Uninspired... jaded... unmotivated... bored beyond belief..... Is it just me?

@James72 (26790)
September 11, 2008 2:10am CST
I don't know what my issue is at the moment? I have had the chance in the last motnh or so to be more proactive than ever on mylot and lately I am just not feeling it! I search and search and search and I am struggling to find topics that inspire me like they used to. Is it because I spend more time on here lately and see more than before? Or am I right in thinking that we have seen a bit of slump in creativity lately on mylot? I want to make the most of the little free time I have at the moment and post, post, post; but I am finding it hard! Am I alone here?
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69 responses
• Singapore
11 Sep 08
Come sit beside me, James. We are together in this. I had been relatively active a while back to but I am currently nursing a myLot burnout syndrome as coined by a fellow myLotter. I just can't bring myself to face the workload of starting discussions. Writing up a discussion is a piece of cake and I can do it before I finish a Mars bar but the commenting? That would take heck of a lot of time. So I hesitate. Really, I feel like starting another discussion yet I can't bring myself to. I am just responding a bit here and there but there don't seem to be much to respond to. Probably, it is just "me".
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@James72 (26790)
• Australia
11 Sep 08
I will sit with you my friend but we may have to meet halfway..... How does Mauritius or the Seychelles sound as both would be wonderful this time of the year? You too have been around mylot for some time now and would have experienced these slumps time and time again. This one just seems a tad longer than usual is all. I will keep on keeping on and hopefully the situation will change sooner rather than later whether it is "me" OR something else! Thanks for responding and don't forget your sunscreen when we meet.....
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@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
11 Sep 08
Wizzy, that Mars thing would work if not for you but surely for James.
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@James72 (26790)
• Australia
11 Sep 08
Deary, deary me...... Can you FEEL the joy....... Can you FEEL it? A Mars a day helps you work, rest and play; but can it help mylot??? I will buy one this weekend and we shall see. Actually no, I will not eat before I go and buy fifty!
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@alokn99 (5717)
• India
11 Sep 08
No, you are not alone James. It does get hard to find really inspiring topics. There are a few interesting and inspiring discussions which i find now and then started by friends like you. Although there has been a significant rise in the mylot population, there has been no evident rise in the good quality discussions. There are so many repeat discussions or most of them are the "bux this bux that" kind of ones. Trying to get my thoughts together on this. Should give you some interesting ones over the next couple of days.
@James72 (26790)
• Australia
11 Sep 08
Don't even get me started on the "Bux" discussions. lol. Although sad that it has become like this, I am at least happy to hear I am not alone in thinking this way. I wait in anticipation for your literary brilliance that will turn the tides then! Thanks for responding and good luck getting those thoughts together!
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• Singapore
11 Sep 08
Yea! I must have answered the same things like 10 or 20 times already.
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@James72 (26790)
• Australia
11 Sep 08
Oh you'd be a "Bux Boy" for sure! You more than likely have a Bux cap and matching t-shirt too..... And a bumper sticker! "Honk if you LOVE Bux!".
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@checapricorn (16061)
• United States
11 Sep 08
[i]Hi James, I have enough notification from friends to work with so, I have no problem about searching for topics! But, I know some of those post I am just ignoring since it talks about earning and other sites to work with etc! I have that feeling also but very rare and I am glad that I have an alternative! So, I just jumped back and forth! Just keep searching, maybe you will find in hot topics or today's top![/i]
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@James72 (26790)
• Australia
11 Sep 08
I am pretty much a "searchaholic" these days! lol. I have many friends with some wonderful discussions also but it is what to do AFTER I have spent time in their topics that I am struggling with. Things do seem to be improving in my mindset already today so let's see. I avoid the earning posts like the plague also! Thanks for responding.
