So what do you expect? I should sit here and say nothing??

@cyntrow (8523)
United States
August 28, 2008 7:06pm CST
So you reply to a controversial topic, or maybe reference a controversial topic, and I have something to say about your reply. I'm not being nasty. I'm just telling you where I think you are wrong. Do you think that I would not tell you? Do you think that I would not confront what I feel is ignorance on your part? This is a discussion site. Let's discuss. I think you are wrong in your response. I'm going to tell you. I expect that if you think that I am wrong in my response that you should tell me. What about you? Do you get offended if someone replies negatively to your response? Or do you just consider it the name of the game and go with the healthy debate? GOd, I hope this site never becomes a boring site with no discussion. What say you??
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6 responses
• United States
29 Aug 08
No I don't get offended. Nor do I give them a negative. I could care less. If I don't agree with someone they are not going to change my opinion by attacking me or saying negative things about someone. That isn't part of the definition of a discussion. I see the most negative responses about religion and homosexuality.
@cyntrow (8523)
• United States
31 Aug 08
I don't mind if someone disagrees with me. Go for it. But use helpful and insiteful arguements. Don't refuse to see my point of view. I would never refuse to see. I will only disagree. Oh and I never neg anyone unless they are blatently cheating.
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@mummymo (23706)
1 Sep 08
I do agree with you in principle cyntrow sweety and I have never found you to be nasty or mean even on the rare occasions that we do disagree! I have actually made friends who I first met on opposite ends of a debate in so called controversial topics and I think that is the way it should be BUT I am finding more and more that people who do not agree with others are getting personal. rude and downright nasty (not you though) and whilst I agree this is a discussion forum I also have to say that does not mean it is an argument or bitter forum. Good to see you sweets. Hugs xxx
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@mmiller26 (1930)
• Canada
3 Sep 08
If someone replies negatively to something that I've said, I'm okay with it. Because I'm likely going to reply back with something they don't like. lol. I think debate is healthy. Argument can be too, provided that what we're arguing about is relevant to the discussion. I love controversial issues and it's always interesting to me to see what people are really thinking. There are people who won't say certain things in their every day life because of fear of reprisal, but will spew the most ignorant bullsh!t once they're in an anonymous setting. That fascinates me, in a morbid sort of way. I also like arguing with someone who actually has something to say, and has an original thought, instead of just saying the same damn things that their parents or family or religion has taught them--like robots. Sometimes I learn something from those who actually take the time to use those rocks in their skulls for something other than who the latest celebrity is dating. You and I seem to end up in a lot of the same kinds of discussions, and you certainly know my viewpoints on a number of issues. I agree, this site would be boring as hell if everyone started agreeing with each other and never wanted to "get into it." The discussions where everyone has strong feelings one way or the other are the discussions that keep me coming back to see what's been newly posted.
• Canada
31 Aug 08
I love a healthy debate. I never take offense to someone stating their opinion. However, name calling, cursing at, telling you when you can speak and cannot, childish behaviour and over-reacting are not healthy and I take offense to that. I would prefer not to have to endure it and would not do that to anyone, so expect it in return. Unfortunately to some people, this site, is their whole life, and they take things wayyyy tooooo seriously. We are here to have fun, debate, meet new people, share different opinions, learn about other perspectives. I like that part. I agree, without HEALTY debate, this would be a boring place to be. Thanks for wording this discussion so spectacularly.
@cyntrow (8523)
• United States
31 Aug 08
thanks, annie. I always appreciate your opinion and insite. It's funny how people will challenge me at every turn, yet when I challenge them, they accuse me of being angry and confrontational. I just don't get it. LOL
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• Canada
31 Aug 08
OOOPs. I forgot to edit first. Should be HEALTHY instead of HEALTY. But that's how a newf would say it and with class, too. I love listening to people with accents speak. Well, certain ones, anyway.
@Jenaisle (14079)
• Philippines
31 Aug 08
I agree heartily. Nobody must have that assumption that he has the monopoly of intelligent ideas. We are all entitled to have our own perceptions of things, so we must be allowed to express it as long as the guidelines of mylot will be followed. If you are certain of your facts then you should be allowed to state them. This would allow us to learn more from each other. We can argue or debate without being nasty to each other. That's how learned people do it. They do it with style and finesse. What is a forum withouyt active discussions? Way to go cyntrow. Keep posting.
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@cyntrow (8523)
• United States
31 Aug 08
Yeah, and thanks. The name of the game is dialogue. Perhaps if we could all dialogue, the world would be a less hateful place. Thanks again.
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@Jenaisle (14079)
• Philippines
31 Aug 08
That should spell -without active discussions- .
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• Canada
29 Aug 08
One of the reasons that I joined this site was to hear what other people had to say on certain subjects... debating an issue is not only normal and healthy but it gives me the opportunity to see things in a different perspective even if its one that I may not agree with... debate on people debate on... and please don't be so sensitive
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@cyntrow (8523)
• United States
29 Aug 08
I soooo agree. I generally read other replies before I reply to a discussion myself. If I feel the need to respond to a response I will. Some people take offense to it. I don't get it.
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