Big Brother 10: New HOH!

@cortjo73 (6498)
United States
August 21, 2008 11:41pm CST
You know the drill... First Jerry dropped. Then Keesha, then Michelle, then Memphis. It was down to Ollie and Dan. Dan is the new HOH! It is late, I am going to bed! But, I am thrilled! Now, who do you all think he will put up? I don't have a clue!
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11 responses
@Rose7179 (217)
• United States
22 Aug 08
*Dances around the house* lol that is the best thing i have heard all day. I am so excited. Oh man i dont have a clue who he would put up. i would like to see him put up Ollie and Michelle. I dont know why but thats who I want to see him put up. So how do you think this will effect him seeing as next week is the double eviction. This could come to bite him in the butt!.
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@webeishere (36313)
• United States
22 Aug 08
Read my discussion and also my response below. Seems a deal was struck during commercial break during BBAD. HAPPY POSTINGS FROM GRANDPA BOB !!
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@cortjo73 (6498)
• United States
22 Aug 08
LOL! I am dancing with you and I am glad I could be the one to give you the best news you have heard all day! LOL! Until I saw GB's response below, I was thinking that he would put Jerry and Michelle up but, hmmmm...interesting! LOL!
@webeishere (36313)
• United States
22 Aug 08
He will put up Keesha and Jeery. Seems a deal was struck with Loolie as once inside after the HOH competition Ollie told Michelle her and her were safe.
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@cortjo73 (6498)
• United States
22 Aug 08
Hmmm! Thanks for the scoop GB! I pretty much saw Ollie drop, did some clapping, some shaking my booty, went to my laptop and posted this discussion and crawled into bed so I missed that whole thing. Interesting. I figured that he would put Jerry up but, thought it might be Michelle over Keesha. I got that one wrong. LOL!
@Rosekitty (19368)
• San Marcos, Texas
22 Aug 08
Doesn't mean squat since April told Michelle that Jessie would be safe so i feel it will be Jerry and Michelle and Dan will tell Michelle they all want Jerry out to get her to do it...
@capirani (2789)
• United States
28 Aug 08
The deal was made up there on the ropes. Ollie would get to name one of the nominees and he and Michelle would both be safe. Also, if the POV was used, Ollie would get to name the replacement nominee. That entire deal was made during the HOH competition. It had Memphis running scared there for awhile because Dan had to put Jerry and Memphis up on the block since Memphis was Ollie's choice. Then Memphis won the POV so Ollie asked that Keesha be the replacement. But Dan and his alliance had other plans and he backdoored Michelle. He also set up that game during the POV ceremony and got everyone telling who they wanted as the replacement. Quite the game player Dan may be turning out to be. He has played his part well with pretending to be the weak one in the beginning and now coming out strong. I wasn't sure that deal was a good one myself, but I think he played it well in the end. I am pretty sure Michelle will be leaving this time.
@alexsis (2149)
• United States
22 Aug 08
I'm glad Dan won HOH! I can't believe Ollie fell down before Dan. Ollie seems more athletic than Dan. I think he will put up Jerry, I'm not sure who the other person will be. Thanks for staying up late to find out who won.
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@cortjo73 (6498)
• United States
23 Aug 08
Me too! I am sort of both surprised that Ollie dropped before Dan and not surprised. He is more athletic but, he is also bigger than Dan which means that there was more weight to support on his butt on that little disc. And, he wasn't wearing the proper stuff to keep himself a little protected from the BB manufactured elements. So, he had two things going against him compared to Dan. I think that it will be Jerry and maybe Keesha but, I have read that he is thinking about backdooring Michelle so, we'll have to see! And, it was my pleasure staying up late to find out who won!
@nicholejade (2430)
• Canada
23 Aug 08
I figured that Jerry would be one of the first people to drop. However Keesha and Michelle. HMMMM. I guess they are sure that they won't be put on the block this week. Little gutsy if you ask me. We all know its a game and things change in a blink of the eye. I already know the answer to who Dan put up. And I am not surprised at all that he put up Jerry. But the question is is he gunning for Jerry to leave? That is the real question here. Lets play it out and see what happens this week.
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@cortjo73 (6498)
• United States
24 Aug 08
Yea...Jerry sort of didn't really have much of a chance on that one. And, I started a discussion on who won the POV and what the plan may be there so, if you haven't already checked it out and don't want to know, I won't ruin it here for you. I am playing catch-up here today. LOL!
@capirani (2789)
• United States
23 Aug 08
I am trying very hard not to look at what you wrote here. LOL I don't have a problem with the spoiler discussions. But I don't like it when all the information is given in the first couple of lines so it is visible when browsing discussions. Sorry if the typing si a mess on this....I am not looking at what I am writing. LOL I don't want to know who won until I actually watch the show.