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@Hatley (163781)
• Garden Grove, California
11 Sep 08
hi James I cannot see how you could not find one or two discussions that interest you when we have one hundred forty three thousand four hundred and forty nine users here. Dont 'be so picky. Maybe the title doesnt appeal to you but read the rest of the discussion and you may be pleasantly surprised. I think we are pretty creative here in mylot and just search a bit and you will find what you seek. happy mylotting.
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@James72 (26790)
• Australia
11 Sep 08
Thank you Hatley! Picky I am then! There is no question that they are there to be found, it is more the fact that I am having to wade through more topics and more sections than usual to find them! (By the way I do tend to read content beyond just the title as well) I am by no means a quitter and will continue to seek! I am just hopeful that there will be a shift away from all of the bux and other inane topics sooner rather than later. This is yet another mylot trend I feel that will surely right itself, it just seems to be lasting a little longer than usual this time around. Thanks for responding.
2 people like this
• United States
11 Sep 08
No, James, you are not alone. I also have a hard time finding discussions to respond to. Not much has really popped out at me lately. The other day, I did respond to about 40+ discussions, only after I searched a bit. I have been bored out of my gourd, too. It's been that way for me at work, too.
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@James72 (26790)
• Australia
11 Sep 08
"Bored out of my gourd!" I like that! lol. I think it is all cyclical. From a personal AND mylot perspective so let us both hope that the drought will soon be over! At least you managed to find 40 I guess! Thanks for responding.
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@James72 (26790)
• Australia
11 Sep 08
Good for you then! It is certainly rewarding to have days like this and I hope for many more of them myself. Just seems few and far between these days but I am hopeful!
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• United States
11 Sep 08
It's pretty rare that I find more than 20 to respond to. I was just doing that the other day so I can bump up my earnings a little bit. I kinda paid off, though, because I made around 85 cents the other day.
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@MOMMASAM (1004)
• United States
11 Sep 08
well, i haven't been here long enough to have such a dry spell as you. perhaps a lot of the "fun" peeople are gone? perhaps you are too focuses? for me, when all else fails, i go to cooking and cats. it's safe and a good place to read. no stress in these 2 topics !
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@James72 (26790)
• Australia
12 Sep 08
Cooking AND cats! Thank goodness there isn't a topic called "cooking cats" as well! lol. I think it IS a case of too much focus sometimes. A break every now and then as people are suggesting might ease the frustration! Thanks for responding.
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• United States
11 Sep 08
Shucks, what's to get bored about? Just surf the net until you find something either unusual, funny, or thought provoking. Then start a discussion about it with a link to what you found.
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@James72 (26790)
• Australia
11 Sep 08
Hmmmm. Why does this sound familiar?? lol. I have been making an effort to start more discussions than usual lately but prefer to be a responder if I can help it. I have my core "contacts" that keep me going; just wish there were more! Thanks for the response and the advice.
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@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
11 Sep 08
Hi James See I told you, you need counseling!! lol.. More seriously, James, I feel that this is but a phase and we all go through in some point in life, be it here or otherwise. And when go through this, I find even the good discussions as uninspiring. On the contrary, when on more proactive days I find most discussion ( except what's your favorite dish or some intense personal sharings ..) as engaging. It has more to do with my present frame of mind. I feel, the assortment of ideas more or less remain the same, unless some Big Bang recreation or some major gadget is being decided on. Its always between this or that but what's important is how we put it, how we express it and make it intriguing. This is more apt in forums like mylot since it’s like a diary or personal journal and less of a public forum that initiates debates for a massive outlook makeover. What’s more disconcerting, however, is a demotivated James! Mr. James cannot be uninspired, jaded or demotivated for he has the ability of repair, recreate, renovate and metamorphose the most drab of topics to an intriguing one. So shred off and get going….
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@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
11 Sep 08
I get that you are actually so over it. The block's kinda clearing and if you add little bit of stretching, looking up at the firmament or do some shopping, (read eating). I am sure you will do great. Happy eating.
