Got a best bud?

September 7, 2008 8:10am CST
i dont know if most people do have one best bud or better have many of them. well for me, i have my bestfriend since i was 12 but it doesnt mean i cant have lotsa friends. does one of your friend really stand out or theres equal treatment for all of them?
4 responses
@moimaia (20)
• Philippines
8 Sep 08
hey there sexy leydehh. LOL It is really fun to have tons of friends but for me,people need to have a couple of friends or even only one BESTfriend whom you can tell everything to, spill your guts out and most especially someone who's willing to lend you her shoulder for you to cry on.. however, these so-called 'bestfriends' or 'bestbuds'as what you have termed 'em, may not be there ALL THE TIME because of some instances that we aren't in control of.charot when it comes to how you treat the friends you have, personally i guess in some aspects, my bestfriend or my close friends really stand out because the experiences/times/things we've shared are way much deeper than the things i've shared with those of my acquaintances. (litse. kung baga sa tagalog, nasa lalim ng pinagsamahan na yan. HAHA) There are those FRIENDS whom you can totally be crazy and stupid with and tell them your deepest darkest secrets; while there are also those friends whom your too shy to expose your crazy sides. tughsh! :D (depende rana sa tao..)
• Canada
9 Sep 08
hahahahahha how about a round of applause? LOL. its really worth the wait may haha
8 Sep 08
i do have a lot of friends and some of them really stand out. but this doesn't mean that they become my best friends. there are too many of them! i can't really choose who among them is the best because they are different kinds of people and they all treat me at their best.
• Canada
8 Sep 08
thats another way to look at it, thanks. you seem familiar surprise me haha :)
@kaytee717 (188)
• United States
7 Sep 08
I have quite a few close friends.But my best friends are close to my heart and have been with me through thick and thin and many years. Its nice to hear that you have been close to your friend that long. Friends are the family we get to choose!
• Canada
8 Sep 08
i agree with you kaytee. im as optimist as you in dealing with friends. thanks :)
• Philippines
7 Sep 08
yeah. you know jheanette right? we've been friends ever since we're in 4th grade so we're really close and she already knows me a lot. but that doesn't make you less important. i value all of my close friends maybe not equally but similarly.;-)
• Canada
8 Sep 08
thanks, im happy to hear that. i hope everyone would have the same thought :)