How Do You Identify A Friend? Avatar or Username.

@Chevee (5905)
United States
August 31, 2008 5:15pm CST
I usually identify my friends by their avatar, before I look at their username, when there are more than one member using the same avatar it gets kind of confusing, I just saw a couple of posts with no response, and I remember accepting, that person as a friend so I was going to help them out by responding to their discussion. My mind told me to go to my profile page and find the friend. I was wondering why they had so many no responses post. That's when I found out that it wasn't the one on my friends list it was a new person with the same avatar. Have done this before?
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21 responses
@lilaclady (28207)
• Australia
31 Aug 08
Oh I always look at the avatar, I get confused with all the names, some are so similar. But i have never been good at remembering names anyway, so i think it is a good idea for people to keep the same avatar as we all have our favourite posters we look for.
@Chevee (5905)
• United States
31 Aug 08
I agree, I was about to change mines until I come cross this situation.
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• Philippines
1 Sep 08
No, so far, it didn't happen to me. As for identifying my friends, I identified them by their avatar as well especially if their avatar is really noticeable and interesting. Sometimes on their username if it happens their names was quite easily to remember.
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• United States
1 Sep 08
I haven't had that problem on this site, but I have on others. Usually, I look at the username first because of the fact that so many people can end up using the same avatars. Of course, it also depends on which site I'm on. Here, it's strictly username, but on a couple other sites it's the avatar because I know a few people who have unique avatars. The kind that no one else would ever think to use. LOL
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@mayka123 (16590)
• India
1 Sep 08
I usually identify everyone by their username. There are very few that I recognize by their avataar.
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@salonga (27775)
• Philippines
1 Sep 08
It actually depends. If the name is easier to remember like yours, I'd identify you by name. But your Aviatar has some impact on me as well so I remember you with both. Some username here are so hard to remember so most of the time I'd look at the Aviatar to distinguish my friends. The problem here is when one changed his Aviatar. The name certainly cannot be changed but the Aviatar can always be. So as much as possible, I want to memorize the names of my friends but their Aviatar also give me a lot of help when it comes to identification.
@razor123 (979)
• India
1 Sep 08
I usually identify my friends by their user name. Cause usually they have the same on on all sites. But if its changed then pretty difficult to find out who the person is. None of my friends would be able to guess who i am as i keep different user names on most of the sites and Forums i'm there on. The avatars are different too. Lolzzz..
• United States
1 Sep 08
I identify a friend by their responses.
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@pinklilly (3443)
• Australia
1 Sep 08
I usually identify them from their Avater and it confuses me when they change it..... I have a few from my first friends which I remember their names but still would recognise more from their avater pic..... The Pics stand out more I think..... I have only come across a couple of people sharing the same pics....
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@Bluepatch (2476)
• Trinidad And Tobago
1 Sep 08
Both, basically, but if the avatar is attractive I respond accordingly. I'm not a name hater but some names are more attractive to me than others. A nice looking avatar can be a deciding factor with me. But what I think is nice is not what everyone thinks is nice. If you know what I mean.
@dhangski (3194)
• Philippines
1 Sep 08
Hi Chevee. I usually identify friends here by their usernames. I tried to memorize them. I don't rely on just their avatars because there were times that they change it. And it will be confusing on my part. Keep postings. HUGZ!
@ShellyB (5241)
• United States
1 Sep 08
So far it has not happen to me. I tend to look at the avatar and username :)
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• United States
1 Sep 08
I recognize the name usually I wish people on here used more personal avitars... It just gets so confusing looking at all the same avitars all the time lol!
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@lilcee (2703)
• United States
31 Aug 08
I'm new here so I haven't gotten many friends yet. But I usually look at the name and the avatar in case there are more than one person with that same one.
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@gusta7 (6)
1 Sep 08
I like using Id than avatar..because they could call me and its easy to remember my Id than My avatar
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@royal52gens (5488)
• United States
1 Sep 08
Most of my friends have very unique avatars and they are easy to recognize. I have run across people who have avatars that are alike. In that case, I recognize the person by their username. Most of my friends will also let me know when they change their avatars.
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@checapricorn (16061)
• United States
1 Sep 08
[i]HI Chevee, I identify them with the username! and some avatar will help me also! So far, I only met 2 members here who have the same avatar but my friends has so much numbers beside her handle name so I can tell right away! Enjoy![/i]
@Tianna2 (1273)
• United States
1 Sep 08
Hi Chevee, every now and then you will see more then one person using the same avatar. Usually if they see or are told about each other they will change. I usually recognize people by their avatar as its hard to keep all of their names straight in my head. I guess thats why it gets hard when people change their avatars. Cheers, Tianna
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@bunnybon7 (50973)
• Holiday, Florida
31 Aug 08
i usually tell by their name. i work from my email, so i dont see the avatar till after i answer the ones that interest me.
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31 Aug 08
Hi Chevee, I always look at the user's name first then the avatar, but I never notice that my friends use other user avatar, I will look closely now. Thanks. Love & Huggs Tamara
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@joyadalia (1408)
• Philippines
1 Sep 08
Usually with the avatar. I also find my posts by my avatar. So when friends change avatars I do get confused. When I change avatars I also get confused . Crazy me .
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