Bill Clinton STABS OBAMA in the back in front of millions.

United States
August 27, 2008 9:59pm CST
Yes, it is true. The audacity of chutzpah is Bill Clinton. I heard it with my own ears as Bill Clinton 'stuck it to' Obama. Did you hear it? Here's what Bill Clinton said while endorsing Obama as close as I can recall it. This is practically exact, " After 8 years as President I'm qualified to say that Senator Obama is qualified for this job!". Whoa, analyze this! The key thing is the word 'this'. I'm positive Bill Clinton said 'this job', not 'that job'. After mentioning the job of the Presidency, the correct way to endorse Obama and be grammatically correct would be for him to have said, "Obama is qualified for 'that' job." This way 'that' would refer to the Presidency. However, Bill Clinton said, 'this job'. What is this job? The job Bill Clinton was doing at the moment, endorsing someone for the Presidency. What Bill Clinton did in front of millions was flat out say Obama was qualifed to be an endorser of the candidate for President, not that Obama was qualified to be President. I say Bill Clinton is still quite the deceitful S.O.B. when it comes to words. What do you say?
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20 responses
@coffeechat (1961)
• New Zealand
28 Aug 08
Hey Red - I am sure a good 0.01% of the US electorate caught that subtle Bill-speak. On the one hand as a Democrat ole Bill needs to keep the party standard flying. On the other hand he needs to keep the pennant aloft at home as well. This is something brinksman Bill is pretty good at. Good on you for catching it out. I have been observing the run-up to your elections with some interest, but from a distance. Thank you for keeping us all informed of the finer details. Cheers!!
• United States
28 Aug 08
Thank you for realizing I'm not exaggerating. Some other people forget that Bill Clinton is a lawyer and that profession is mostly about the precise use of language. Bill was not speaking off the cuff. This was an edited prepared speech and there is no doubt in my mind as to how Bill Clinton intended his remarks.
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@James72 (26790)
• Australia
28 Aug 08
Hmmm. I am not sure HOW to respond to this one? Is it as subliminally double edged as you say? Or is it a case of there always being an angle if we look hard enough to find one? The other question to consider is Hilary's attitude towards Obama now and the speech she has just made that of course further endorsed him. Is SHE truly behind Obama? Or is she just ensuring that her political alliance to the Democratic Party is clear and concise and ensures that it is indeed a Democrat and NOT a Republican that gains the Presidency? The fact of the matter is that Obama is the Democratic nominee. Is it a case of a "necessary evil" for him to win as far as the Clinton's are concerned? What is more important? The MAN winning or the Party? Surely for most Democrats it is the Party gaining power that is of the utmost importance rather than the man. The MAN is just the mascot. So taking this thought into consideration then maybe your point IS very valid and Bill Clinton's statements are indeed weak endorsements for Obama specifically; but he is doing what he NEEDS to do to get the Democrats over the line. The other fact of the matter is that 99.9% of voters just won't think as deeply as you have about the words he used and how he used them.
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• United States
28 Aug 08
Political junkies do pay close attention to the words. They look for subtle indicators such as this. Remember, Bill Clinton is a lawyer, a profession all about using language correctly and exactly. This was a carefully prepared and edited speech. Nothing was said that was not meant. Consider, too, Hillary needs Obama to lose so she can run in 2012. The Clintons would be more than willing for the party to suffer defeat now, so that Hillary could become President in 4 years.
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• United States
28 Aug 08
The US DOLLAR is still falling and the US stock market will probably go with it. Being the incumbant 4 years from now could be a very difficult thing.
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@James72 (26790)
• Australia
28 Aug 08
"Political Junkies" are surely the minority though yes? I can understand where you are coming from in regards to Hillary wishing to maybe have the party lose so she can run again in 2012; but find it really disturbing if this is the case. And surely it is dangerous ground on another level as well. If McCain is elected and was to extract troops from Iraq within his four year first term; AND when you consider that the market will also probably swing the other way in that time (and this too would probably be attributed to him if he is President (even though it is just market forces in general); then the only thing that would stop him being re-elected would be his age you would think. It would be a tough election to win compared to this one. Just my opinion! lol.
