Worried about daughter in 9th grade with Phys Ed

@Virgie60 (556)
United States
September 1, 2008 5:46pm CST
Hi! I am concerned about how my daughter will deal with Phys Ed this year. She has it every day 1st hour. She has two diseases Celiac Disease and ulcerative colitis. Because of these diseases she became anemic this summer and needed iron infusions. She still has problems with fatigue and weakness so I really wonder how well Phys Ed will go for her. She also only weighs 67 lbs. so is not very big for when they have to lift weights. I am hoping to get a 504 plan for her and I have talked to the Phys Ed teacher but am still worried. Any other advice on how to handle this? I want her to be able to stay in school and not get sick because of Phys Ed right away in the morning. Help??!!
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4 responses
@Kaeli72 (1229)
• United States
1 Sep 08
Sorry to hear your little girl had such a bummer of a summer. I'm sure she'll get stronger and better before not too long. Now, about the school. Cover all the bases: talk to the PE teacher as well as the other ones she has. When your daughter started the new year, you should have filled out a health card so the nurse will have her condition on file. That way, if anything does happen, the school was notified and should have acted accordingly. But, I know PE teachers aren't Drill Instructors or Drill Sergents. They aren't going to push your daughter to the point where she's going to get sick. If they are any good, they'll allow her to preform as comfortable as she is willing.
@suspenseful (40193)
• Canada
1 Sep 08
First what you should do is to get her checked up by her doctor, and if you have already not already done so, take the note to the school nurse. The school nurse will informed phys ed. what she or cannot do. I gather that 504 plan is for those who are unable to do the heavy weight lifting or energetic exercises that the other girls can do. I am sure that the teacher will make sure that she does not do anything that is too strenuous and she might just start her on walking around the gym.
@djoyce71 (2511)
• Philippines
1 Sep 08
It's good that you told the teacher early about the condition of your child. In that case, the teacher will be excusing her in strenuous activities. She should have a medical certificate from the doctor also to be excused. Don't worry, just monitor the activities and the food of your daughter and she'll be fine.
@cjfoust (614)
• United States
1 Sep 08
I would make sure she eats a healthy breakfast every morning. It is great that you have had contact with her teacher. I would stay in close contact with him/her throughout the year. I'm sure if he/she has been understanding so far, everythign will be okay. Every parent worries about their child no matter what, if they don't, there's a problem!