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@leenie50 (3992)
• United States
22 Aug 08
Hey Cortjo, I think Ollie will go up because he will be unhappy that Dan didn't save Ape. Then it has to be Jerry. The only other could be Renny. That's a good possibility. Thanks for your endurance last night. leenie
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@cortjo73 (6498)
• United States
22 Aug 08
Hey Leenie. My pleasure! And, I read on the feeds site, and Grandpa Bob actually scooped it before that, that Ollie and Dan made a deal and it might be Jerry and Keesha going up. The deal was to protect Ollie and Michelle. So, we'll have to see!
@Polly1 (12645)
• United States
22 Aug 08
WooHoo!! Dan is HOH. I am liking Dan more and more, as he comes out of his shell and starts kickin butt his personality shines through. Thats part of his strategy to lie low, now he is out. Now he is going to have to stay out there, he is going to have to cover his butt. I think he should put up Jerry and Ollie, those 2 would be perfect to get booted out in the double eviction night. I wonder if they will have one of Dans nomination eliminated and then have a new HOH put up two more and then vote on them for the second person to go. Its not down to the wire with the HG, they have to step up their game. So far I like how things have been going.
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@cortjo73 (6498)
• United States
22 Aug 08
If you look above a few responses, Grandpa Bob scooped who might be going up. Ollie and Dan discussed a deal last night while still playing where Dan would keep Ollie and Michelle safe and he would toss up Jerry and Keesha. As for the way the double eviction will go next week, they will evict one of Dan's nominees, then they will hold another HOH competition and immediately afterward, the new HOH will name 2 new nominees, a POV comp will take place, followed by the POV ceremony and then the HGs will vote to evict the second person. So, Dan will not get to get both of his nominations out and, since he can't play he could be in trouble. But, so can everyone.
• United States
22 Aug 08
Yay Dan! Oh I wish we could make him America's Player again and tell him who to put up!
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@cortjo73 (6498)
• United States
22 Aug 08
LOL! That would be fun! But, it would also sort of feel like cheating. So, I guess it is best for him to make his own decision here.
@sunshine4 (8703)
• United States
22 Aug 08
Dan won....yeah! I am so happy that he won. I bet he will put up Jerry and maybe Ollie? I really don't know, but Jerry has it coming!
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@cortjo73 (6498)
• United States
22 Aug 08
Yes he did! Yay! LOL! As far as who it looks like he might put up, according to Grandpa Bob...up a few responses...Ollie and Dan made a deal to keep Ollie and Michelle safe and put up Jerry and Keesha. So, it will likely be those two.
@Rosekitty (19368)
• San Marcos, Texas
22 Aug 08
LOL..just answered Grandpa Bob's discussiion about the same now i didn't copy my have.. I watched till I saw who won and was so glad since I knew Dan would win..he gets to see Monica's letter and pics... Doulbe evict week means even after all the compassion all gave him,Ollie and Memphis after they got off the vine..I feel Jerry and maybe Michelle..he will tell her that they all want Jerry out and she'll be safe..but then Thurs...She will go out too from the next Hoh... Great BBAD finally!
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@cortjo73 (6498)
• United States
22 Aug 08
LOL! I did the same thing...watched until Dan won it. I have a feeling that, unless Michelle gets HOH after Dan this coming Thursday, she will be nominated and evicted. Unless Ollie wins it. But, she is fully known by everyone to be playing all sides and that could cost her.
@Opal26 (17679)
• United States
22 Aug 08
Hey star reporter/brain twin! It's going to be a tough choice! I really don't know. I think he will put up Jerry and I don't know who he will pick maybe Ollie??? I don't know how he feels about the rest of them. If I were him I'd get Michelle the hell out. She's a two faced beotch. I'd get her done. But, Memphis and him might have a deal now to go to the end and I think that they finally should. The rest of them I don't know. I don't mind Keesha too much. Where is Renny? Did she get kicked out or die? I haven't see the show. I missed it tonight because I thought it was on at 9:00. I sat down to watch it and I couldn't believe I missed it again. I was home early tonight and I could have watched it! Anyway, twinny I know you're in dreamland and it's 2:00am and I'm still here in mylotland cause I don't have to sleep yet and I can pull an all nighter cause I can sleep all day since I have no job except this one right now. So will catch up to you when you get home from work!
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@cortjo73 (6498)
• United States
22 Aug 08
Hey my biggest fan/brain twin! So, according to Grandpa Bob, and I saw them sort of talking about deals last night when it was just the two of them left, they made a deal and Ollie and Michelle are supposed to be safe this week. So, it might be Jerry and Keesha. Thanks again to GB for the scoop! As for Renny, she is still around. She was the HOH so, she couldn't play in the competition this week. I hope you didn't stay up too much later last night! LOL!