My immediate boss is hard to get along with

@mari123 (1861)
September 8, 2008 8:45pm CST
If you find your immediate boss is hard to get along with, what will you do? I am in the case. My boss is a lady, which makes the situation worse. When she is busy, she will forget something, and then she may make some mistakes. But she never admits that the mistakes are hers, instead, she will attributes the mistakes to you. And you cannot quarrel with her, coz she is a lady, you cannot be too rude. And if you have some conflicts with her, she may take the revenge some day. I am very upset now. what will you do if you are in the same situation?
5 responses
@deedeehall (1144)
• United States
18 Nov 08
i had this same problem with a male i kind of ignored it for a while although it really did bother me .every one else around me started noticing it and it adventually was reported to the owner.
@williamjisir (22819)
• China
9 Sep 08
Try to get a higher position in the same company than her or leave this one for a better one. Otherwise, I think you will have to suffer working under her. What do you think, buddy?
@n30wing (4767)
• Philippines
9 Sep 08
I think your not only in this kind od situation. I think when you love your work even the salary is not enough,as long as your enjoying it. Not all people we can please,and sometimes it take time. But if you tried everything,and still it doesn't work out fine,by now your starting to look for another job. Just playing it safe. Still just try to do your job well,while searching for a better job or work for you,you just can't tell right? Then working and your not happy about it. Take it one day at a time. God bless!
@baileycows (3665)
• United States
9 Sep 08
I really hate that you are having to many problems with your boss. Luckily the bosses that I work for are very laid back and we have a specific amount of work that has to be done so their work not being done can not fall back on us. Maybe trying submitting something anomoysly (spelling) to her boss and see if you can come from the top down to fix the issue.
@tatiana07 (497)
• Philippines
9 Sep 08
you'll not have a good working environment if your boss is hard to get along with. .or maybe she's only try to communicate with her to know what is her goal and priorities at work..accept criticism if that will make you improve your work..boss is there to help you more inclined with your work to be efficient and effective..(",).. all my immediate superior before are nice and easy to get along with that's why no hard times working with them..,(",)