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@Destiny007 (5805)
• United States
28 Aug 08
Well, ol' BJ always did have a way with words. He may be a sleazebag, but he isn't stupid... at least compared to the rest of the liberals. I love it...
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• United States
28 Aug 08
I believe Bill Clinton is the kind of guy who pulls stunts like that and says the people who point it out are right wing nuts while professing his innocence.
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• United States
28 Aug 08
Well, yeah... That is a perfect way to divert attention away from the issues, and it worked so well during the Clinton years that there are still idiots who think he did a good job as president..
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@twallace (2675)
• United States
28 Aug 08
I got a chance last night to hear a little of his speech and the man did really good. I think it was really nice that they are backing Obama. Right not that is really need for him to win the election. I know right now he is ahead in the polls but anything could happen. I would like for Obama to win but the whole of the US will be the ones to determine that. Right now things look good and I hope that he will come out head. But the news did drop a few statements that if he doesn't win that it could have something to do with race. That would be so wrong to me if it does. But I still think that he will come out on top.
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• United States
28 Aug 08
If race was the deciding factor, Obama would never have gotten the nomination.
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• Philippines
28 Aug 08
Good day...Well who can exactly say? If he did it intentionally with ill humor then he's really a back stabber SOB. Just for curiosity, is he a grammatist, a perfect or conscious speaker that he thinks more than twice and really cautious in what he's saying? Because he might really had just made a mistake.
• United States
28 Aug 08
Like anyone else, I'm sure Bill Clinton could misspeak. But not in front of an audience of millions during a prepared speech. Every word is careful weighed.
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• United States
28 Aug 08
i dunno, i think we need to get this election over with, the stories and paper headlines are starting to get retarded.
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• United States
28 Aug 08
LOL... including my threads about it!
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@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
28 Aug 08
LOL I didnt hear it but that really is a good one!
1 person likes this
• United States
29 Aug 08
Classic Bill Clinton, through and through.
@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
29 Aug 08
yup I thought it was real funny though!
@irisheyes (4370)
• United States
28 Aug 08
I think you're knitpicking here, Red and by that mean you are doing the same number with words that you condemn good ole Bill for doing. LOL
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• United States
29 Aug 08
There is an old saying, that is partially true. "It takes one to know one!". Yes, I do this with words myself. I can be very good at it. However, I do it for humor and when asked explain exactly what I meant. This is not the practice of Bill Clinton. He does what he does with words to be malicious (which he does personally find funny) and never admits to the truth of it, especially when the verbiage is covering up a crime.
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@irisheyes (4370)
• United States
29 Aug 08
Red, just reading your response here makes my head spin. You do have a way with words. LOL
@clrumfelt (5490)
• United States
28 Aug 08
"From the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks." I wondered if Bill and Hill would get through the DNC without at least a small stab with their true feelings. The nearly hidden referenc to "this job" probably went right past most people, but not all. Many people may have expected a Jesse Jackson kind of tribute from Bill. His "tribute" was more discreet but still effective.
• United States
28 Aug 08
As Bill Clinton's support of other's pursuit of elected office usually results in failure for that 'other' person, Bill Clinton may have been doing this more than we have noticed. I wonder what Hillary thinks of Bill's campaign efforts on her behalf? Hopefully, Bill Clinton will do as well for Obama as he did for Hillary.
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@clrumfelt (5490)
• United States
28 Aug 08
With "friends" like Bill, who needs enemies?
@theprogamer (10534)
• United States
30 Aug 08
I didn't get to hear that part, but I'm going to look at it more broadly. On one hand, yes it does seem like a play on words and it could have been intentional (or a subconscious slip). On the other hand, people don't always choose the best words and taking one word and overanalyzing it might be too much (or perhaps I'm thinking about mylot when I consider this counterpoint... or should it be "that" ;p)
1 person likes this
• United States
30 Aug 08
"People don't always choose the best words and taking one word and overanalyzing it might be too much." Except that Bill Clinton is notorious for doing this. Bill Clinton is a weaselly lawyer and politician who very carefully choses his words, especially when giving a prepared speech. If this was ordinary conversation, I would not give it a second thought.
