Are You A Breakfast Eater?

@Chevee (5905)
United States
August 23, 2008 10:19am CST
Most say breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Do you eat breakfast? I eat breakfast every morning. I used to have a cup of coffee in the morning but my sleeping habit change this year so I only have my coffee now on the weekend when I don't have to work.
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11 responses
@valeria1 (2721)
• United States
23 Aug 08
I am the opposite I have coffee every morning and breakfast just in the weekends!
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• India
23 Aug 08
Hi You are right breakfast is a very important first meal of the day.It is not advisable to avoid breakfast.I take light breakfast a bowl of milk with cornflex or a bread sandwich.Even doctors have recommended that one should not skip breakfast at any cost.
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@roshand8 (1478)
• Sri Lanka
24 Aug 08
Yes I usually try not to skip my meals,I always try to put something in to my system when it's time,especially the breakfast.I take my breakfast one hour from rising and start my day.cheers..
@Anne18 (11029)
24 Aug 08
Breakfast is very imortant as it kick starts your body into having a good day. I like to eat bran flakes
• Netherlands
23 Aug 08
Yup, I also eat breakfast every morning since it starts up your metabolism, and it gives you energy to start the day. I think everyone has to do it because it's really necessary.
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• China
18 Sep 08
I have my breakfast everyday and I think breakfast is the most important meal of the day.I eat much in my breakfast so that I won't feel hungery until the supper.
• United States
23 Aug 08
I'm not much of a breakfast person. I think that I will have to start becoming one because there will be times that I will not be able to eat food for quite awhile so I'll need to switch and turn into a breakfast person for at least a few days a week. I'm just not a fan of the foods that are considered breakfast foods.
23 Aug 08
Hi Chevee, Yes I have breakfast every morning but befor I have my breakfast I have two cups of coffee and then I have my cornflakes and two pints of water, that is my breakfast. Tamara
@Munchkin547 (2778)
23 Aug 08
I very rarely feel hungry when i wake up in the morning but i know that breakfast is important as it gets your metabolism started and if i didn't have anything i would be so hungr it would hurt by lunchtime so i do always have something! If i get up early enough i will have a bowl of cereal and either a satsuma or an apple! at the weekends when i get a lie in i lounge about for a bit and then treat myself to a bacon sandwich and a nice hot cup of tea!! xxx
• United States
24 Aug 08
Yes, I cannot start my day without breakfast and some short exercise. I usually have a banana or orange, and a bowl of cereal or yogurt. Not a lot of fat or calories, but very nutritious to get my body going! I haven't ever had coffee for breakfast though, never got used to the taste...
• United States
24 Aug 08
i used to eat breakfast idk why but i dnt anymore i guess i stoped having time i got older went to bed later and well turned into a not morning person so i dnt eat breakfast i eat lunch tho and well durring the summer no school so i dnt wake up till 12 wich is wen lunch is anyway but if i have work and i wake up early i eat lunch so that way i wont be hungry there.