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@James72 (26790)
• Australia
11 Sep 08
Stretching as well? Shredding..... Stretching..... Eating..... I am definitely gonna need to relax after all of this crap! lol. Grocery shopping is this weekend; will keep you posted!
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@James72 (26790)
• Australia
11 Sep 08
Oh! So we start the day with more subliminal insults then mimpi? God help me! For the record I AM motivated to keep searching and searching I am just a little jaded because it seems to be becoming harder and harder these days to find things of interest. I know this is a personal phase as well as a mylot phase and phases always change! My mood changes of course and I too gravitate towards differing topics ranging from the inane to the intellectual totally dependent on how I am feeling at the time as well. Thanks for responding and yes, I shall go and shred off! (I thought that was a skiiing term or something but hey! I'm open to shredding on here too if that's what it takes!) lol.
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@subha12 (18441)
• India
11 Sep 08
it is the phase that most of us on mylot face once in a while. may be there are truly not discussions that you are interested to answer. or may be you have got bored with this. may be taking few days off will help.
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@James72 (26790)
• Australia
11 Sep 08
Yes, I have experienced this before but it just seems to be lasting far longer than usual is all. I will be able to visit mylot far less than usual in the coming weeks so let's see! Thanks for responding.
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• Philippines
11 Sep 08
People sometimes feel that. Last year I felt the same with mylot and after getting my first pay here..I just got totally bored and I just don't want to respond to anything or post anything at all. Then this year after a long long break I am back and try my best to answer as much as possible as I can. I have been paid twice this year and sometimes I still get bored but I don't push myself into doing discussions or responding to it. I just go with the flow of what I can do..You are never alone my friend.
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@James72 (26790)
• Australia
11 Sep 08
I am glad I am not alone here then! I will have to slow down a lot on mylot in the coming weeks so this should help cure my boredom blues for sure. Too much time on here is bound to get to you eventually! Thanks for responding and nice to see you back!
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@dawnald (85135)
• Shingle Springs, California
11 Sep 08
I feel the same way today. In fact my own posts are pretty doggone boring today too. lol
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@James72 (26790)
• Australia
11 Sep 08
I don't think I have even SEEN any of your posts yet today dawnald? Let us hope that their is light at the end of the tunnel and this changes soon! Thanks for responding.
3 people like this
• Singapore
11 Sep 08
Well, there are times when I can't find anything interesting to comment. After looking at the list on the home page and refreshing it a couple of times, I will begin to feel the way you are feeling. But I always feel that maybe there are some good discussions going on I'm not aware of. So I usually try to search my interests or add new friends who may give you a different perspective in terms of discussions they would start. I have to post more since I'm a little lagging in earnings, especially if I want to make payout this month.
@James72 (26790)
• Australia
11 Sep 08
Oh I am surprised I haven't got repetitive strain injury from pressing that bloody refresh button! lol. I have been adding many new friends also and searching in many new places that I would ususally ignore so let's see how it all pans out..... Thanks for responding and good luck reaching payout!
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@SaviourV (260)
• Malaysia
11 Sep 08
Saviour-V teleports in... No, you aren't the only one. And apparently, it takes something major to get me to post. Case in point: the recent loss of my faithful, beloved, 4-year-old laptop. Some thief broke into my car and stole it while I was window-shopping back on Tuesday evening. Because of this, I am now forced to make more money to get myself a new weapon within 3 months. And although it's a long shot, if I ever manage to catch the thief, he's going to ne in for a whole world of hurt, believe me. Saviour-V teleports out...
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@James72 (26790)
• Australia
11 Sep 08
I was wondering when you might teleport back in..... Well the theft of a laptop seems good enough motivation to get proactive to me! Sorry to hear that it was stolen though. Karma will catch up with the dude anyways so I wouldn't get too worked up on revenge. Thanks for responding and good luck getting a new laptop!
