If you have been with you significant other for more then a year...

@Sissygrl (10912)
August 20, 2008 9:01pm CST
Do they still make you laugh, surprise you with unexpected statements? My hubby is pretty predictable but once in a while he comes up with something that just makes me wanna laugh till my cheeks hurt. of course sense i wanted to start a discussion about it, i can t reall an specific instance. .
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11 responses
@sk66rc (4250)
• United States
21 Aug 08
My girl friend & I've been together for 6 years & have been living together for little over 4 years of it... She makes me laugh almost everyday... I never can tell what she's gonna say or do from one minute to the next... Also, she's been learning how to speak Korean for past few years & she looks so cute when she tries to talk to me in Korean... I think she's trying to be serious but I can't help but to smile when she's trying... It's the cutest thing I've seen...
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• China
21 Aug 08
Hei,Sk66rc, i think you have a clever girl friend.Actually being a good listener is a good partner!Iever stayed with my girl friend for about 1.5 years.It was a good time. She always liked talking with me about her childhood,her family and her sister.So i had been a good listener and now will be.
@Sissygrl (10912)
• Canada
21 Aug 08
I take it then you are korean ? and she is not ? That must be a little hard, but you seem very fluent in english. I think she must really love you if she is willing to try to speak a new language, its a very hard thing for most people to do! I dunno if i could do it, but i think if i was in love i would try ;)
@moneyandgc (3428)
• United States
21 Aug 08
My husband and I have been together for 6 years. We have been married for over 3 years. He makes me laugh all the time! It is one of the reasons I fell in love with him to begin with. I jokingly told him the other day that I was going to divorce him. He looked at me and said with a big grin, "That's ok, I will just marry you again!" My husband was marriage-phobic after his first one turned out to be awful. I found it sweet and a little shocking when he told me this. I didn't know what to say, which is a first for me! lol
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@Sissygrl (10912)
• Canada
21 Aug 08
lol. that is sweet. Last night my friend sent me to a forum she was talking in about devoirce and i happened to leave teh site opened and he noticed it in my EI tab on the windows bar. LOL. he looked over at me, and he was like Are you planning on devorcing me anytime soon ? i was like what?? no... that's my friends read it!! and he was like sure sure, and i was like why where you scared for a second ? and he says NO RELIEVED. i kicked him in the back playfully and he laughed. Then he said i'm sure i could find something to say to make you leave me, and i suggested that he had already ALMOST FOUND the right words. lol. maybe its not as funny typed out as it was while it was playing out, but i laughed a lot :)
@sunshinecup (7871)
21 Aug 08
I have been with my husband for 12 years and just tonight he had me laughing so much I could have peed myself. Yes, he still makes me laugh. He's my best friend, and I don't think we will ever stop laughing or talking.
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@Sissygrl (10912)
• Canada
21 Aug 08
Glad to hear it! mine makes me laugh, sometimes he makes me cry, but usually he just makes me content. :)
• United States
21 Aug 08
when I was married we did share some fun time but the bad times out weighed the good times
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@whywiki (6066)
• Canada
21 Aug 08
I have been friends with my S.O. for over 20 years and his sense of humor is still sick and twisted as ever and often makes me smile. I don't think we could have survived the bad times without our sense of humour I think laughter is very important in life.
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@ersmommy1 (12588)
• United States
21 Aug 08
Yes my hubby does. That is one of the reasons I love him. Almost daily he can and does make me smile. I even had an instance today. The best thing is when we can laugh together. It is one of the things I look forward to most about growing old with him.
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@sedel1027 (17846)
• Cupertino, California
21 Aug 08
My husband is really goofy. He is always comgin up with phrases, voices, and sometimes jokes (most of those are just too corny!) that make me laugh hard.
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@mummymo (23706)
23 Aug 08
I love you can't rhyme off a specific instance of this sissy as I am always doing that and thought I was the only one! My other half and I have been together 11 years next week and although he infuriates me and knows exactly how to stress me out he still surprises me , makes me laugh and when he isn't annoying me I still get butterflies in my tummy with a look or smile from him! xxx
@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
21 Aug 08
Hubby and I just celebrated our 17th anniversary on the 17th of this month and yes he's forever keeping me in stitches!! He's always doing something that makes me laugh that I'll call him EARL like the guy on the tv show called "My Name Is Earl" He always laughs with me which is a good thing and then jokingly complains "Why are you laughing at me? You're always laughing at me since we first got married!" It's the only way to be in a marriage which is give and take and laugh together.
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@dawnald (85135)
• Shingle Springs, California
21 Aug 08
I make him laugh. Not so much the other way around.
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• United States
21 Aug 08
Yeah, I have been with my significant other for over a year, he is absolutely wonderful and I could not ask for a better relationship. He makes me laugh, and he still gives me butterflies in my stomach, the relationship still feels so fresh and brand-new, though we know so much about each others lives, this feeling is bound to keep me young forever haha. Have you ever smiled so much that the muscles hurt and you form small temporary creases at the corners of your mouth? I'm not even old enough for wrinkles yet but he gives them to me when I laugh so much around him haha, I am sure glad that they don't last though! haha. Happy mylotting, and I hope your relationship stays great forever!
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