• United States
29 Aug 08
I love listening to slick willy, he's so funny. That purple faced letcher actually belives what he says is true half the time, well, all the time. He's had the media sniffing his shorts for so long they just listen like thievs. I caught what he said, he still thinks there's a chance he'll get back into the casa blanca and finish off what he started. He's a master at controling what the press prints, I love it when he starts to shake the braut sized finger at people. I'd grab it and break it if he did that to me, scold your wife for loosing, not the press Billy.
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• United States
29 Aug 08
Sounds like you've got Bill Clinton's number.
@sudalunts (5523)
• United States
28 Aug 08
I didn't catch that, but I did not like the fact, that when the audience was clapping, he told them to stop it. All the others who have spoken, just said thank you, thank you until the clapping stopped. I was not impressed with his speech. But I can say, that I thought Hillary was fantastic last night.
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• United States
28 Aug 08
Yes, I believe you have identified another indicator of Bill Clinton's true feelings toward Obama.
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• India
29 Aug 08
i hate Obama & i appreciate Bill if he had said tht even in a wrong sense....tht guy obama a kenyan refugee cant becom t presidnt of the US..this is ridiculos....yuck.....make him lose
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• United States
29 Aug 08
I'd love to make him lose, but the most I can do is cast my vote and urge others to vote McCain.
• United States
29 Aug 08
McCain definately has my vote!!!!!!! Obama...well he needs to get a life!!
• United States
29 Aug 08
Did we ever really expect Bill to be forth right? Besides, he did pretty well in his speech to boot
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• United States
29 Aug 08
It is foolish of me to expect Bill Clinton to be completely truthful. Yes, Bill Clinton is an excellant speaker.
@Justme2007 (1848)
• United States
28 Aug 08
You know what the song says "They smile in your face those back stabbers" Just like he got caught doing his dirt in the White House he will show his true colors sooner rather then later.
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• United States
29 Aug 08
One good thing is that after the election, whether it is Obama or McCain elected, the Clintons will become not so obnoxiously always in the news.
@dawnald (85135)
• Shingle Springs, California
28 Aug 08
I think perhaps you're reading too much into it, but maybe not.
1 person likes this
• United States
29 Aug 08
I have to admit you could be right. Only Bill Clinton knows the answer. I will say he created the doubt as to what he means by using trick language in the past.
@ladym33 (10979)
• United States
28 Aug 08
I agree he is a deceitful S.O.B. but I don't know if intentionally used that play on words, or was just using poor grammer. Maybe he meant the Obama was qualified to be the job he is now a Jr. Senator. Of course since I live in Illinois, a state that is a complete mess, I don't think so.
• United States
29 Aug 08
It is entirely possible Bill Clinton did not mean his words in the way I suggest. Only Bill Clinton knows for sure. He cast the doubt on himself with his past behavior.
• United States
29 Aug 08
I say, that Bill Clinton was RIGHT! I have several friends fighting for our country and they all say that IF Obama gets elected they are gonna give up! These guys are HERO'S and if they dont want to fight for our country under a president that refuses to salute the NATIONAL ANTHEM AND THE AMERICAN FLAG, I will SALUTE THE SOLDIERS!!
• United States
29 Aug 08
In modern times our soldiers are under appreciated, so, good for you.
@labels (88)
• Singapore
29 Aug 08
ok i did say the CAPS really got me to notice this topic. cant wait for the election to be over with so many issues in the air.
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• United States
29 Aug 08
I'm with you as to looking forward to the election being over.
• United States
28 Aug 08
I Thought it was good speech and didn't want to read to much into but an as an endorsement but after reading your post I'm disappointed. My sister-in-law said there was an agenda with Hillary too but didn't want to believe it either and now again am disappointed. And if you caught it then I guess "the no spin zone" people are going to have a field day with it. I'm ready for this election to really get started and be over soon. It's so draining!!
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• United States
29 Aug 08
Without question, it was a good speech. Bill Clinton has just lost the right to be taken at face value.