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• United States
11 Sep 08
i think you're right. i haven't found that there are a lot of good discussion but since i could every cent i force myself to respond to the ones that seem stupid. there are some that are really good and therefore i have no problem responding but it is hard to discuss when the topics are always about bux. i mean you don't have to post a new discussion for it you can just look for old discussions and your answer will probably be there.
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@James72 (26790)
• Australia
11 Sep 08
Variety is the spice of life! It is just a shame there is not as much of it as there usually is lately. And no argument from me regarding the bux discussions, the number of them on here is insane. It will change for the better as it always does eventually so no choice but to be patient for now! Thanks for responding.
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@reinydawn (11643)
• United States
12 Sep 08
I find that when I'm least expecting it, I get a brainstorm of an idea for a discussion. The only problem is that I'd be nowhere near my computer. Then when I am I'm a total mental block. I've found that carrying around a small pad of paper helps me a bit because I can jot down interesting things that happen during the day, then start all my discussions when I'm home.
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@reinydawn (11643)
• United States
15 Sep 08
I think of stuff all the time - like at my uncles memorial service yesterday. It would have been a bit awkward to whip out the pen and paper and scribble (I was in the front row!) but I did remember it and I'll be writing about it. But, normally, if it's not written down, it's as good as gone! Good luck!
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@James72 (26790)
• Australia
23 Sep 08
I have to agree that inspiration can strike us at the oddest of times! Good luck to you also.
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@James72 (26790)
• Australia
12 Sep 08
It's funny actually. My wife became a member of mylot a little over a month ago and we can be anywhere really and suddenly one of us will come up with a discussion idea! Of course we are nowhere near the computer nor anywhere near a pad and pen most of the time this happens so we tend to rely on each other to remind ourselves when we get home! Carrying a small pad is a good idea. Thanks for responding.
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@stella1989 (2274)
• India
12 Sep 08
NO your not alone James.. I am with you as well. I loved responding to people here in mylot some month ago.. but now it just seems that no topic interests me at all. I have search lots of pages to find that one topic in which I would like to respond. I am kinda choosy here in selecting topics to respond.. earlier I had almost 10 topics to respond to in a day, but now there are more days where I just can't find a single topic to respond to and I end up logging out as my mood also sinks down and after that I can't even start any discussion of my own as well. And yes I must admit am not that philosopher kind as well, so you will always find my discussions simple and casual. As I usually ask my life related question here in mylot.
@James72 (26790)
• Australia
12 Sep 08
I believe I have responded to some of your topics myself actually? My mood tends to go up and down also and I am sure this would be the same for most of us. I am feeling pretty upbeat today and by the end of yesterday I was also feeling better about evryhting so let's hope my attitude continues! Thanks for responding.
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• India
12 Sep 08
Yes you did. keep in touch..
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@Tetchie (2932)
• Australia
12 Sep 08
My goodness James, long time no see. Well that unmotivated and uninspired space hit me awhile ago. I hadn't visited here for months and only did because Barehugs just gave me a best response for something I wrote 4 months. I've been back at Hubpages and a friend put me onto Facebook. Facebook is very good for the bored. Hubpages has been wonderful for me lately. I've found some inspired writers who inform and make me laugh, make me think and get me riled up too. Can't help being riled with the election carry-on at the moment. Am back here having a look around so I may not see you for another few months again.
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@James72 (26790)
• Australia
23 Sep 08
Knighthood Game? There's one of THOSE too? God help me!
@James72 (26790)
• Australia
12 Sep 08
It HAS been some time Tetchie! I too am on Facebook but to be honest I can't stand it! I get bombarded with every invitation and application under the sun and it drives me crazy as I have no idea what half of them even are or mean! lol. I have been owned, bought, sold, poked and Gid knows what else I have practically forgotten who I even AM on there! lol. Thanks for responding and good to see you back; even if only for a little while!
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@Tetchie (2932)
• Australia
13 Sep 08
Darn, I was hoping you'd join my Knighthood game!
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• United States
12 Sep 08
Yeah, I noticed.
