Way behind on my discussions.

@dhangski (3194)
August 26, 2008 9:21am CST
[i][b]First of all, I would like to those who've responded on all my discussions here. There's a lot of my started discussions that I'm way behind on my comments to those who've responded. I hope you understand for I was really busy and I was really mental blocked this days. Maybe, I just miss my BOF (Best Online Friend) who will not be online for a week. But don't worry, I'm catching up on all my topics. And I'm catching up on all my friends and other members discussions. I've set this day for commenting on my discussions. And will be resolving my unresolved discussions. How about you guys? Have you set a day here in mylot just to comment on your topics and to resolve your unresolved discussion? Do you comment all who've responded to your discussions? Happy Postings to all. HUGZ![/b][/i]
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12 responses
@kun2349 (23381)
• Singapore
26 Aug 08
So far, i have seen u comment to most of my response.. hehe =D even if u are busy and needs time to respond back to me, it's fine with me, as i will be in mylot almost everyday.. hehe ^_^ Since i'm in mylot everyday, i will always respond to all the discussions except for the ones i started because very rarely i will get response to my discussions.. lol =D
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@kun2349 (23381)
• Singapore
1 Sep 08
Thanks for the pencil ^_^
@skenthal (1020)
• Turkey
26 Aug 08
well if it needs comment i comment but i simply dont comment all the time just to write something i only write sometimes when people need an answer , anyway happy mylottings
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@dhangski (3194)
• Philippines
26 Aug 08
Happy mylotting to you too.
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@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
27 Aug 08
Dhangski That's perfectly okay. Eve I am far behind and it gets hard to catch up with the comments and friends discussions. But you take your time and be fine. Take care hon. I know you are in a new place (are you there already?). Take you time and be happy. Smiles....
@dhangski (3194)
• Philippines
27 Aug 08
Thanks mimpi. I'm still here. I was just busy at my kids' school. And I don't know what's happening but I really feel bored. Even if I wanted to be as active here, my mind is totally blank. HUGZ!
@mayka123 (16592)
• India
26 Aug 08
I think like you I too am way behind on my responses to the comments on my discussions. I too had a mental block. And may be because of my BOF. But he was not away for the week. Just busy. Am trying to finish commenting on all the discussions in the next two days. Hope I succeed.
@dhangski (3194)
• Philippines
26 Aug 08
I do hope you'll succeed mayka. I'm trying to finish my comments too. Goodluck to both of us. Hugz!
@neildc (17239)
• Lapu-Lapu City, Philippines
27 Aug 08
hello my best. i just steal some moments here to get online. i miss mylot a lot and most of all, you, my BOF. as promised that i will find some ways to get online, here i am posting this from an internet cafe here in iloilo. i just respond to some discussions and will get back to full work when i get back home. i already have 200+ notifications here but i respond to yours first. miss you so much, my best. neildc @ red/89/1699
@dhangski (3194)
• Philippines
27 Aug 08
Oh best. I missed you too. Good to know that you've found a way to be here. Take care ok. HUGZ!
@salonga (27775)
• Philippines
27 Aug 08
Don't worry friend although I really missed you if I noticed you were inactive here, I understand your situation! At least you have set some time to respond and not totally out through and through unlike the other old friends I have who never post at all.(I missed them!) Like you I also believe I owe it to my respondents to set aside time in responding back to them and giving the unresolved discussions enough time to grant the BR to the most deserving. I hope you get over all the things that make you busy and I hope to see more of your postings again. Have a nice day!
@dhangski (3194)
• Philippines
27 Aug 08
I missed you also whenever I'm inactive here. I'll be back in my normal mylotting by next week. HUGZ!!!
@checapricorn (16061)
• United States
26 Aug 08
[i]Hi dhang, ohhh...don't worry about that, I am sure they will understand as I do! I divide my time here, 2 hours for responding to my friends post and that is through notification and an hour for my post! This time or week, I started 2 post and I am not yet through also in giving comment! I am trying to catch up since I have a very important thing to prioritize! I am reading something here and at the same time, can't concentrate without checking mylot once in awhile..LOL![/i]
@kaleegirl45 (1515)
• United States
26 Aug 08
Hi dhangski, I'm in the same boat as you, I'm trying to play catch again. I got busy with school and before I knew it I was behind. I'm trying to respond to as many as I can every hour. I don't have a day set, but I plan on answering at least 10 a day, hope this help me. I feel bad that I haven't answered some of my friends post, but I'm getting there. good luck to you
@littleowl (7157)
27 Aug 08
Hi dhangski at the moment I have a lot of responses to do and am going to set aside a day to do them problem is everytime that I do I get interupptions and it makes it difficullt to catch up...though a friend of mine on here has quite a bit of time on her hands even after doing housework etc and in between and she manages to do at least fifty or so posts a day!! she has only been on here for just over 2mnths and is way past me and I have been on here for 7mnths..bright blessings littleowl
• Philippines
26 Aug 08
Good day... Hi, well if your busy then it's understandable, I mean our priorities come first. Yes, I do, I set aside some time for me to answer or comment in my discussion.
@dhangski (3194)
• Philippines
27 Aug 08
Thanks for understanding my friend. Until now, I've been trying to comment on my discussions. I wasn't able to finish it because of some interruptions. HUGZ!
26 Aug 08
Hi dhangski, I really do understand how busy you are and don't worry you online best friend will be back and I do miss hime myself so carry on and take your time we all be still here. Love HUGZ to you too. Tamara
@mickalotz (179)
• South Korea
1 Sep 08
first of all i am a newbie wanting to know where i can get as much responses as possible, will you be able to help me here?