Sacrifice? Divorce?

August 23, 2008 1:15am CST
Hey guys,there is no divorce here in the Philippines. What is your stand regarding this issue? are you in favor of divorce? Will you sacrifice in order to save your relationship? or would you just rather give up than hurt by some domestic problems brought about by unhappy living.
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7 responses
@tarachand (3895)
• India
24 Aug 08
I think living together whether officially sanctioned or not by law/morals/religion is a very personal matter to be decided upon by the two people and their children/immediate families. Marriage is a ceremony that once bound two people together, of the few important reasons for a wedded life, one of the most important reasons was allocating responsibility in matters related to the results of pleasure - children and proper upbringing of children. Today, in many countries, a level of maturity has been achieved (not as much as it should be, but far more than in the past) for both biological parents accepting responsibility of the offspring's upbringing. In many cases, the woman is not left alone holding the baby/ies, even if the biological father deserts the family. Welfare groups, some other partner, immediate family do step in to help. A divorced lady is not as shunned by society as she was a few decades ago. In any group, if a particular relationship is bad for the group and/or its members, and parting of the main leaders of that group would help members of the group and a short, medium and long term basis, then that would be the best solution. Am I making sense, am I clear? Life's Lovely! Love & Live Life! Live & Let Live!
@tarachand (3895)
• India
24 Aug 08
OOps, sorry for the typo - that should read as: n any group, if a particular relationship is bad for the group and/or its members, and parting of the main leaders of that group would help members of the group ON a short, medium and long term basis, then that would be the best solution.
• Philippines
24 Aug 08
thanks my friend! very well said,,I learn from your sharing..
@James72 (26790)
• Australia
24 Aug 08
There are also many, many people in the Philippines living together as husband and wife with children that are not even married also! It is more the Catholic influence regarding divorce than a true representation of the state of marriage as a whole there in my opinion. No I am definitely not in favour of divorce but sometimes it is a necessary evil. The issue today is that many people don't take marriage seriously enough in the first place and in countries like Australia and the US for example it is way too easy to get divorced so people tend to go down this path rather than the harder path of fixing things. Sometimes though it is just the best outcome for everyone and rather than go through a protracted effort to try to fix something broken that honestly CAN'T be fixed; for the sake of the children and each other the best thing to do is to just walk away.
• Philippines
24 Aug 08
i agree with you opinion, this is more a religious issue. Marriage isnt the basis for a good relationship anyway.. thanks for the message..
1 person likes this
• United States
23 Aug 08
I would try my best to make the marriage work but if by chance it can't be fixed no matter how hard one tries - then I am all for divorce.. a person can only give so much of theirselves before there is nothing left to give. I never knew the Philippines do not have divorces - I wonder why?
• Philippines
23 Aug 08
Well, no divorce here because most of the people here are roman catholic-a pro-marriage religion. Thanks for your message.
@dawnald (85135)
• Shingle Springs, California
24 Aug 08
If living together is worse for the children than separating, I'm gone. If living together is worse for my health, I may also go. I've already sacrificed my happiness for a long time...
@kaezy_kulet (2465)
• Philippines
24 Aug 08
divorce is not always a solution to the have been married and swear to love each other through thick and thin,for poorer or for richer..then why have you muttered this words if you did not mean it? having problems are can be resolved if two will cooperate and will be open minded in i do not think that this is a solution..i would rather accept the pain in trying to resolve problems that give up easily and have a divorce
@ShellyB (5241)
• United States
24 Aug 08
It is hard to discuss something that the mayority of the Philippines seem ok with, Do you have separation laws? And I guess the people better be super careful of their future spouse.
@sumiirajj (1983)
• India
24 Aug 08
Hi friend,Its impossible to sacrifice lifelong,but to some extent we can adjust and it depends on the kind of reason we need for a divorce.In our country those days divorce was unheard off,and was very rare,but now a days its become frequent.Ofcourse happy married life needs some sacrifices and adjustments,and we are even happy to make those sacrifices and adjustments for our loved ones,but to what extent is the question here.We needn't experience tortures in life,where in that case divorce is the remedy. thanks for sharing,happy mylotting.