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@James72 (26790)
• Australia
12 Sep 08
Short and sweet! Have we lost the magic between us Ms Buddha?
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• United States
12 Sep 08
I was just too bored to type up the rest of the words that went along with the above observation. I used to go to your profile like a bird in a freshly plowed field looking for all the 'worms' your plowing through the pages of mostly insipid and ridiculous discussions had turned up. I had noticed that you weren't turning up too much lately. But yeah, I think some of the magic has worn off. I find your stoicism a little boring. I could just be in a slump myself though.
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@James72 (26790)
• Australia
12 Sep 08
Well I take my hat off to you for your honesty; can't ask for much more than that. If it IS a slump for you also then hook me up again when it ends! (Maybe by this stage I will be in DC too) It was fun while it lasted!
@bombshell (11256)
• Germany
11 Sep 08
hi there,i am the same. you are not alone!not in the mood sometimes just search and search and sometimes get bored. cannot even consentrate to reply some discussion.in my case my mood are depending the weather thats why i am like thisif sunshine i feel great but if rain,cold and windy hmmmm not in the mood of everything.yeah and the topic also specially politics too much in my head and goes to my nerves.
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@James72 (26790)
• Australia
11 Sep 08
Hi! It seems that yes, there are many that feel the same which is good to know! I too am of course affected by mood each time I am on here but given the fact that there are over 140,000 members you would think I would still find it a breeze to find things of relevance easily. But it seems it is just getting harder. Hopefully the tide will change sooner rather than later as it has done so in the past. I don't mind politics actually; it's all the posts about the money making sites that drive me crazy! Especially bux related topics..... Thanks for responding.
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@bombshell (11256)
• Germany
11 Sep 08
i hope it will change as you said.
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@James72 (26790)
• Australia
11 Sep 08
We shall MAKE it change! Power to the people!
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• Philippines
11 Sep 08
Hi James. I am just new here, barely a month MyLotting, and i am already experiencing the lull. What i have realized is that we ran out of topics, or we just couldn't seem to find the right discussions to reply to because we are constantly glued here. We need breaks, we need to exhale so we can "inhale" certain topics that don't seem appealing to us. Because we can be so discriminating with regards to topics posted, we tend to ignore the fact that we can actually spice them up, improvise them, whatever. And this is also because we tend to become so impersonal the longer we stay infront of the PC. I guess...Somewhere in our conscious minds seemed to freeze. We have become programmed to "just write and post." It is like "technical begets technical" or whatever you may call it. Hey James, there is life here. Take it easy, relax, go out. It's just writer's bleak (lol).
@James72 (26790)
• Australia
11 Sep 08
I am getting a lot of advice about relaxing! lol. Believe me I have many breaks on here. I have mylot in the background and visit it in between work I am doing..... I guess that when you have been a member for so long you have certain expectations based on past experiences; and when those expectations suddenly are not met for an extended period of time the immediate move is to question it! Yes you are new; but you are also one of the newcomers that DOES make a considerable effort compared to many others that do not. Funnily enough after writing this topic I seem to be having some joy on mylot today so maybe the tide is turning already! lol. Thanks for responding.
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@James72 (26790)
• Australia
11 Sep 08
A reinion of the great minds would be wonderful! There are a number of members that are no longer active on here that I wish so much were still around but they just got tired of it all I guess. I am an eternal optimist and no matter what, I am here for the long haul! I am just venting I suppose! A big rest for me is on the horizon by the way as my work load is about to increase dramatically with a new venture I am a part of. There have of course been ups and downs on here in the last month or so that I have been so active on mylot but such is life!
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• Philippines
11 Sep 08
Well then i think there should be a "reunion" of some former great minds here. They should write "sense" once again. At least try, just to spark up something inside those like you whose interest seem to wane. Or maybe not. I hope if i go through that after-a-thousands-post-lull phase, i will still know how to take a break (lol).
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