11:16pm CST
Did you all hear Jerry's comment after the POV ceremony ended tonight? He said he expects to see more violence in the game in the coming weeks since it is coming closer to the end. Does that worry anyone about where that violence will come from? I think Jerry is dangerous in that house and should be gotten out A.S.A.P. I think everything he said tonight, to Dan personally, and to the group at the ceremony leads to just how rough of a person he really is. I think the HG's should pay more attention to the things going on with him. I know people are starting to see how argumentative he is and how he explodes in anger over the arguments in the house. But does anyone else think he could be dangerous?
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4 responses
@sunshine4 (8703)
• United States
20 Aug 08
I didn't really understand what he was talking about. He said something about how he lived from being a marine ect and then something about violence. I don't really think he will become physically violent. If he is smart, he will sit back and be quiet because he should see that they want to break up Ollie and April. I do think he is getting on the other houseguests nerves with his blowups. I wouldn't be surprised to see him up again next week if he doesn't win hoh.
@capirani (2791)
• United States
20 Aug 08
He had said something during the episode about having grown up on the streets and having joined the Marines one day after his 17th birthday. He also said something about how all he has ever really done is lash out with nasty words, etc. He did apologize for all his nastiness toward Dan but I don't think it was sincere at all. I think it was all based on hoping Dan would use the POV to get him off the block. But all in all, from what Jerry said all through that episode was that he lives by the rules of the street and the marines and he is a tough cookie who will fight back whenever he has to. The only "soft" side I have really seen in him was when they filmed him talking to himself in bed. Even then I found it interesting the order of the people he said he missed. His wife was second to last, only ahead of the dog.
@sunshine4 (8703)
• United States
21 Aug 08
I totally think that the only reason he apologized to Dan was in hopes that he would use the pov on him. He didn't mean any of what he said. Also, when I heard him talking to himself, he sounded crazy! He is a loose cannon!
@cortjo73 (6498)
• United States
21 Aug 08
He is pretty explosive. He hasn't been as bad since Libra left but, I do know the comment that he made that you were talking about and it gave me pause as I tried to figure out if he meant literally or figuratively and who he meant it about...himself or another HG. As for whether he is a physical threat...I don't know. He sure does have a small fuse. He is starting to lose it. He literally sat in front of the washer and dryer yesterday watching it for about an hour or so. Yup...just watching it clean clothes. No one knew why but, they all watched him do it. I am hoping that they play a little of it on the show tonight.
@cortjo73 (6498)
• United States
19 Sep 08
Thank you for the best response!
• United States
21 Aug 08
I'm surprised jerry hasn't had a heart attack on teh show yet. His outbursts are crazy! But Memphis is more of a loose cannon, physically. I don't think Jerry could hurt a fly, but Mmephis worries me.
@Rose7179 (217)
• United States
20 Aug 08
Sometimes I wonder about that guy. He is very argumentative and a loose canon. I dont like how he attacks people personally. Its not fair to them, he does not know them outside of the house and has no right to do that to them.