what is a friend?

United States
September 4, 2008 11:35pm CST
in the dictionary the word friend means1 one attached to someone with esteem or affection 2 a favored companion but to one individual i know feels that a friend is someone who gotta do something for you that only true friends do something for you! i feel that a friend is just like the dictionary says what do you think?(hello boo)
1 response
@tlaquan (177)
• United States
14 Dec 08
To me a friend is someone that will be there for me no matter what through the good and the bad who will not judge me because of my looks attitude or by boyfriend a friends will be someone that i can trust to tell my secrets too that i would not worry about her tellin them to anyone else a friends will be there to comfort you when you are down and you will be the same for you friend